Saturday, March 17, 2007
Piano Lesson Time - Redux
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Leo was wrong though -
"avec le temps", on n'oublie pas et on ne cesse pas d'aimer.
Pas quand on a un coeur de chair
et de sang.
Como nos temos.
No peito do filho.
No coração da esposa.
He led a good, exemplary life.
He would have been 73 today.
Deus Te Abençoe, Pai
Eu guarderei a tua memoria viva neste mundo.
Hora por mim.
Eu rezerei por teu descanço iterno tambem.
Tal qual como eu lutei por teu descanço e bem està neste mundo.
Queria que tu estevesses connosco até houje
queria que tu estevesses connosco até o fim do mundo.
Deus decidi de fazer as coisas de outra maneira
Para o teu bem, tenho a certeza, Santo Pai.

I'll mention here also that there was another passage into the Great Beyond that was commemorated this past Monday; as the 12th of March marked the 5th anniversary already of the passing of a friend's mother, Françoise Leclair, who died from cancer.
Mme. Leclair was an extremely well-liked teacher in the late 1970s, at the elementary school Beau-Sejour - where I was myself a student and could have easily been one of her students (though, as far as I can recall, I had not the privilege.)
She knew my father - not too well, but they had spoken.
Between the two of them, there were innumerable good gestures made on this earth, that many benefited from (not only their kins, no - many indeed) - and without these two, the planet is that much more deprived of genuinely caring good people.
Both are missed - immensely.
Labels: commemorative