Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

nostradamus time...!!!

Yep - at the bequest of a few, I shall annoy a lot *lol*
Every thursday night, henceforth, shall be nostradamus night on the luminous blog!
Selected quatrains... in old french and in english... and then... a little luminous bit of commentary... Enjoy!

I 4
Par l'vniuers sera fait vn Monarque,
Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement,
Lors se perdra la piscature barque,
Sera regie en plus grand detriment.

In the world there will be made a king
who will have little peace and a short life.
At this time the ship of the Papacy will be lost,
governed to its greatest detriment.

*Hmm... is this saying that, shortly, Prince William will access the throne... follow his mother into the grave... and that will coincide with the Pope croaking...? Lady Di's demise did coincide with... Mother Teresa's! A good pal of the Pope's...*

I 7
Tard arriué l'execution faite,
Le vent contraire, lettres au chemin prinses
Les coniurez quatorze d'vne fecte,
Par le Rosseau senez les entreprinses.

Arrived too late, the act has been done.
The wind was against them, letters intercepted on their way.
The conspirators were fourteen of a party.
By Rousseau shall these enterprises be undertaken.

*Fourteen... another terrorist posse, is it? And "by Rousseau" might mean that, once again, they will access the USA via... Quebec, Canada! *LOL*

I 8
Combien de fois prinse Cité solaire,
Seras, changeant les loi barbares & vaines
Ton mal s'approche, plus seras tributaire,
Le grand Hadrie recouurira tes vaines.

How often will you be captured, O city of the sun ?
Changing laws that are barbaric and vain.
Bad times approach you. No longer will you be enslaved.
Great Hadrie will revive your veins.

*Sun City? Will Bruce Springsteen and a long list of mostly unknown artists still refuse to play there, by the way...? *LOL* Apparently, a great act will play there now... soon! Reviving its night life...? Sun City though should live up to its name - and be most festive in the daytime!*

I 9
De l'Orient viendra le cœur Punique,
Facher Hadrie & les hoirs Romulides,
Accompagné de la classe Libique
Trembler Mellites, & proches Isles vuides.

From the Orient will come the African heart
to trouble Hadrie and the heirs of Romulus.
Accompanied by the Libyan fleet
the temples of Malta and nearby islands shall be deserted.

*I don't know about you - but here, I can see a tiny bit of North Korea (with assistance) bothering the European Union... on its way to the US of A... eh?*

I 10
Serpens transmis dans la cage de fer,
Oú les enfans septains du Roy sont pris
Les vieux & peres sortiront bas d'enfer,
Ains mourir voir de son fruict mort & cris.

A coffin is put into the vault of iron,
where seven children of the king are held.
The ancestors and forebears will come forth from the depths of hell,
lamenting to see thus dead the fruit of their line.

*Wow - apocalyptic stuff here... ghostly apparitions lamenting the woeful present... I can't think of a more current topic than that... can you?*

I 11
Le mouuement de sens, cœur, pieds & mains
Seront d'accord, Naples, Leon, Secile.
Glaiues, feux, eaux, puis aux nobles Romains
Plongez, tuez, morts par cerueau debile.

The motion of senses, heart, feet and hands
will be in agreement between Naples, Lyon and Sicily.
Swords fire, floods, then the noble Romans drowned,
killed or dead because of a weak brain.

*Weak brains abound amongst heads of state... but I can't help to think that such far-reaching strife (all the way to... Sicily?) will be caused by the one we know best amongst that weak brain fraternity - Dubya! *LOL*

I 12
Dans peu dira fauce brute fragile,
De bas en haut, efleué promptement,
Puis en intant desloayale & labile,
Qui de Veronne aura gouuernement.

There will soon be talk of a treacherous man, who rules a short time,
quickly raised from low to high estate.
He will suddenly turn disloyal and volatile.
This man will govern Verona.

*Hmm... who might he be? Verona? Sounds like smalltime politician material to me... but they can still do a lot of damage if they gain national exposure... and now that all of Europe is like ONE huge country, who knows what that could entail indeed... and what such treachery could accomplish too. Antichrist material...?*

I 15
Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique,
Septante fois fera le sang espandre,
Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique,
Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront entendre.

Mars threatens us with the force of war
and will cause blood to be spilt seventy times.
The clergy will be both exalted and reviled moreover,
by those who wish to learn nothing of them.

*Ahh - now THAT sounds like TODAY, folks! Although... only seventy times...? Seems NOT quite like enough bloodshed for an apocalypse... to me anyway...!*

Oh - it can be sure now that these quatrains are in the public domain now...!!! If nineteen century scribblings are, these quatrains simply have to be!

Thanks for the technical support, Leslie! ;)

I can be slightly irreverent, my dear wolf-singer, but never a devil! Angelic boy here - remember? *LOL* ;)

Be Blessed - the both of you!
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Hmm... double posting on me own blog now... LOL

It is bad when the very author of the blog clicks one too many times...!
The links I have here are courtesy of Bravenet... YOU and anybody that visits the blog can submit suggestions to what sites should be linked in there (subject to my approval, always, it goes without mentioning - so, no porn sites... *LOL*).

No further commentary on Nostradamus for this week, eh? His verses - or my novel spur-of-the-moment interpretations... eh? *sigh* *LOL* Okay - onwards to NEXT WEEK... well, first, a bunch of OTHER topics of course... here... on the luminous blog...!

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