Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Friday, November 05, 2004

Of turn-offs... and other "of's"... "co-off"*** ''cough''***

After tackling head-on the less attractive oral aspects of modern language in America... it is time to beat down the written aspects as well... if not far more decisively! After all, ancient wisdom said it best - "les paroles s'envolent; mais les écrits restent"... meaning that, basically, written blunders are far more incriminating evidence... and twice as annoying because of that!

Is there something more annoying than the bastardizing of the written language?
Name me a single more irritating pet peeve of any remotely-so well-read individual on the face of God's Green Earth... :/

The single most pernicious one of them all has got to be... the ill-advised usage of, indeed, the preposition "of"...

"Of" is a preposition that denotes removal and separation (how... fitting!) but also ownership, attribute, material and quality (or... lack thereof...?).

NOWHERE does it ever say that it can substitute for the verb to HAVE...

Why do some odd configurations of sentences find their way onto all matters of things - including even e-mails sent to ME... (T.S. - this one is for you babe!).

"I would of to do this..."
"I of to go there..."
"How can it be that we of such different points of view..."

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhh ---!!!
If I have the misfortune of receiving another missive which sponsors the misuse of the preposition "of"... I will OF to OFF it!

Indubitably! ;)

Blessings - to the grammatically-challenged and misspellers all around...!
They need it badly...

Hello, sir. Why tackle misusing "of" only? Why not also take on "your" when you mean "you're" and "it's" when you mean "its?" ;-) Just teasing. A man can only do so much at one time.

You asked if I'd consider linking you to my website. Which one of them did you mean?

Please let me know.
Ah, but the near-twins aka the homonyms are just too easy... They are errors of inattention... There is no such excuse for "of to" / have to...

As for your sites, Miss Adams (a fellow blogger - what a surprise...) - why not all three? Why take chances? LOL ;)

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