Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


"There is no sensual pleasure in the world comparable to the delight and satisfaction that a good man takes in doing good." - Tillotson

Ah - what to add to such wisdom...?
Maybe this: refrain from twisting any meaning of the words Tillotson chose to use there (with a most deliberate intent to pin hedonists into a corner, I would say) to make them words mean what you would want them to mean... eh? *LOL*

A fine example of doing the right thing:
(even if it is my own example... lol)
(Hey - I'm preaching by example here!!!)

As posted on some message board...

· #236
debonair aqua aficionado

Join Date: Jan 2005

Location: not that far from Boston... lol

Posts: 2

Name: Luciano

Age: that would be telling...

Location: closer to the great white north than you are

Job: soulsearching scribe

Favorite All time Bruins: Neely, Poulin, Bourque, O'Reilly and Orr of course

Fav. Current Bruins: Samsonov I suppose...

Fav. Non Bruin Players: Shanahan; most workhorses around the league - especially those in Calgary

Fav. Movies: Meditteraneo, What Dreams May Come, Star Wars (the original)

Music: Sao, The KLF, Enya, Genesis, Rush

Fav. food: healthy & tasty

Fav. Beer: Eau Bénite...

Fav. Bruin moment: Whenever Neely thrashed the competition - whamming, bamming or putting it in the net...!

How I became a fan: embraced the just cause of toppling the habs in 1985... and didn't have to wait long to see it come to fruition, did I?

How long I have been a B's fan: 19 years thus

Origin of screen name: unabashed self-promotion... lol

Jerseys owned: none yet - it's going to happen though!

Good Deeds - lately: ran the errands?


No one is all that impressed... eh?

Okay - let me see who has done better - who has donated vast amounts of time and/or cash to the Salvation Army, the Red Cross or Care... hmm? HMM?

GOODWILL - anyone?

Who has embraced a "juster cause" - and seen it to its total and complete realization/fruition...? (Although, to my defense, rooting for the perennial underdog is that all-important "first just cause" that, by dedicating yourself to, sets you on a lifetime path of good deeds - indeed!)

Those who may have done more -much more- than I have done, so far, will fully understand Tillotson's bit regarding "sensual pleasure" - and will therefore NOT immediately conjure up sensuous imagery... such as the one I added there!

Get your mind out of the gutter - people!
(Peeping peeps? LOL Pervs!)

I'm just fooling with ya... of course!
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