Saturday, June 04, 2005
Verse of the Day
“ Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. ”- 1 Chronicles 29:11
Today's passage is from the New International Version.
Today's passage is from the New International Version.
much ado about nothing indeed
Have you heard about the blushing bride that took a powder...? A saga in itself truly! She had "issues" apparently - issues that only became apparent (to her own self) at the very last second there... Fine - there's always time for a change of mind, I suppose... alas, for her, she felt the need to invent a crime story to explain her vanishing into thin air on the very day of the nuptials. Didn't occur to her that inventing an imaginary felonious charge, to pin on equally imaginary felons, is a felony in itself... Cops don't like to be sent on a wild goose chase - that would be, indeed, abuse of the "system" (though a very flawed system it is).
In the end though, the saga of Jennifer Wilbanks is like that of a zillion others like her - they don't know what they want and it complicates everything. The lone originality in her particular story is her creative twist given to it - but that was, in retrospect, a terrible idea she had. Ultimately, all the media hoopla surrounding it is indeed much ado about nothing at all - yet, it can serve as a lesson to some of the ladies out there tempted to do the same...
In the end though, the saga of Jennifer Wilbanks is like that of a zillion others like her - they don't know what they want and it complicates everything. The lone originality in her particular story is her creative twist given to it - but that was, in retrospect, a terrible idea she had. Ultimately, all the media hoopla surrounding it is indeed much ado about nothing at all - yet, it can serve as a lesson to some of the ladies out there tempted to do the same...
Friday, June 03, 2005
Batman Botches Up The Job
As this umpteenth "movie event" comes to the big screen (Batman Begins... ha! How many times can he fumble the can of celluloid and be given another chance while others get no chance at all...? No wonder Veronica Electronica is deluded enough to think that, somehow, she could get her virginity back... Hollywood and show business in general feed those insane ideas in its favored narcissists' vain but naive minds, one is forced to surmise... *lol*) one -this one at any rate- wonders simply... why?!?
Why even bother making another Batman film?!?
Why not a JLA film instead - you get your inept batty guy... you get your improbable ubermensch... but you also get five underused characters (as far as live-action film or television adaptations go) in Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern and the Martian Manhunter... But that prospective film's budget might go through the roof (an Aquaman-type production, Waterworld* sure did... Imagine if it had had six more formidable characters to put up there, on-screen...) and that scares any self-respecting film producer s... ah, crapless!
However, that is no excuse to bother us with another overpublicized, overestimated and overemphasized (by some) "Bat-flick"... Really, what has Batman, as a character, done to be so "worthy"...? If anyone actually stopped to really think about it - Batman has got to be one of the most inept crime-fighters of all time! His alleged detective skills help not in the least his poorer-than-poor track record... for, if you take but one glance at his hometown, Gotham City, the allegorical darker-than-dark New York, the only logical conclusion to reach is that he is inept and inadequate at the task at hand... which is battling crime and stifling the ardor of all the Jokers around town (who are, admittedly, not so tough - come on!). He has most definitely not successfully ridden his "beloved" city of the criminal element in all his years of being at it - his city has got to be the one with the highest crime rate in the WORLD! As a super-hero, he has NO SUPER POWERS... he is no more, no less than a very bizarre James Bond (who, for some reason, dresses like a bat...) with plenty of gadgets to palliate to the fact that he has a lot of glaring weaknesses... And as for his detective skills... his success rate makes those as effective as Inspector Clouseau's - not Sherlock Holmes'! So - WHY IN BLUE BLAZES GIVE THIS BOZO ANOTHER SHOT AT A MOVIE FRANCHISE?!?
BatBozo Begins - in theaters very very soon...
Why even bother making another Batman film?!?
Why not a JLA film instead - you get your inept batty guy... you get your improbable ubermensch... but you also get five underused characters (as far as live-action film or television adaptations go) in Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern and the Martian Manhunter... But that prospective film's budget might go through the roof (an Aquaman-type production, Waterworld* sure did... Imagine if it had had six more formidable characters to put up there, on-screen...) and that scares any self-respecting film producer s... ah, crapless!
However, that is no excuse to bother us with another overpublicized, overestimated and overemphasized (by some) "Bat-flick"... Really, what has Batman, as a character, done to be so "worthy"...? If anyone actually stopped to really think about it - Batman has got to be one of the most inept crime-fighters of all time! His alleged detective skills help not in the least his poorer-than-poor track record... for, if you take but one glance at his hometown, Gotham City, the allegorical darker-than-dark New York, the only logical conclusion to reach is that he is inept and inadequate at the task at hand... which is battling crime and stifling the ardor of all the Jokers around town (who are, admittedly, not so tough - come on!). He has most definitely not successfully ridden his "beloved" city of the criminal element in all his years of being at it - his city has got to be the one with the highest crime rate in the WORLD! As a super-hero, he has NO SUPER POWERS... he is no more, no less than a very bizarre James Bond (who, for some reason, dresses like a bat...) with plenty of gadgets to palliate to the fact that he has a lot of glaring weaknesses... And as for his detective skills... his success rate makes those as effective as Inspector Clouseau's - not Sherlock Holmes'! So - WHY IN BLUE BLAZES GIVE THIS BOZO ANOTHER SHOT AT A MOVIE FRANCHISE?!?
BatBozo Begins - in theaters very very soon...
Thursday, June 02, 2005
in memoriam of the cup (that silvery trash can / ashtray thingie... remember?) *lol*

The Stanley Cup would have been won on or about this date... if memory serves me right. It usually does - but, quite frankly, I feel not like jogging it (not even via a web search) when it concerns something as trivial as this is, really... NOW we all realize, EH? ;) *LOL*
quote of the day - scribes version
"One should never criticize his own work except in a fresh
and hopeful mood. The self-criticism of a tired mind is
suicide." - Charles Horton Cooley
and hopeful mood. The self-criticism of a tired mind is
suicide." - Charles Horton Cooley
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
wednesday weirdness version 4.0
Shades of the Entity... alas, this entity is not as selective as the previous one - the cinematic one - that was so fixated on Barbara Hershey...
Alas, "Popo Bawa" is NOT AT ALL like that...
In other odd news...
the murder of a cook; artists ''concerned'' that tattoos are losing their nonconformist lure; A "bun-snatching" ritual revived (NOT what you think) *lol*; A bartender's lipstick lawsuit; A silent 'Piano Man' poses quite the beach riddle (an amalgam of Billy Joel... and the Sphinx?) *lol*; A minister's wife seeking madonna...?!? Nothing wrong with it if it's the REAL Madonna - the Holy Virgin! I fear that it is NOT though... :(
plus ; a mafioso who eludes capture by dressing up as a bishop! Were he a mafia BOSS, I suppose he would have dressed as a Cardinal - fresh off the Conclave - nothing less... right? *lol* Oh - and fighting monks! Hollywood has them - but these are not Shaolin monks played by anyone from the Carradine family and these are actually BRAWLING monks - slight, ah, nuance there...! ;)
Alas, "Popo Bawa" is NOT AT ALL like that...
In other odd news...
the murder of a cook; artists ''concerned'' that tattoos are losing their nonconformist lure; A "bun-snatching" ritual revived (NOT what you think) *lol*; A bartender's lipstick lawsuit; A silent 'Piano Man' poses quite the beach riddle (an amalgam of Billy Joel... and the Sphinx?) *lol*; A minister's wife seeking madonna...?!? Nothing wrong with it if it's the REAL Madonna - the Holy Virgin! I fear that it is NOT though... :(
plus ; a mafioso who eludes capture by dressing up as a bishop! Were he a mafia BOSS, I suppose he would have dressed as a Cardinal - fresh off the Conclave - nothing less... right? *lol* Oh - and fighting monks! Hollywood has them - but these are not Shaolin monks played by anyone from the Carradine family and these are actually BRAWLING monks - slight, ah, nuance there...! ;)
Verse of the Day
“ I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”- Revelations 21: 2-4
Today's passage is from the New International Version.
Today's passage is from the New International Version.
quote of the day
Time and money spent in helping men do more for themselves is far better than mere giving. - Henry Ford
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Verse of the Day
“ For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. ”- 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17
Today's passage is from the New International Version.
Today's passage is from the New International Version.
two for tuesdays ; hmm... eerie stuff...
The kind of eerieness that makes you wonder things like... ''hey - is that curse really, truly, fully REVERSED yet...?''.
And no - I am NOT talking about dropping a game to the execrable Yanks once in a while... NOR AM I even referring to the emergence of a surprise contender in the east - the O's of all teams - just to frustrate the Red Sox into remaining stuck in second place even when the damn yankees are NOT in the top spot at all and are actually BEHIND the Sox...!
No... signs that the curse lives on and is, in fact, exacting revenge for a championship won via the WILD CARD ROUTE (the only way to bypass the damn curse...?) are far more ominous than that... For they are not baseball-related as much as they are matters of life - and DEATH!
People have died, folks... yes. And it isn't George Steinbrenner or centanarian Red Sox fans either... One tragic death on May 8th - and another this monday... in the immediate team entourage and on the year that the Sox are defending world champions again, for the first time since... 1919. Spooky indeed...
And no - I am NOT talking about dropping a game to the execrable Yanks once in a while... NOR AM I even referring to the emergence of a surprise contender in the east - the O's of all teams - just to frustrate the Red Sox into remaining stuck in second place even when the damn yankees are NOT in the top spot at all and are actually BEHIND the Sox...!
No... signs that the curse lives on and is, in fact, exacting revenge for a championship won via the WILD CARD ROUTE (the only way to bypass the damn curse...?) are far more ominous than that... For they are not baseball-related as much as they are matters of life - and DEATH!
People have died, folks... yes. And it isn't George Steinbrenner or centanarian Red Sox fans either... One tragic death on May 8th - and another this monday... in the immediate team entourage and on the year that the Sox are defending world champions again, for the first time since... 1919. Spooky indeed...
quote of the day
The firmest friendships
have been formed
in mutual adversity,
as iron is most strongly united
by the fiercest flame.
- Charles Caleb Colton
have been formed
in mutual adversity,
as iron is most strongly united
by the fiercest flame.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Labels: Phil Collins Live
Monday, May 30, 2005
foods versus cancers
Foods That Help Fight Cancer (originally from 22/03/2005 12:00:11 PM)
Almost everyone has been touched by cancer, either personally or by watching a loved one's battle. According to the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), cancer is the leading cause of premature death among Canadians, claiming more than 68,000 lives in 2004.
Researchers have linked about one-third of cancer deaths to dietary factors, such as those that contribute to obesity, according to the CCS.
Research has shown that people whose diets are rich in plant-based foods — fruits, vegetables and whole-grain breads and cereals — have a lower incidence of most cancers. Why? While researchers are still searching for the answers, it appears that plant foods — particularly produce items — are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals.
According to the CCS, antioxidants protect cells from DNA damage that can be caused by very unstable forms of highly reactive molecules called free radicals.
Beta carotene (a substance converted into vitamin A) and vitamins C and E — the "ACE vitamins" — are particularly potent antioxidants that may offer protective benefits for some cancers. However more research needs to be done in the area of antioxidants — particularly when they are taken in the form of dietary supplements — to assess which antioxidants protect against which cancer. In fact, large amounts of some antioxidants may actually promote certain types of cancer (for example, beta-carotene has been linked with lung cancer.) At present, research is strongest in the area of vitamin E and prevention of colorectal cancer.
Why the Mediterranean Way Works
The Mediterranean diet may offer some cancer-protection properties — it is rich in fruit and vegetables and high in monounsaturated rather than saturated fat, which has been linked to increased risk for many cancers. Some scientists have even speculated that Mediterranean people's love affair with tomatoes may play a part in their relative good health, because tomatoes are high in the powerful antioxidant lycopene.
There are, however, thousands of phytochemicals (naturally occurring substances in plant foods), and we don't yet fully understand how they work or interact to prevent cancer. So rather than focusing on any one item, nutritionists recommend getting most of your nutrients through food rather than supplements, and eating in moderation from a wide variety of food groups, particularly grains, fruits and vegetables. Be sure to get the five servings of fruits and vegetables per day that Weight Watchers recommends.
Easy Ways to Eat Better
Alas, 80 percent of us don't consume anything close to five servings of fruits and veggies. How can you up your intake?
Favour dishes incorporating as many plant-based ingredients as possible — such as stir-fries, soups, salads and rice salads.
Snack on fruit.
Keep crunchy raw vegetables on hand, such as carrot sticks, jicama and pepper strips.
Add leafy greens such as spinach leaves and watercress to sandwiches.
Consider nutrient-rich squashes as side dishes.
Top cereal and salads with fruit, nuts, sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds.
Empty a can of beans or tomatoes into your favourite casserole.
When shopping, select items such as multigrain bread, dried fruit salad or mixed frozen vegetables.
Anti-Cancer Eating Plan in a Nutshell
According to the Canadian Cancer Society, you may reduce your risk of cancer by:
Choosing most of your food from plant sources.
Increasing your fibre intake to 25 to 35 grams per day. Whole grains, fruit and vegetables are particularly rich sources of fibre.
Reducing your fat intake to 30 percent of daily calories and choosing monounsaturated fats as often as possible. Fat — particularly saturated fat — increases the risk of colon and prostate cancers.
Eating less meat. Over-consumption of red meat (beef, pork, lamb) may raise the risk of colon and prostate cancer.
Cutting back on salt-cured, pickled and smoked foods, which are implicated in cancer of the stomach and esophagus.
Limiting alcohol to one or two drinks a day, at most. Overindulgence in alcohol has been associated with an increased risk of cancer of the liver, breast, throat, esophagus and larynx.
Maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity is a risk factor for several cancers; losing weight reduces that risk.
Seeking ACEs in All the Right Places
The most studied antioxidants are the ACE vitamins:
Beta carotene: Converted to vitamin A in the body, beta carotene is found in orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, cantaloupes, apricots, peaches, mangoes and papaya) and in dark-green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, parsley, kale and chicory. Beta carotene is part of the carotenoid group, the name given to more than 600 different pigments found in fresh produce. Others include lycopene (responsible for the red colouring of tomatoes, watermelons and pink grapefruit), and lutein (present in dark-green leafy vegetables and some yellow vegetables).
Vitamin C: Found in citrus fruits, rosehips, cantaloupe, strawberries, kiwifruit, pineapples, tomatoes, potatoes, dark leafy greens, red and green peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
Vitamin E: Found in avocados, whole grains, nuts, seeds, wheat germ and vegetable oils.
Almost everyone has been touched by cancer, either personally or by watching a loved one's battle. According to the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), cancer is the leading cause of premature death among Canadians, claiming more than 68,000 lives in 2004.
Researchers have linked about one-third of cancer deaths to dietary factors, such as those that contribute to obesity, according to the CCS.
Research has shown that people whose diets are rich in plant-based foods — fruits, vegetables and whole-grain breads and cereals — have a lower incidence of most cancers. Why? While researchers are still searching for the answers, it appears that plant foods — particularly produce items — are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals.
According to the CCS, antioxidants protect cells from DNA damage that can be caused by very unstable forms of highly reactive molecules called free radicals.
Beta carotene (a substance converted into vitamin A) and vitamins C and E — the "ACE vitamins" — are particularly potent antioxidants that may offer protective benefits for some cancers. However more research needs to be done in the area of antioxidants — particularly when they are taken in the form of dietary supplements — to assess which antioxidants protect against which cancer. In fact, large amounts of some antioxidants may actually promote certain types of cancer (for example, beta-carotene has been linked with lung cancer.) At present, research is strongest in the area of vitamin E and prevention of colorectal cancer.
Why the Mediterranean Way Works
The Mediterranean diet may offer some cancer-protection properties — it is rich in fruit and vegetables and high in monounsaturated rather than saturated fat, which has been linked to increased risk for many cancers. Some scientists have even speculated that Mediterranean people's love affair with tomatoes may play a part in their relative good health, because tomatoes are high in the powerful antioxidant lycopene.
There are, however, thousands of phytochemicals (naturally occurring substances in plant foods), and we don't yet fully understand how they work or interact to prevent cancer. So rather than focusing on any one item, nutritionists recommend getting most of your nutrients through food rather than supplements, and eating in moderation from a wide variety of food groups, particularly grains, fruits and vegetables. Be sure to get the five servings of fruits and vegetables per day that Weight Watchers recommends.
Easy Ways to Eat Better
Alas, 80 percent of us don't consume anything close to five servings of fruits and veggies. How can you up your intake?
Favour dishes incorporating as many plant-based ingredients as possible — such as stir-fries, soups, salads and rice salads.
Snack on fruit.
Keep crunchy raw vegetables on hand, such as carrot sticks, jicama and pepper strips.
Add leafy greens such as spinach leaves and watercress to sandwiches.
Consider nutrient-rich squashes as side dishes.
Top cereal and salads with fruit, nuts, sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds.
Empty a can of beans or tomatoes into your favourite casserole.
When shopping, select items such as multigrain bread, dried fruit salad or mixed frozen vegetables.
Anti-Cancer Eating Plan in a Nutshell
According to the Canadian Cancer Society, you may reduce your risk of cancer by:
Choosing most of your food from plant sources.
Increasing your fibre intake to 25 to 35 grams per day. Whole grains, fruit and vegetables are particularly rich sources of fibre.
Reducing your fat intake to 30 percent of daily calories and choosing monounsaturated fats as often as possible. Fat — particularly saturated fat — increases the risk of colon and prostate cancers.
Eating less meat. Over-consumption of red meat (beef, pork, lamb) may raise the risk of colon and prostate cancer.
Cutting back on salt-cured, pickled and smoked foods, which are implicated in cancer of the stomach and esophagus.
Limiting alcohol to one or two drinks a day, at most. Overindulgence in alcohol has been associated with an increased risk of cancer of the liver, breast, throat, esophagus and larynx.
Maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity is a risk factor for several cancers; losing weight reduces that risk.
Seeking ACEs in All the Right Places
The most studied antioxidants are the ACE vitamins:
Beta carotene: Converted to vitamin A in the body, beta carotene is found in orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, cantaloupes, apricots, peaches, mangoes and papaya) and in dark-green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, parsley, kale and chicory. Beta carotene is part of the carotenoid group, the name given to more than 600 different pigments found in fresh produce. Others include lycopene (responsible for the red colouring of tomatoes, watermelons and pink grapefruit), and lutein (present in dark-green leafy vegetables and some yellow vegetables).
Vitamin C: Found in citrus fruits, rosehips, cantaloupe, strawberries, kiwifruit, pineapples, tomatoes, potatoes, dark leafy greens, red and green peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
Vitamin E: Found in avocados, whole grains, nuts, seeds, wheat germ and vegetable oils.
Verse of the Day
“ In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? ”- Psalm 56:4
Today's passage is from the New International Version.
Today's passage is from the New International Version.
quote of the day
The most important thing I have learned over the years is the difference between taking one's work seriously and taking one's self seriously. The first is imperative, and the second disastrous.
- Margot Fonteyn
- Margot Fonteyn
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Quote of the Day
One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. - Sigmund Freud
special statistics sunday edition
Red Sox 17, Yankees 1 - May 28, 6:40 PM (ET) By MIKE FITZPATRICK
NEW YORK (AP) - So much for that slump. Edgar Renteria, Manny Ramirez and the Boston Red Sox broke out with 27 hits in their biggest blowout against the rival New York Yankees.
Renteria hit a grand slam, Ramirez got four singles, and Boston battered New York pitching Saturday for a 17-1 rout that snapped a season-high, four-game losing streak.
Trot Nixon homered and had five RBIs for the Red Sox, who backed unbeaten Matt Clement by scoring their most runs ever against the Yankees.
"Our offense took it personally today. This offense, we haven't even seen what they're going to do," Clement said. "We had to respond because the Yankees are playing so good right now."
Johnny Damon also had four hits and scored three times, and John Olerud had three hits in his first major league game since last fall. It was Boston's largest margin of victory over the Yankees, surpassing a 15-1 win on Sept. 1, 1990, at Fenway Park, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.
"It's kind of obvious that we needed that," manager Terry Francona said. "Not only to win, but to have a little bit of room there, to take some deep breaths and let our staff pitch."
Carl Pavano (4-3) and Paul Quantrill were roughed up for the Yankees, who had their five-game winning streak snapped and lost for only the third time in 19 games. They had won nine consecutive games at home.
The 27 hits were the most for the Red Sox since they tied the club record of 28 on June 27, 2003, against Florida. Pavano started that game as well, for the Marlins, and failed to get an out.
"It's got to be tough to watch if you're out there standing behind me," Pavano said. "It's not what I had anticipated."
All the offense made it tough on the scoreboard operator at Yankee Stadium - the board went blank for a few moments in the eighth inning as the Red Sox piled on. New York allowed its most hits since giving up a franchise-record 28 on Sept. 29, 1928, in a 19-10 loss at Detroit.
"We'll look for a pick-me-up tomorrow," Yankees manager Joe Torre said. "Hopefully, we'll get back on track and play the type of baseball we've been used to the last three weeks. You've got to brush it off."
The Red Sox had been held to three runs or fewer in three consecutive games for the first time since August 2003. But they set a season high for hits by the fifth inning behind Ramirez and Renteria, who finished with five RBIs.
Booed in Boston as he got off to a slow start in his first season with the team, Renteria is 12-for-19 on the current road trip, raising his average to .281.
"Edgar's got a big game he can play, just a matter of time with him," teammate Jason Varitek said. "He's traditionally too good a player. Confidence is a beautiful thing."
Ramirez's big game snapped a 1-for-16 skid. He hit just .193 in his previous 31 games, a slump that dropped his average to .224.
Pursued by Boston last offseason, Pavano gave up five runs and a season-high 11 hits - 10 singles and a double. He lost for the first time in eight starts since April 15 at Baltimore and was booed off the mound by a disappointed crowd of 55,315.
Clement (6-0) struck out his first three batters, then worked out of trouble the rest of the afternoon. He allowed five hits in six shutout innings, striking out seven and walking four.
Ramirez and Nixon hit consecutive RBI singles with two outs in the fourth for a 5-0 lead, chasing Pavano.
Three straight Red Sox singles in the fifth chased Mike Stanton, and Renteria sent Quantrill's second pitch over the right-field fence for his fourth career slam.
After Ramirez singled for his fourth consecutive hit, Nixon made it 12-0 with a three-run shot to center.
"I was terrible," Quantrill said. "I didn't have anything."
Jay Payton, who replaced Ramirez in left field in the sixth, added a two-run drive off Quantrill in the seventh. ^
Notes: Boston scored 16 runs against the Yankees on Aug. 12, 1937, at Fenway. ... Olerud made his first start at 1B for Boston and singled to right in his first at-bat. He finished 3-for-6 but could have had five hits - he hit two balls that deflected off the pitcher for groundouts. "It's just a good way to start things off," he said. "Definitely nervous for the first little bit. Everybody else has two months under their belt. This is like opening day for me. You're with a new club, you want to do well." ... The 19-game season series is tied 4-4. ... Renteria's previous grand slam came on June 9, 2004, with St. Louis at Wrigley Field. ... Derek Jeter was hit in the back by Clement's pitch in the third. He left for a pinch-hitter in the fifth with New York down 12-0. ... Red Sox C Kelly Shoppach made his major league debut when he came in to catch in the seventh.
Red Sox 17, Yankees 1 - May 28, 6:40 PM (ET) By MIKE FITZPATRICK
NEW YORK (AP) - So much for that slump. Edgar Renteria, Manny Ramirez and the Boston Red Sox broke out with 27 hits in their biggest blowout against the rival New York Yankees.
Renteria hit a grand slam, Ramirez got four singles, and Boston battered New York pitching Saturday for a 17-1 rout that snapped a season-high, four-game losing streak.
Trot Nixon homered and had five RBIs for the Red Sox, who backed unbeaten Matt Clement by scoring their most runs ever against the Yankees.
"Our offense took it personally today. This offense, we haven't even seen what they're going to do," Clement said. "We had to respond because the Yankees are playing so good right now."
Johnny Damon also had four hits and scored three times, and John Olerud had three hits in his first major league game since last fall. It was Boston's largest margin of victory over the Yankees, surpassing a 15-1 win on Sept. 1, 1990, at Fenway Park, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.
"It's kind of obvious that we needed that," manager Terry Francona said. "Not only to win, but to have a little bit of room there, to take some deep breaths and let our staff pitch."
Carl Pavano (4-3) and Paul Quantrill were roughed up for the Yankees, who had their five-game winning streak snapped and lost for only the third time in 19 games. They had won nine consecutive games at home.
The 27 hits were the most for the Red Sox since they tied the club record of 28 on June 27, 2003, against Florida. Pavano started that game as well, for the Marlins, and failed to get an out.
"It's got to be tough to watch if you're out there standing behind me," Pavano said. "It's not what I had anticipated."
All the offense made it tough on the scoreboard operator at Yankee Stadium - the board went blank for a few moments in the eighth inning as the Red Sox piled on. New York allowed its most hits since giving up a franchise-record 28 on Sept. 29, 1928, in a 19-10 loss at Detroit.
"We'll look for a pick-me-up tomorrow," Yankees manager Joe Torre said. "Hopefully, we'll get back on track and play the type of baseball we've been used to the last three weeks. You've got to brush it off."
The Red Sox had been held to three runs or fewer in three consecutive games for the first time since August 2003. But they set a season high for hits by the fifth inning behind Ramirez and Renteria, who finished with five RBIs.
Booed in Boston as he got off to a slow start in his first season with the team, Renteria is 12-for-19 on the current road trip, raising his average to .281.
"Edgar's got a big game he can play, just a matter of time with him," teammate Jason Varitek said. "He's traditionally too good a player. Confidence is a beautiful thing."
Ramirez's big game snapped a 1-for-16 skid. He hit just .193 in his previous 31 games, a slump that dropped his average to .224.
Pursued by Boston last offseason, Pavano gave up five runs and a season-high 11 hits - 10 singles and a double. He lost for the first time in eight starts since April 15 at Baltimore and was booed off the mound by a disappointed crowd of 55,315.
Clement (6-0) struck out his first three batters, then worked out of trouble the rest of the afternoon. He allowed five hits in six shutout innings, striking out seven and walking four.
Ramirez and Nixon hit consecutive RBI singles with two outs in the fourth for a 5-0 lead, chasing Pavano.
Three straight Red Sox singles in the fifth chased Mike Stanton, and Renteria sent Quantrill's second pitch over the right-field fence for his fourth career slam.
After Ramirez singled for his fourth consecutive hit, Nixon made it 12-0 with a three-run shot to center.
"I was terrible," Quantrill said. "I didn't have anything."
Jay Payton, who replaced Ramirez in left field in the sixth, added a two-run drive off Quantrill in the seventh. ^
Notes: Boston scored 16 runs against the Yankees on Aug. 12, 1937, at Fenway. ... Olerud made his first start at 1B for Boston and singled to right in his first at-bat. He finished 3-for-6 but could have had five hits - he hit two balls that deflected off the pitcher for groundouts. "It's just a good way to start things off," he said. "Definitely nervous for the first little bit. Everybody else has two months under their belt. This is like opening day for me. You're with a new club, you want to do well." ... The 19-game season series is tied 4-4. ... Renteria's previous grand slam came on June 9, 2004, with St. Louis at Wrigley Field. ... Derek Jeter was hit in the back by Clement's pitch in the third. He left for a pinch-hitter in the fifth with New York down 12-0. ... Red Sox C Kelly Shoppach made his major league debut when he came in to catch in the seventh.