Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Saturday, February 05, 2005


More and more of those around - have ye noticed?
Some come just short of it though (like Max Schmeling... see comments section) while others pass the mark just barely (Cardinal Bafile) or by a certain number of years (up to an extra decade past one hundred - what resilience! What endurance!).

With decreasing birth rates... and greater lifespans like this... are we headed for a world where the grumpy old men actually will outnumber the annoying young ones?!?  
Could be... that is, if Dubya doesn't precipitate us all into heading right into a world-wide conflict that will obliterate two-thirds of the planet now! In that case, no need to ingest this food for thought at all... hmm?

(Hmm... that was the title of a song - found on the soundtrack of a classic film I affectionate particularly: THE ASSASSINATION BUREAU! Could be an alternative name for the Oval Office - eh? ANYWAY... nowadays, I prefer another song: simply titled... Precious!) 

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Friday, February 04, 2005

home of the brave... the pretty... and the hum!

Has anybody here actually heard... the infamous hum?
(You might want to try to sing this to the tune of "Anybody heard - about the Bird?" aka "The Bird-Bird-Bird --- the Bird Is The Word" - The Ramones, Rivingtons and Trashmen would be either proud - or prone to squirm around in their graves! LOL).

free music

free music

free music

The infamous hum is indeed making some noise; the TAOS HUM, that is...
I unearthed an old article on the web the other day - per sheer accident really.
Involving "our Secretary of Defense"... The fine municipality of Taos, NM...
And even a certain Pretty Woman who just happened to star in such films as...
The Pelican Brief
and... Conspiracy Theory...!

Coincidence? Ha Ha - I think not my friends! (As foes also; whoever it may be reading this thing, today...! Makes no difference to me! *lol*).

See it all - comments section! ;)



Thursday, February 03, 2005

Ghosts vs Spirits


No - not an alternate super bowl match-up... *lol*

free music

All that talk of passing and crossing over seems to me like the perfect time to present this... comparative estimate of what those two really are all about...!
Switch over to the comments section for all the spooky details...! Wooooooo!

Warning: this blog is not responsible for any thing(s) that go(es) bump in the night around your cozy abode afterwards... LOL


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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

ok... jamais deux sans trois...!

The sad news never cease... do they? However, this time, it is not of a passing but of the prospect of that passing that I will ramble on a bit... For there is prophecy and (yes, you guessed it) more doom and gloom attached to it...

As the Pope took ill for the umpteenth time, one is reminded that when he crosses over to the "other side", a prophecy becomes ever more possible... Malachy (a prophet and reputed saint too) has predicted centuries ago that there would be a FINITE number of popes... One is reminded also that the current pope is, apparently, the "third-to-last one" - in other words, two more and that's all folks! And since popes can last up to anything in-between mere days to many years, one is not reassured one bit as to how long that gives the Church... or the World in terms of "time to endure"...!

The skeptics think it is of no concern at all - that even if this prophecy comes to fruition, all it will mean is the end of the Roman Catholic Church "empire" - which has been in steady decline indeed (no pun intended - although, in-between this allusion to the Roman Empire which was also used by a Québécois filmmaker for his contemporary fluff - and the title of today's entry, one will think that "je suis fier d'être québécois" - I will decline (...) to comment on that! *LOL*). Only problem is... Malachy, as Nostradamus and most "good prophets" in general, had scope... his prophecies were about the fate of the world as a whole.
Be concerned... about the Pope's health, folks!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

more gloom... anyone...?

At least I will spare thee the twin brother - doom...
Hmm... It cannot be denied, though, that for at least 48 hours straight... this blogger has thought of things... unpleasant to say the very least!
Things such as... finality... untimely departure... demises... early exits...?
Oh... and the Great Beyond and Life Everlasting too - so, fret it not, faithful readers - I will be fine! ;)

Just two more items today... which have surfaced in the last 36 hours, thus...
An animator who fell prey to cancer... Finding Nemo led me to find this hero - who happens to be my age too.

And... how about the legend of... the pearl... of death?!?

Mayhaps THIS should be the pearl(s) one should lay down before swine... instead of those of wisdom... or those telling of Veracity...! ;)

Monday, January 31, 2005

gone forever

The title of this blog post is inspired by the haunting Alan Parsons Project song - but it does not reflect the truth of the believer - The Truth period.

These passings that I repertoriate in the comments section today are not filled with finality to no end. They indicate the end of one journey - and the beginning of another. Those who held these people dear - and anyone who has ever lost a dear close one - would do better to view things this way. For, without it, grief may prove to be unsurmountable - and I doubt any grief support of any kind - any psychological counselling on how to "deal" with grief and mourn better and "healthily" - can truly and effectively replace FAITH in something more...
faith in something far greater... Faith in The Truth.

They are NOT gone forever.
We will see them again.

free music

free music

free music

free music

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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Brazil takes a 2-0 lead

Wow - gente! Brasil esta numa boa mesmo!!!
For the second time in so many months, Brazil takes a shot at the mighty US of A - okaaaaay! More power to you, meus irm a õs sul-americanos!

Mayhaps it has to do too with the fact that Brazil - with India and China - is one of the only ones with enough guts to want into the elite "G7"... heck, to DEMAND membership as a right and no-brainer type of privilege...! But I digress...

You'll never see Mexico or -heaven forbid- Canada speak up likewise...
Or tiny things like... Cuba imposing an embargo upon the mighty USA...
Never gonna happen... LOL

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