Sunday, October 20, 2024
Luminous 20th
I sort of skipped the birthday - if one believes
the retroactive posting that I have done here
and the chronological order that ensues... !
However, in truth and fact, the Luminous Blog
- the all-too natural extension of myself,
as I had chosen, way back then, to go with
the aggrandizing monicker of *Luminous (\ô/) Luciano*
"A Blog Befitting My Luminous Person(a)"
which eventually begets a Luminous Network of websites,
a Luminous Universe (Multiverse, yes!) of fiction
and a Luminous World Order in the Real World -
this blog, therefore, *Luminous Prime*
(as in the (Luminous) TLB Prime Network - duh)
where I often called for a much better world
truly did debut/premiere in October of 2004.
But as I have... blogged... many times through the years,
it is *my blog ~ my prerogative!*
Where I celebrated everything and anything
worthy of being celebrated - as the fancy hit me!
And thus... I will celebrate its anniversary
when I want ~ the way I want!
And, as it is, somewhere in-between all the dates
chosen as (luminous) *debuts* ~
via the magic of retroactive posting
(aw - cannot ever thank you enough for that,
Blogger! This Time Traveling power you give...
Or used to give, anyways!)
and with
OF COURSE, such a Luminous Blog began
with, either joyful reminiscing of innocent times
OR with rejoicing of JUSTICE being done, at last!
The very first luminous blog posting...!
2004 was something else - INDEED!
The next decade would be... WELL-CHRONICLED,
shall we say? I blogged - a lot!
A LOT of the blog's, er, messages went through
the comments section, actually!
Entire articles, in fact - on top of my luminous pearls of wisdom!
Hence, yes, it was a lot of reading material - sort of!
Although, through those early years, I became more and more...
visual - catering to other senses - and less wordy, perhaps.
This comes about as the entire TLB Prime Network
embraces its mission: to be a Luminous Editorial
across the board ~ with no restrictions.
No subject is too controversial - no one is spared.
(The Lambasting Blog is soon born, too!)
The reticence to use other people's images dissipated
as the Luminous Disclaimer was composed!
Est. 2003
© 2007 Onwards ~ Luminous (\ô/) Luciano Pimentel
TLB Prime, The Truth, Luminous Writings, Aqua Musings, The Saudades Blog, 365 Days/Reasons and every other affiliated TLB Prime Network site, whether on Blogger or on another provider, are the intellectual properties of Luminous Luciano aka Luciano Pimentel.
No sections of this website may be reproduced or used in any way, partially or completely, in any fashion whatsoever without written authorization - the only exceptions to this rule occurring in the advent of an objective review of the entertaining value of said material and/or in the advent of objective and 'fair use' of my copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
Likewise, several elements displayed on this and on any given blog part of the TLB Prime Network may or may not be in the public domain; in the case of copyrighted material showing up here or anywhere else throughout this network, it is done so in accordance to the rules of the aforementioned FAIR USE ACT - always and in all ways.
All this in total and complete accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
For more information, once more, go here
God Bless!
Statistics Sundays 6 - sixpence none the richer
On to the FACTS... Jack!
Pride lionesses frequently enter the breeding season together and later give birth at the same time; this allows them to share nursing and other maternal duties.
Although only one out of four hunting events is successful, dominant males always eat first, lionesses next, and cubs scramble for scraps and leftovers.
A tiger can consume as much as 40 kg (88 lb.) of meat in one feeding.
Tigers may drag their prey to water to eat. They are commonly seen in the shade or wading in pools cooling off.
Since white tigers have pigmented stripes and blue eyes, they are not albinos.
It is estimated that there are less than 3,000 Bengal tigers left in the wild.
The jaguar is the largest cat of the Americas, and the only living representative of the genus Panthera found in the New World.
More than 85 species have been recorded in the jaguars diet.
Jaguars are the only big cats that regularly kill prey (especially capybaras) by piercing the skull with their canines.
Deforestation rates are highest in Latin America (FAO 1993), and fragmentation of forest habitat isolates jaguar populations so that they are more vulnerable to the predations of man.
While the puma cannot roar, it is capable of a variety of vocalizations. Both sexes have a distinctive call, likened to a woman's scream, which is probably associated with courtship.
Widespread and uncontrolled hunting, which has the potential to remove animals from viable habitat in which they would otherwise be present, is an active threat to big cat species.
The larger a cat, the larger its home range.
The cheetah appears to have suffered a series of severe population bottlenecks in its history, with the first and most significant occurring possibly during the late Pleistocene extinctions, around 10,000 years ago.
Cheetahs are considered by some to be a threat to peoples livelihood; governments struggle to prevent the destruction of cheetahs on private lands by owners who own livestock and fear cheetahs will prey on their herd.
According to K. Sevrin (pers. comm. in Eaton 1974: 24), a captive cheetah was accurately clocked at 112 kph over a short distance.
Three races of tiger - virgata Caspian, balica Bali and sondaica Javan tigers -- have become extinct since the 1950s.
Stripe patterns differ among individual tigers and from one side of the cats body to the other.
A tiger cub taken in Rewa, central India, in 1951, was the last record of a white tiger in the wild. Named Mohan, this tiger became the progenitor of most white tigers now in captivity when bred with a daughter, proving that the albinism is the result of a recessive gene.
Black tigers have been reported occasionally (Burton 1933, Perry 1964, Guggisberg 1975, Mazák 1981), but the only physical evidence rests with a skin recovered from illegal traders in Delhi in October 1992, which has deep black on the top of the head and back extending down the flanks to end in stripes (P. Jackson pers.comm.).
The name bobcat is an abbreviation of "bob-tailed cat", which refers to its short, dark ringed tail
Unlike many other cat species, tigers readily enter water.
There were supreme moments of levity
as there were of humility
and there was even the occasional "borrow"
- or guest blogger on TLB Prime here -
rarely, very rarely... but there was!
None was greater than
the quotes from Our Lord Jesus-Christ
but there was this one time
a *Sealestial Nomad* was quoted:
Sunday, April 23, 2006
inbox indiscretions - "sealestial" edition! ;)

1. No one can ruin your day without YOUR permission.
2. Most people will be about as happy, as they decide to be.
3. Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently.
4. Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.
5. Success stops when you do.
6. When your ship comes in, make sure you are willing to unload it.
7. You will never "have it all together."
8. Life is a journey... not a destination. Enjoy the trip!
9. The biggest lie on the planet: "When I get what I want, I will be happy."
10. The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.
11. I've learned that ultimately, 'takers' lose and 'givers' win.
12. Life's precious moments don't have value, unless they are shared.
13. If you don't start, it's certain you won't arrive.
14. We often fear the thing we want the most.
15. He or she who laughs... lasts.
16. Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
17. Look for opportunities... not guarantees.
18. Life is what's coming... not what was.
19. Success is getting up one more time.
20. Now is the most interesting time of all.
21. When things go wrong... don't go with the flow.
22. If everything is going right - count your blessings
23. Tomorrow is the first day of the new you - start over making some noise!
Such Luminous Advice - it could have been penned by me!
*Sealestial* there was one of the members
over at * I should have been, too! *
But I had other things to do...
Maybe not better things to do - no - but still...
I played "statistician" ~ Luminous Statistician!
Helen Sharman
Edith Cresson
NASA launched
Death of Ogden Nash,
U.S. President John F. Kennedy
Alan Shepard
The British ocean liner
Aer Lingus,
The Empire State Building
Eventually, there is a luminous balance
(what else could it be, except luminous ~ again)
in re: the word to picture ratio...
Blogs become specialized in very specific
subjects or categories; my topical approach...
But then updating them all AND carrying on
with 1001 other activities IRL
becomes... tenuous, not luminous.
We soon enter the *seldom updated* era...
Didn't we all, here?
The ephemeral aspect of even these things
that we post online - for posterity
that are supposed to be accessing eternity
in that certain cybernetic way...
But it does not, does it?
Not when it simply is yanked away
or not even seen by the proverbial L.O.Vs
Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances; departure of evil men by their return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the interim.
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
~ Jean de La Fontaine
The word "happiness" would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
~ Carl G. Jung
Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity. ~ Carl G. Jung
ON RIGHTEOUSNESS... To be righteous, we do not merely have to fight for what is right... No, verily, to be righteous, we should not fight at all - we must accept our lot and even love our enemies! Is such a philosophy compatible at all with the highly competitive world out there today - the so-called "real world" - the cold cruel world... hmm? HMM? Probably not - but such is the criterion of excellence in the field of righteousness and "genuine goodness" set by the very best humankind has ever offered; Jesus, son of Joseph. Jesus was, of course, more than a man. However, over the years, so many men and women have followed His Example - proving that such an impossible thing to do can be accomplished by mere mortals such as "petty, itty bitty us"! The likes of Francis of Assisi, Claire of Assisi, Simeon the Stylite, Augustine, Thérèse de Lisieux, Hildegard Von Bingen, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) - all either declared saints or bound to be real soon. The layman and laywoman can also be found to be a more than worthy example - Che Guevara was quoted saying these more than wonderful words: "the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love" - and, indeed, these words ring not just true, but they ring like the Truth!
Patient saintly souls still walk among us - one has but to open one's eyes to see them. I know a few, elite examples myself...
All of these exemplary men and women - and there are so many more, who no one has ever heard of - are verily what true Spiritual Warriors are all about. Not merely fighting off their own personal demons and everyday temptations - but making a difference in their entourage. For, verily, to me, Spiritual Warriors are Spiritual Survivors - whose awareness and vigilance are just a tad more elevated than the norm.
One has to be aware of the source of any affliction in order to cure it - and Spiritual Warfare is much akin to a chess game, moreso than actual warfare - it is a game of chess with dark influences that we must overcome. Being aware of their very existence is a huge step forward towards accomplishing just that. And once that is done - one's duty is clear; one must share such erudition with the highest number of receptive souls possible. Jesus was a Teacher - he wanted the children to come to Him. And what are we all - from the smallest one of us to the tallest, brightest and most powerful among us? What are we but children still - in the Eyes of the Lord.
I will expound further on this and other philosophical as religious matters in a companion blog - a sister site to TLB Prime (lest it should be called a... brother blog?) titled...
Luminous Praising of the Divine* (what else?).
(Originally posted October 26, 2005)
The oddest of acquaintances were made ~
offline as online - but most odd ones were online!
Those nincompoops over at the soon-to-be-defunct
Stripcreator site tried and write the account
of my clashing with several of them
over a great many things:
their bad taste, cluelessness, crass humor,
lack of refinement, idiocy, abject nature...
Most of all, that was it!
That went on during the early years of this
very Luminous Blog...
They (the nincompoops) still cannot fathom
the (again, very) luminous way
that I dispatched them, dealing with them
one by one, within the stripcreations themselves!
The most luminous examples:
Ugh ~ damned & dumb stripcreator messed up
*all* of my punctuation there - all the time!
Not as witty as the distinguished competition,
hmm, sullied, sickening, all-together silly stripcreator?
It wasn't -never will be- trilingual like I was, back then
(and, now, I am working on #7 already!)
But that's another story...
"Luminous Prime" - LP - a.k.a. The Luminous Blog
used to be the primary web-based platform
where I'd be commenting on any given topic,
(almost) on a daily basis!
The ideal excuse for that, to come onto the web
and chime in with my virtual two-cents' worth
(make it five cents - a nickel, at least)
of wisdom... luminous wisdom...
was, of course, any and all
that we may get to have
on the ol' calendar...
Such as...
All-Souls Day (November 2nd, 2005 ~ which fell on a WEDNESDAY!)
Hence this title for the post:
"All-Souls Day... on a hump day... hmm... what would grandpa think of that... and what would grandma say!"
Benito Mussolini. Genghis Khan. Al DiSalvo (who was not the Boston Strangler). Sir Winston Churchill. Sir Alec Guinness. Sir Laurence Olivier (three sirs - I'm out!). Attila The Hun. Napoléon Bonaparte. Lizzie Borden. Jack The Ripper (whoever it was). Ted Bundy. Jeffrey Dahmer. Adolf... need I go on?
All of these and countless more are to be found -somewhere, in some misshapen ethereal form or another- in the Great Beyond... in the Land of the Dead! Verily, on a day like today, we should pause and realize that even though the planet is near over-population as it currently is (and never has it been so close to it as it is nowadays) - the Dead outnumber us by such a margin that our numbers -among the living- are dwarved in comparison! Aye, it is a good thing that there is no semblance of similitude between today and the cinematic Day of the Dead... That would be a losing cause for our side! But that is another story...
Of course, not all of the dead are "bad guys" - a great many gooder-than-good guys are found among their illustrious ranks - from the recently departed Karol Wojtyla and Mother Teresa to Sharon Tate, Rachel Corrie, Marla Ruzicka, Marie-Soleil Tougas, Lady Di... And add to that the innumerable everymen and everywomen that are our dearly departed - our kins who were never famous but who were unquestionably the true stars in the movies of their lives... as also stars in the eyes of all those that they touched during their passage on this Earth. These are the ones we REALLY should be thinking about today - the ones that matter the most. They who have crossed over and still love us, as we love them - the ones who have now seen the Light truely and know the Truth. May God grant them permission to help us out a bit, all of us still alive on this mudball called Earth - all of us among the Living...!
About "hump day" though...
SPECIAL DATES on the calendar were always in;
any and all that are specifically devoted to
a certain, defined/refined, exclusive club
and/or ANNIVERSARIES, also... duh!
I didn't wait until the 20th to post something!
Here's, actually, the 1st anniversary - sort of!
It was a little over a year, in fact, and I had reached
the total of 400 posts already - by my account, anyways!
(If you count all the unpublished drafts - most definitely!)
2005 had been *the* year when it got going,
really; I had found my stride here,
discovered what I truly wanted to do
with this platform of "blogging"...!
And here was the perfect way to celebrate it ~
have a look now:
Monday, November 07, 2005
And for this, my 400th TLB post, Luminous Luciano tackles Lunatic Lucian - in a dream match-up of literatis!
No disrespect intended - Lucian wrote his "TRUE STORY" about going to the MOON, so... Luna-cy seems to fit! This is not going to be all about him, however...!
It always struck me as synchronicity to the Nth degree that I was so very prone to write and verse poetic as sarcastic, as if by right - in the 20th Century - from the first day in little school, very nearly; when a certain Syrian by the name of Lucian had done the exact same thing in the 2nd Century of our era! We both have had the additional trait in common that we are not "widespread/mainstream" flavors of the moment... Both of us writing the way we wanted to write, independently of what is deemed "saleable" or "popular" in our respective times. Both of us... challenged the "status quo" quite a lot!
Lucian is even deemed to be the FIRST SCIENCE FICTION WRITER - EVER! ""Lucian, Syrian by birth but Greek by culture, wrote his "True Story" parodying the weird tales told by Greeks from the Odyssey onwards. He was born about 120 AD, trained as a lawyer, but spent most of his life as a travelling lecturer, before he settled down in Athens to some more serious philosophy. Many of his books (he wrote over 80) weren't at all serious (being sarcastic in tone, they were not DEEMED SERIOUS... no.). "A True Story" anticipates Jules Verne, George Lucas and, especially, Douglas Adams."" I knew the similarities had to end at some point... First major divergent point is the abominable fact that he trained himself to be a lawyer... Yikes! I abhor pettifoggers! He did mock the beliefs of the Greeks, true, but he was also sarcastic about the beliefs of that budding new "cult" called... the Christians! Especially about the latter religion's lack of fear in the face of DEATH... Thus, quite evidently, even an intelligent man such as Lucian of Samasota could not fathom nor comprehend everything... heck, no one can!
The last drop is most probably the sad fact that he was more a harbinger of one profoundly atheistic (as well as irreverent, sure; no one is aaaaall bad, see?) and celebrated whimsical author - namely Douglas Adams - than he is a forerunner of... well... me, his namesake! Similarities with Jules Verne and even George Lucas I relish - but with Adams? Ugh! Wrong one to "connect" with if you ask me - I wish it had been, instead, Charles Addams! And, in some way, Lucian does have a little bit of Addams prefiguration too, somewhere in his massive body of work there... No time to look for it now - but you may find it yet... here. Or here. Or even here. Or, most especially here! (OK - make it here!)
This last link gives a good round-up of the titles that Lucian proudly produced over his lifespan - titles such as The Disinherited, Phalaris I & II, Demosthenes, Patriotism (!), The Fly (!), Swans and Amber, Dipsas, The Hall, Nigrinus, The Portrait-study, Defence of The Portrait-study, A Trial in the Court of Vowels, Hesiod, The Vision (!), Pantomime, Anacharsis, Toxaris, Slander, The Way To Write History (!) (Πως δεί ιστορίαν συγγράφειν), Hermotimus, The Parasite, A Feast of Lapithae, Dialogues of the Hetaerae, Dialogues of the Dead (!), Dialogues of the Gods (Θεών Διάλογοι ), Dialogues of the Sea-Gods (!), Menippus, Icaromenippus, Zeus cross-examined, The Cynic, Of Sacrifice, Saturnalia, A True History ( Ἀληθῆ διηγήματα ), A Voyage to the Lower World (!), Charon, Timon, Prometheus on Caucasus, Zeus Tragoedus, The Gods in Council, The Ship, The Life of Peregrine (!),The Runaways (!!), The double Indictment, The Sale of Creeds, The Fisher, Herodotus, Zeuxis, Harmonides, The Scythian , A literary Prometheus, The Book-fancier, The Purist purized, Lexiphanes, The Rhetorician's Vade-mecum, Demonax, a biography (?!?), Alexander The Oracle-Monger (Ἀλέξανδρος ἢ Ψευδομάντις), Mourning, Dionysus, Heracles, Apology for 'The dependent Scholar, A Slip of the Tongue, Peri Tes Syries Theoy, (De Dea Syria / Concerning the Syrian Goddess)., Dream ( Somnium Περὶ τοῦ ἐνυπνίου ), On Dancing (Περί Ορχήσεως )

I knew not about Lucian (and much less about other "namesakes" of mine such as Lucian Freud or Lucius Annaeus Seneca) - when I first began to have the same interests in literature, satire and these subjects Lucian (of the 2nd Century A.D.) tackled so well and so often...
Heck, I did not even know about Lucien Piccard until recently - and the only famous Luciano I've always known is Pavarotti! Now, of course, I have discovered the Jamaican one - yeah, man!
Hmm... maybe I should have saved all this for the 500th post instead, hmm...? *lol*
Unless I decide to tackle my Brazilian namesake then - there is a model down in Brazil who bears my name... He doesn't stand a chance against me! *lol*
The Lucian/Luciano analogies are far more interesting to me though - far better also than the apparent similarities between myself and author Christian Mistral, whose name is great but whose writing - according to his own "people" - is "phoqué". Okaaaay... with fans like these, you don't need critics! *LOL* (And yes; if you want to know more about Mistral, you are going to have to google him up - AND learn French too! I am NOT linking him up to TLB! *LOL*). Oh, no... Come to think of it now, a druggie recently asked me if I was exactly that... "phoqué". Hmm... To him, non-addicts must seem very strange, I am sure... He also thought me to be a true-blue, full-blooded Italiano - since he is, evidently, his name being Fabrizio... Well, Luciano is a most popular name that is to be found now in Portugal, Spain, Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and so on! Italy has lost its exclusivity on the name! And the sons of Italia who bear the name have lost their monopoly... And originality in the process, I guess... Too bad, Guido!
They still have their Fabrizios to fall back on...
But enough about ME, the Satirist... And enough about him, the druggie! His wretched kind and I will never get along nor see eye to eye; I am profoundly convinced of so much!
I would have rather rubbed shoulders with the Syrian Satyr there; we had so much more in common, after all! Maybe when time travel becomes possible - *LOL*.
Blessings - to the rest of you - namesakes or not!
However, 2006 was the year in which
most of the really good stuff got blogged!
Very early in that year, on January 19th,
I premiered my most beloved series here:
(inspired by a third party ~ yes, true!)
Third party, come forth now!
With the myriad holy ones -men and women- to choose from, I simply had to go with some sort of patriotic pride as my first saint here ~ hence, a fellow countryman of my ancestors who, like myself actually, accomplished nothing in the land of his ancestors but all of his life's work was on foreign soil instead.
St. Antonio de Padua was born in Portugal in 1195 A.D. ~ he spent most of his life in Italy though, first as an Augustinian and then, for the last ten years of his life, as a Franciscan.
He died a martyr in 1231 ~ as he had foreseen it happening too. He was only 36 years of age (which is, incidentally, my current age.)
St. Anthony of Padua would preach the gospel fervently and innocently - and this, ceaselessly. He was canonized less than a year after his death. His martyrdom, constant preaching (which earned him the title of “hammer of the Heretics”) and the miraculous apparition of the Infant Jesus to him were ample evidence to build his "case" with the Church... More evidence would be found three centuries after his death, as "his body was found to be corrupted, yet his tongue was totally incorrupt, so perfect were the teachings that had been formed upon it, upon exhumation of his body some 336 years after his death."
Angelology was always a fascinating subject for me ~ and the sources for studies on that subject are many! All three major faiths have them ~ angels abound in many ways and in all senses of the word "abound" too!
Who to pick as the first "subject-case" in this series...?
I will go with Metatron ~ the powerful archangel with no less than 76 names and maybe more than 100 (and that is aside from this most popular and vaguely super-heroic monicker here...)
Metatron is immensely powerful and one of the angelic order of the Seraphim, along with Michael, Seraphiel, Gabriel, Uriel, Nathanael, Jehoel, Chamuel (Kemuel, Shemuel) and, once upon a time but no longer, Satan (before his fall - evidently).
Metatron, like all archangels, is a "very large and radiant spiritual being". If Ah-nold was, selon Linda Hamilton, "larger than life" back in those days when he still made movies... surely Metatron is beyond "larger than life" status too...!
The Seraphim are said to have six wings of light and those wings have eyes...! If some basketball players (Bob Cousy, Larry Bird) were reputed to have eyes "all around their heads" ~ certainly angels can have multiple pairs too... even on their wings!
For all his power, though, (Metatron is one of few elite angels to be named as a member of more than one angelic Order) Metatron is NOT one of the nine angels "at the World's End"... A group of nine that we shall see mentioned here again - assuredly!
A group and not an Angelic Order per say - need it be precised.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Hmm... what do you say, l.o.v's? Should TLB Prime have its own Luminous V-Host (hostess with the mostest really - *lol*)?
SAINTS & ANGELS though...
It was foretelling of things to come ~
as I would have need of all of them,
all the saints, all the angels,
very shortly - in 2006...
Chacun de nous a son long cheminement bien à soi
Nul ne sait où cela va le mener
tant partisans du toi, du moi que ceux de la foi
mais tous savent dans leur fort intérieur
quel est le but ultime - des mondes, le meilleur
C'est l'Incandescence Illuminée."
They are a blur, quite frankly.
Because of the tragedy of 2006.
Save for this: not giving up.
Still writing - not giving up on that dream
For the next few years,
blogging became... cathartic,
therapeutic, a way to vent the anger
(Though flashes of that had come out already,
from the very beginning, practically...!)
as well as
in my own luminous perspective
2010 ~ I live again
Business endeavours.
The works!
And I don't need to remind you what "LOVs" stands for,
now, do I...??? Luminous Online Visitors!!!
Those are the Blissful, Luminous Years.
Notably, the all-important Year of Our Lord 2017
They had their lot of frustration, too,
but for the most part... Bliss.
And Happiness.
The Luminous Pandemic!
2021 to this day:
the aftermath of that pandemic...
In latter years, most recently to this day in fact,
social media is the core sharing ground,
while this and all of the TLB Prime Network
has become a special platform for things
not so easily shared otherwise...
We all know the limits of X, FB, IG... etc!
X, especially - since Musk took over...
God, I miss Twitter!
No matter how long it stays "X" (forever, eh)
here, it is still referred to as my
Luminous Twitter ~
on the bottom of this blog!
There was the character-limit thing, yes;
but I used to circumvent that
with a tiny URL link
sending followers right back here;
to the Luminous Blog!
Looking back to the early daze though...
When everything ~ absolutely everything ~ was
still of the realm of the possible...
A Multiverse of possibilities out there, y'know...
There is a post that appears to have become...
prophetic. Lest it was the self-fulfilling type of it?
(Something that boils down to self-sabotage, really
- but that's another story...!)
Lest we are found to embody this truism...
Written over a century ago...
"For of all sad words of tongue and pen
The saddest are these: "it might have been."
- --John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892)
SOMETHING to which one could add
~ nowadays, in retrospect, with hindsight ~
yet another favorite tune of mine, from way back...
Looking back is not always a rosey experience.
One will always wonder if something could have been done
differently - often possible, here, through the edit button!
But it is more than that - of course!
One will always have... Saudades.
The Luminous thing to do is
And hey ~ what else did you expect from me, here,
on the 20th Luminous Anniversary - hmm?
here... always!
For as long as there is a blogosphere!
Courtesy, here, of Google/Blogger/YouTube...
And Yours Truly,
as far as the luminous portion of it
known as the "TLB Prime Network"
which does include material hosted by
other providers; Bravenet, Wordpress...
Luminous Luciano

Labels: Luminous Connections, Time Travel