Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

ahh... the trouble with felines...

All that Red Sox stuff got me distracted...
Left a can of tuna's tasty contents in a dish, on the kitchen counter - only for a minute - and when I came back... pussycat was having a feast, instead of me! :(

Cat food is expensive enough as it is - if that darn critter thinks it is going to be fed premium tuna now - it is in for a big surprise...!!!

More surprising is the darn cat's apparent proclivity with the tub - when it's thirsty, at any rate! But I digress...

And there would seem to be yet more hidden meaning in all that - a sort of cherry-on-top allegorical kind of thing... for all of the Red Sox organization is celebrating... time to have a feast indeed! Not saying my darn cat is any aware of baseball or anything else for that matter... lol... not by any stretch of the imagination!

Still - don't the Red Sox extended family / organization include... the New Britain Rock Cats?

Spooky, eh? LOL

Blessings! (Instead of cursings...!).

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