Tuesday, November 02, 2004
when all else fails...
Go with the wrestling analysis...
Imagine John Kerry, Dubya and Bin Laden (and even the other guy... whatsisname again... Nader, right...) are all "rasslers"...
Involved in a triple steel-cage WCW "thundercage match" or something...!!! (I say WCW because I am not about to make mention of the monopoly-building Vinnie Mac... why should I? Billy Gates is another I would not mention... oops, just did. :().
Undecided voters should go with the "good guy" -face as opposed to heel in rasslin jargon- in there, the one they feel most capable of coming out of there VICTORIOUS... And that is in a scenario not involving outside interference... such as one of the daughters distracting an opponent... Cheney throwing in a pair of brass-knuckles... Condoleeza attacking like a shrieking banshee off the rafters... The usual fare!
Frankly - I see only one possible choice under those strict criteria - Kerry!
Then again, there are those who see all four best cast as a classic example of "choices between the lesser evil" (although Bin Laden is not on the ballot, he thinks he is, I believe...), neer' do wells and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse no less...!
Good Election Day my dear Americans!
Good luck living with the results for the next four years! ;)
Blessings! (While electing... if the two can go together at all...!).
Imagine John Kerry, Dubya and Bin Laden (and even the other guy... whatsisname again... Nader, right...) are all "rasslers"...
Involved in a triple steel-cage WCW "thundercage match" or something...!!! (I say WCW because I am not about to make mention of the monopoly-building Vinnie Mac... why should I? Billy Gates is another I would not mention... oops, just did. :().
Undecided voters should go with the "good guy" -face as opposed to heel in rasslin jargon- in there, the one they feel most capable of coming out of there VICTORIOUS... And that is in a scenario not involving outside interference... such as one of the daughters distracting an opponent... Cheney throwing in a pair of brass-knuckles... Condoleeza attacking like a shrieking banshee off the rafters... The usual fare!
Frankly - I see only one possible choice under those strict criteria - Kerry!
Then again, there are those who see all four best cast as a classic example of "choices between the lesser evil" (although Bin Laden is not on the ballot, he thinks he is, I believe...), neer' do wells and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse no less...!
Good Election Day my dear Americans!
Good luck living with the results for the next four years! ;)
Blessings! (While electing... if the two can go together at all...!).