Sunday, January 09, 2011
Luminous Review of the Year 2010!
And so now 2010 is in the record books.
And it would be time to summarize what it has been,
what it has meant for us, here,
at the TLB Prime Network
and everyone that we have known,
whether in the flesh or on the web,
that have supported our writing here
and elsewhere too!
Those who have supported us,
individually or as a team,
and all of our erstwhile colleagues,
friends and family,
- all of them already know
how great 2010 was for us here at TLB!
Verily, 2010 was a Blessed Year!
It was so easy to feel blessed... privileged... anointed even! For, in the year of Our Lord 2010, it all came together for us, on so many levels; it was, truly, the greatest year of our lives!
And we can only say AMEN to that!
Terrific Tyberius saw it happening:
he spotted the signs, upon our arrival there!
Europe expected our arrival, evidently!
Europe expected a king - and queen - to come to them!
And so we did honor them with our presence.
Of all the continents we chose to do this at, Europe was the logical place to choose
- as it owed us, it owed our heads, fitting hardware of gold...
Thus, 2010 was the year of the crowning of the king... and queen too!
Luminous Luciano got his crown -at long last- during his passage in Europe;
how fitting was that!
What's more, and most preciously of all, he got his Queen as well!
And she got him - and her own crown as well!
All of their faithful subjects over the years got dessert too!
Thus, everyone had a grand time
and they all will live ever happily ever after!
At a blue hotel even Chris Isaak could not fathom during his short time as a singing star, the Royal Luminous Couple spent the time of their lives - and then some! The sun never stops shining for them - and even now, as winter endures back upon a North American landscape that has nothing to do with the paradise that was *our* blue hotel...!
The sun still shines on!
Not only did we get to be crowned, my most radiant bride and I got to drink wine from our very own blessed chalice, a Holy Grail that symbolizes our Love Everlasting and one that we shall treasure always!
On foreign land, Luminous Luciano never got too nervous - even when his cell phone was seriously out of range within normal roaming parameters and he could not call anybody anymore! Leaving his beloved bride in the hands of a foreign dentist, he courageously obtained the desired service with all three words that he had mastered of that most exotic language! The rest, of course, is all Greek to him! The rest is a bit of a blur to him - but that is a good thing as it shows how focused on the important things he really was: all that mattered was his queen's smile! If the radiance had not been delivered by the dentist, Luminous and mostly Radiant would have shown sparkles of their legendary righteous zeal! And to think that they were still miles away from their destination - if that had occurred...! Thankfully, Luminous and Radiant visited the land of Aristotle and Plato way before the craziness erupted; thankfully for the rioters, that is!
Amazing paradox it is to behold: whenever one sees two neighboring countries so close to each other, divided only by an imaginary boundary such as a man-made borderline, populated by the very same type of people with common roots trackable back to antiquity... And yet the idiosyncrasies are so very different indeed, as are the languages and cultures. The political climates are as similar as they are distinct too; the particularities and complexities of it all being so vastly different even as they affect the population in the very same ways on each side of said border! Two that could easily be one - and yet they are not. And even the weather seemed to reflect that, as the snapshot we took indicates so clearly (above: in-between the two borders, while we still rode on a train; the clouds immediately dissipated and were never seen again for the whole week that we treaded upon the ground that Alexander The (so-called) Great once upon a time stood upon...! And yet, for luminous' personal taste, it is far sunnier a climate in the village of German than it is in the troubled streets of Themiscyra right now!
But we are digressing now...)
Equally disparate was the atmosphere in CDG airport and France overall - for, as Québec is, also, the land of le fromage is truly rotten at the core! Do not be duped by the Euro and the legacy of Louis De Funès, Fernandel and Jean Gabin! Sarcophaguzy and the stench of 1001 others are enough to undo all that - and more! However, quite mercifully for us and, once again, thankfully for the Frenchies, Paris was a mere stopover for the Luminous Couple on their way to and back from the Grandest Tour of all...!
Great Things take time; they may not even come all at once, even! And it definitely applies to the Grand Event of 2010 - an event that took place in five separate chapters, verily! February: relocation - which coincided with not only Saint-Valentine's Day but also the Festival Lumière; truly a great coincidence, doubly so if not triply so! June: civil bliss - or making things okay with the law; the flawed earthly side of things though - so flawed it is that it accepts gladly nothing more than common-law dalliances... That might be fine and dandy with the Witnesses, but that is beneath the Luminous Couple! And so onward to August we go: and the Grand Crowning in Europe, before GOD and man... men and women, really... as seen in the picture above! Crowds and crowds battled it out for a peek of the Luminous Couple...! Tyberius The Terrible snapped a few shots here and there, from the back of the august church! We had another paparazzo on the scene too - but he kept his work to himself! To sell it for high ransom on e-Bay, no doubt. September: la Bénédiction Nuptiale, at another august place of worship - Saint-Joseph's Oratory - Luminous Luciano's father's most favorite place on the entire North American continent! The songstress and diva of the Pimentel Clan, Sâo, was present for the ceremony. And then November: the Change! Of pace, of surroundings, of mercantile hobbyism! Followed by another magical twelve days of Christmas...
To sum it all up, it was all simply divine!

And so we met so many friends, new and old, on this glorious year of 2010!
On two continents - and all five islands we know best,
plus innumerable more, throughout the web!
What would be more fitting than to leave them the last word here;
as they wished the luminous couple such wonderful things for the next millennia - and more!
Because true love is forever - and that is what we have!
Two have become one in the Lord's Eyes: and that will indeed last for all time!
Labels: Church, commemorative, Luminescence