Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

in memoriam

Sister Lucia Dos Santos, originally of Fatima, Portugal, passed away on the 13th of February, at the ripe old age of 97.

Beyond the fact that she was another near-centenarian... even beyond the fact that she was reputed to be in near-constant contact with the Virgin Mary since the famous apparitions of 1917... it is most amazing that she crossed over... passed on... ascended... on a 13th.

Those in the know, and even casual observers, will note that all of the apparitions as the revelations took place on a 13th... starting with May 13th... 1917.

Modern folklore (of a sort) had it that Sister Lucia was going to live on until the end of days - that she'd only go when the Rapture would take place. But she had never said such things herself - nor had the Virgin reputedly said so either. It was, most likely, a myth initiated by Lucia's admirers - those who believed in every word she'd pass on, as originating from higher on up... The same ones who will push for her canonization now. Doubtful though that it will take place - the current Pope is a fan, but his own days appear to be numbered... and there is no guarantee that the next Pope will be so endeared to the cause. Plus, the process of canonization is a lengthy one...

Even here -after passing on, and in this "field" so to speak- it is STILL all about... credentials!

A minimum number of miracles is required to gain "admittance" to the exclusive club of the saints... the recognized saints, that is...

Surely a good heart, repentance and good deeds suffices to the REAL AUTHORITY on the subject - GOD - to gain sainthood status where it matters and counts; in THE HEAVENS!

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