Sunday, January 16, 2005
My Horoscope (the annotated version)
You've got two good things going for you. (Strike One - I have much more than that going for me! *lol*)
First, you're in total relaxation mode (not quite...) -- reading the paper in bed, sipping overpriced caffeine and ignoring the phone. (2 out of 3 ain't bad...)
It's your day to devote to total hedonism. (Just because it is so for 99% of the peeps out there -traditionally- doesn't mean that it is for MOI though...!!!)
Then there's the fact that the rest of the world will be ready to assume full responsibility for whatever they say or do (HA - that'll be the day...), the way that you do on a regular basis. (Yep - always did; always will!)
Yep. It's just good to be you. (THAT it is - not easy - but good!)
- By
Hey - better than expected performance there - is it not?
Only one bonafide strike - and a foul ball back there (no - that would be strike two! Make it... a wild pitch! There you go...!) LOL.
NOT the strikeout I'd assumed it would be instantly upon embarking on this luminous annotation, I must say...!!!
Still am not convinced of any level of accuracy whatsoever for the astrological animal - besides, that is, the basic description affixed to each sign... (THAT is almost always right on the money!) which is why I left my daily horoscope installment there basically anonymous and nameless - as far as my sign goes, of course!
Guess which sign I may be, dear readers...! I dare ya! *LOL*