Thursday, May 15, 2008
How Many Faces Do You Show To The World?

One for your family...
One for your friends...
One for your rivals...
One for assorted fiends...
Another for co-workers...
Another for random strangers?
Another one for law and order
and yet another one for the proverbial sucka!
A different face
for each and any season -
sometimes they are
Luminous Faces,
sometimes they'll be
Tenebrous Visages...
And, each time,
it is a different one -
and none
is the true you.
Because the true you
is spirit -
it has no facial traits,
no bone structure,
no skin-deep mask.
are much more than that.
are an Immortal Soul -
not merely
a series
of masks.
Labels: Luminescence, Luminous