Thursday, February 05, 2009
Luminous Tunes!
Here is an assortment
-just an assortment-
of songs that can be considered
"luminous" -
either due to their excellence
or even, miracle of miracles,
by the divine glow that might
emanate from them...
Most, yes, are of the
former category - alas!
A Good Friend These Days
Is Hard To Find;
some have sung...!
A good tune is harder to find
Certainly one that can be called
"luminous" -
in the latter sense!
By definition
(by my definition)
a luminous tune
is one with
That is found
in the lyrics, of course -
not the melody!
(Got that, Mike?!?)
Although, I must add:
one has to use
proper discernment
in order to see
what the meaning
truly is...!
This playlist
courtesy of project
is only one meant to
wash away the troubles of the day
- "pour décompresser"
as certain Frenchies would say!
Play on...
I hope it plays for you!)
As always, with my playlists
published here, on TLB PRIME,
over all these years,
there is an underlining message
between the lines...
between the tracks!
Here are a few extra clues:
a resolution is coming -
don't bug me, gnats -
no virus will keep me down long,
so quit trying hackers -
yes, I'm keeping up
the tradition of
fighting the good fight -
God Knows...
sorry, foes, I'm still alive!
Of those classics heard in there,
I'd rather have the lyrics
of the King's "Trouble"
be switched around
in favor of my version right here:
"If you're looking for trouble
You came to the right place, evidently
If you're looking for trouble
Look right at my face - grrrr!
I was BORN in trouble!
And I fought my way out of it!
But now I'm gonna give up all this singing
'Cause I don't even know the words
Oh I am so anguished, here yeah
Yeah, I am so anguished
So don't make me mop the floor
with your sorry hide!"
And ad lib the rest...
You must admit
it is much better
than wanting to be "evil"
as the "king" sang...!
All earthly kings
are as if nothing anyway;
A deeply silly song, ultimately -
and most probably the reason why
little luminous me confused both guys
and thought Elvis and Evel Knievel
were one and the SHAME...!!!
Back then ~ waaaaaay back then...!
But that's another story...
"All my dreams pass before my eyes..."
Never liked Leonard...
Can't ever forget a name like
"Feargal Sharkey"
Wished there was a character by that name
in AQUAMAN comic-books...
