Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Luminous Science!

When science and religion combine - either in principle or via their aim and principal objectives - one call verily call it *luminous science* indeed!

Take for example the very first example seen below - of a scientist who sought to find a way to truly travel through time as countless science-fiction yarns have dreamt of doing; and all this to simply please his father. Even though he will not be able to accomplish his ultimate dream -of going back in time and meeting his deceased father when the latter was his own age, for example- he still believes he made use of his scientific mind in such a way that has surely made his father proud. No matter where his father's essence might be, now, his living energy and awareness is proud of the direct descendent he left back on Earth - indubitably.

Recently we saw what dreadful things one can find on, especially when dates like "10/10/10" come along...

Today, TLB Prime presents the scientific gems one can find on instead - in a way that is practical for us, as well! We chose to post each video that we found interesting one by one - so that you, our luminous online visitors, can discover even more affiliated and related content!

Plus, doing it this way instead of putting on just a single tiny (or not so tiny) embedded screen-of-a-playlist (as youtube makes it so easy to do) we cover much more space so that the posts match TLB Prime's pride and joy - our matchless, extra-long sidebar full of luminous features!



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God Bless!

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