Saturday, March 22, 2008
A Song Of Everlasting And *TRUE* Love

"All the while you were in front of me,
I never realized
I just can't believe I didn't see it
in your eyes
I didn't see it, I can't believe it
Oh, but I feel it
When you sing to me."
(Marc Antony, A.R.R.)
Dedicated to my
father and mother
João Jacinto (1934-2006)
and Maria Adelina

I am posting this a month ahead of the postdate
as it is already the "sad anniversary" for those of us
who cared and loved João Jacinto Pimentel.
We have been counting it in terms of months
and weeks... and days...
We feel his absence on a hourly basis
for we cared for him constantly.
And now he watches over us
every second of every day.
O Meu Santo Pai.
Labels: commemorative
Friday, March 21, 2008
It's Easter Time... There's No Need To Be Afraid...
that He Died for us
whether you believe it
or do not even know it
His Sacrifice Is Real
His Salvation True
And there is absolutely
NOTHING to lose
in giving it a shot
for you unbelievers
out there...!
Labels: Easter, Good Friday
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Luminous Songs - Surgissant Du Passé - Returning To Us... To Yesteryear
Marie Carmen Aubut
She who has renounced her career
to now devote herself to the sick
the poor and the afflicted
in places like Perù
and Venezuela.
As she has said herself
she has quit the spotlight
she has left the shadows
and sought the Light -
not the opposite,
as many who see
but are blind to the
have told her, over time,
stunned that she
left behind a lucrative
musical career
to be so altruistic
and become, verily,
a Light in this dark world.
The above song is by Marie Carmen
and reflects all of the luminous soul
that resides within her
as she does a stunning cover
of the classic "L'Aigle Noir"
from French songstress Barbara.
Of Marie Carmen's stunning repertoire
put together over such a short span of time
in the late 80s and early 90s
"L'Aigle Noir" is only second to
the nostalgic classic for the bereaved,
"J'ai L'Blues De Vous"
- with "T'Oublier"
a close third
in my personal top ten...
Below, we have the other side
of the spectrum -
a song that states it like it is today;
The World Is Darker
Neverending White Lights
and the mesmerizing
(much in the same way of a Lilith)
Melissa Auf Der Maur
A video that has a definite
Kubrickian quality
à la Eyes Wide Shut
something that is missing
in the minimalistic charm
of the Marie Carmen video
- which proves once again
that one cannot have everything!
And the true chorus line
of this gem of a song
by NWL and MADM
is verily the best advice
one could ever obtain
from such forms of entertainment:
"watch your back
if your heart is weeping -
watch your heart
if your back is bleeding"
Quite simply...
Melissa Auf Der Maur
A video that has a definite
Kubrickian quality
à la Eyes Wide Shut
something that is missing
in the minimalistic charm
of the Marie Carmen video
- which proves once again
that one cannot have everything!
And the true chorus line
of this gem of a song
by NWL and MADM
is verily the best advice
one could ever obtain
from such forms of entertainment:
"watch your back
if your heart is weeping -
watch your heart
if your back is bleeding"
Quite simply...
Labels: Marie Carmen, music video, Neverending White Lights
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St-Patrick's Day
all agree on this one:
snakes are sickening!
We don't like 'em
We don't want 'em
Bring on the green beer!
Labels: St. Patrick's Day, Teddy