Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sétimo Aniversario

No Dia do Pai - vocés pensavam, mesmo, que eu nâo ia me alembrar do meu santo pai...?  I only refrained from posting the triple commemorative posts, in late March, in order to mark the all-important seventh anniversary of my father's passing on Father's Day itself: question de souligner, à travers ce numéro saint, la conviction personnelle qui me pousse à croire en la sainteté de feu mon père - même si telle conviction, à elle seule, n'a pas l'ombre d'une chance de convaincre le Saint-Siège de donner suite au processus menant aux étapes de vénérabilité, béatification et de canonisation... 

Qu'à cela ne tienne - on accordera bien volontiers à papa le statut émérite de Serviteur de Dieu.
Um Servidor de Deus que tem 79 anos agora - mas nunca mais irá envelhecer de novo.
É pelo contrar, agora...

Mas que seja bem claro, para todos que o lhe compreendem: o meu pai jà é, agora mesmo, mais santo que muitos que pensem um dia ter este titulo, post-mortem claro...

I know that he is watching over me - making me slow to anger, too, as he was ever the premiere role-model for the virtues of patience and temperance.

I have no doubt - not a shadow of a doubt - that he is in The Light: as no energy in the universe ever ceases to exist, the energy that animated him (in other words: his soul) has gone to a place where it communes with his like; other energies, other souls, other worthy beings who belong there, for it is a place very near to the One and True God, Maker of the Universe and Creator of All.

And I instinctively feel that Dad is allowed, from time to time, to come closer - to us who knew him, back here, when he carried on his mission on Earth, as all of us are called to do during our respective short and (may they all be) luminous pilgrimages that we call... our lives.

Happy Father's Day, Papa

Bonne Fête des Pères, Papa

Feliz Dia Do Pai... Papa!

Sempre Me Alembrei, Pai 

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