Friday, April 10, 2009
Have A Luminous Easter Now...!
He Spoke of loving your enemies
and praying for them.
He Spoke of a greater Commandment
than all other Commandments:
that which consisted of,
quite simply,
loving one another
and forgiving all the times
that one would cross you,
hurt you... betray you.
His reward was to be betrayed too
and beaten mercilessly,
bloodily whipped and tortured,
mocked and ridiculed
by all the lesser-than-He
who finally crucified Him
at the end of a long, long
night and aborning day,
The Day
Prophecy Was Fulfilled.
Through all His Preachings,
He Spoke of Love;
God's Love for us all,
The Love That He Embodied
and will always embody.
His Message
was simply not received.
Receive it
It's still time to do so.

Images courtesy of
Labels: Easter, Jesus, Luminescence, Luminous, Luminous Advice, luminous simulpost, music