Thursday, February 03, 2005
Ghosts vs Spirits

No - not an alternate super bowl match-up... *lol*
All that talk of passing and crossing over seems to me like the perfect time to present this... comparative estimate of what those two really are all about...!
Switch over to the comments section for all the spooky details...! Wooooooo!
Warning: this blog is not responsible for any thing(s) that go(es) bump in the night around your cozy abode afterwards... LOL

No - not an alternate super bowl match-up... *lol*
All that talk of passing and crossing over seems to me like the perfect time to present this... comparative estimate of what those two really are all about...!
Switch over to the comments section for all the spooky details...! Wooooooo!
Warning: this blog is not responsible for any thing(s) that go(es) bump in the night around your cozy abode afterwards... LOL
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... just a little info on ghosts as opposed to spirits...
So you can tell which is which when they come haunt ya! LOL
Re-enactment Ghosts - appear in the same spot and perform the same
actions they did when they were alive. The scenes re-enacted are
often violent or traumatic.
Unquiet Ghosts - Ghosts of people whose remains have not been
properly buried, or who have unfinished business on Earth.
Helpful Ghosts - appear to warn, help, or pass on information to the
Confused Ghosts - don't realize they are dead.
Dangerous Ghosts - most ghosts aren't dangerous but some countries
in the Far East believe in Vampire Ghosts that drain life energy
from the living.
Irritating Ghosts - These have no apparant purpose other than to
bother the living.
Elementals - are spirits that are linked to fire, earth, air, and
water. They can take many forms, for example, earth elementals may
appear as trolls, dwarves, or gnomes.
Nature Spirits - Animism is the belief that every thing, even a rock
has its own sprit. Rivers, sacred groves, and old trees have their
very own spirits. In ancient Greece, tree spirits were
called "dryads", In India and Southeast Asia, river spirits are
called "naga".
Faeries - In Celtic Lore, Faeries are powerful remnants of the
supernatural races that existed before humans. They include pixies,
devil dogs, selkies, and many others.
Angels and Demons - powerful spirits that are known by
various names all over the world. In Christianity, they are known as Guardian Angels,
totem animals to the Native Americans,
and the Loa in Voodoo.
The term "bless you" was associated with sneezing,
as it was assumed that you blew out an inhaled demon.
So you can tell which is which when they come haunt ya! LOL
Re-enactment Ghosts - appear in the same spot and perform the same
actions they did when they were alive. The scenes re-enacted are
often violent or traumatic.
Unquiet Ghosts - Ghosts of people whose remains have not been
properly buried, or who have unfinished business on Earth.
Helpful Ghosts - appear to warn, help, or pass on information to the
Confused Ghosts - don't realize they are dead.
Dangerous Ghosts - most ghosts aren't dangerous but some countries
in the Far East believe in Vampire Ghosts that drain life energy
from the living.
Irritating Ghosts - These have no apparant purpose other than to
bother the living.
Elementals - are spirits that are linked to fire, earth, air, and
water. They can take many forms, for example, earth elementals may
appear as trolls, dwarves, or gnomes.
Nature Spirits - Animism is the belief that every thing, even a rock
has its own sprit. Rivers, sacred groves, and old trees have their
very own spirits. In ancient Greece, tree spirits were
called "dryads", In India and Southeast Asia, river spirits are
called "naga".
Faeries - In Celtic Lore, Faeries are powerful remnants of the
supernatural races that existed before humans. They include pixies,
devil dogs, selkies, and many others.
Angels and Demons - powerful spirits that are known by
various names all over the world. In Christianity, they are known as Guardian Angels,
totem animals to the Native Americans,
and the Loa in Voodoo.
The term "bless you" was associated with sneezing,
as it was assumed that you blew out an inhaled demon.
If I were a betting man - I'd take the Patriots over the Eagles... and the Spirits over the Ghosts... by a mile! (A miracle mile...?!? LOL).
But no.
Am not a betting man.
Don't smoke.
Don't drink either. (Much... wine... red wine... with a copious meal only, okay?!?).
Thus, yes... I am virtually flawless!
Oh-oh... last guy who said that, sired by a manly man like I was, was one Curt Hennig... son to Larry The Axe... and a.k.a. Mr. Perfect... and HE died a premature death... Bad omen there... really bad... yikes!!!
But no.
Am not a betting man.
Don't smoke.
Don't drink either. (Much... wine... red wine... with a copious meal only, okay?!?).
Thus, yes... I am virtually flawless!
Oh-oh... last guy who said that, sired by a manly man like I was, was one Curt Hennig... son to Larry The Axe... and a.k.a. Mr. Perfect... and HE died a premature death... Bad omen there... really bad... yikes!!!
Historians are readers - which is why I quit being one... wanna be a writer! :) lol
Still, yes, this list comes from notable sources... (though they misspelled "apparent"... and it blew by me completely too! I hate when that happens! lol).
Poltergeists must be Irritating Ghosts - "These have no apparant (see?) purpose other than to bother the living." What could be more irritating than invisible beings making some ruckus in your home... eh?!?
Note that I don't necessarily agree with everything in there... for my money, the spirits are the Angels... and the fallen angels! And those two factions alone are a whole lot more powerful than all those ghosts combined I say! lol
Still, yes, this list comes from notable sources... (though they misspelled "apparent"... and it blew by me completely too! I hate when that happens! lol).
Poltergeists must be Irritating Ghosts - "These have no apparant (see?) purpose other than to bother the living." What could be more irritating than invisible beings making some ruckus in your home... eh?!?
Note that I don't necessarily agree with everything in there... for my money, the spirits are the Angels... and the fallen angels! And those two factions alone are a whole lot more powerful than all those ghosts combined I say! lol
Note the trolls and gnomes thing too - aren't they basically the same?!? Next thing they will add to that short list is Smurfs I guess... Dwarves were always discriminated against too - although, being called an Elemental is quite the compliment I guess... My favorite element is water anyway - anyone knows two more "manifestations" of THAT element (aside from the gracious Undine) - let me know! ;)
Ah - Leslie! Yes - ye art a fellow blogger now, verily...! ;)
A proud day indeed in blogland!
I dropped by and left you with some suggestions... ;)
I shall also drop by home base more often - I promise!
As for the settings thing, I kept inviting my erstwhile adversaries on a message board to come on here and face me - ON MY territory. They always refused, apparently, because here I am months later with zero "negative comment" to delete... or respond to. I wanted to deprive them of the chance to post anonymously... but then, I would immediately recognize their style if they did come on and left their crap here... So, okay - I will set the settings on the luminous blog so that Holly and everybody can comment... let's see who will be the takers here... I have all the guts it takes to face down any trolls that this way may come...! (Since we were just talking about them anyway... LOL Do not dismiss anything, Les, by the way - that is my advice! It can be mostly fairytale drivel - but there is always, in anything, an infinitesimal grain of truth to be found - always! And that is what I always try to find... Must be my passion! One of several... ;).
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A proud day indeed in blogland!
I dropped by and left you with some suggestions... ;)
I shall also drop by home base more often - I promise!
As for the settings thing, I kept inviting my erstwhile adversaries on a message board to come on here and face me - ON MY territory. They always refused, apparently, because here I am months later with zero "negative comment" to delete... or respond to. I wanted to deprive them of the chance to post anonymously... but then, I would immediately recognize their style if they did come on and left their crap here... So, okay - I will set the settings on the luminous blog so that Holly and everybody can comment... let's see who will be the takers here... I have all the guts it takes to face down any trolls that this way may come...! (Since we were just talking about them anyway... LOL Do not dismiss anything, Les, by the way - that is my advice! It can be mostly fairytale drivel - but there is always, in anything, an infinitesimal grain of truth to be found - always! And that is what I always try to find... Must be my passion! One of several... ;).
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