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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

two for tuesdays ; two drastically different destinies

A King behind the pulpit... and a Knight throwing a fit... as his glorious plans of modern revolutionary architecture come crashing down with the reality of a cheap and unqualified labor force (seriously lacking in the... Force too... you'll soon see why...) - not to mention the tendency nowadays that contractors have to use cheap material too! *lol*
One - according to Priscilla herself - could have happened... and the other - not at all according to Padme Amidala though - might still happen...
All the (not-so, really) sordid details of these latest luminous riddles... in the comments section! Where charades are no more!


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In the pulpit

(BANG) - Priscilla Presley believes Elvis would have quit showbiz to become a preacher.

The former wife of the late rock and roll legend thinks he would have swapped the stage for the pulpit if he hadn't died so young.

The 60-year-old beauty: "I could see him going into preaching because that's something he really actually wanted to do from a very young age.

"He loved preachers. Elvis loved to dramatise everything. I think he could see himself doing that."

Priscilla, whose daughter Lisa Marie was once married to Michael Jackson, says she would still fancy Elvis if he was alive today.

The youthful-looking star, who began romancing rock's founding father when she was just 14, admitted to Britain's Times T2 supplement: "I think he'd still be gorgeous. I can't imagine anything him looking anything but tremendous. I think he'd be very handsome. Look at Cary Grant, how wonderful he was, so debonair."

&EngCP; BANG Media International
Anakin the Architect

(BANG) - Hayden Christensen is considering quitting acting to become an architect.

The 'Star Wars' actor says he has thought about swapping the big screen for designing homes - because the movie industry doesn't excite him anymore.

He is quoted by Britain's The Sun newspaper as saying: "Maybe the new 'Star Wars' will be my last movie.

"I don't find Hollywood interesting, so I'm thinking about studying architecture instead."

The heartthrob actor, who plays Anakin Skywalker in the hit movie series, claims the industry demands too much from its stars.

The 24-year-old actor, who has been romantically linked with his 'Star Wars' co-star Natalie Portman, also slammed other young actors who are prepared to sell themselves to Hollywood.

He added: "A film is a product and as an actor you can only sell it if you sell yourself.

"You don't get to sit at the table before you're ready to give away your integrity. Maybe it works for Orlando Bloom. It doesn't for me."

&EngCP; BANG Media International
We have one King that was first an Architect/Carpenter. Then he became a Preacher!!
He was the best example to follow!

Who knows, maybe the King of Rock could have brought a lot of people to know the King of All, if he had lived longer!! His music did inspire others. He did sing a lot of Gospel music as well as rock.


I think it is a smart thing for Hayden Christensen to do if he does not have the strong pull to be successful in Hollywood. In the end being an Architect might make him happier than being an actor would. Hollywood is VERY demanding of it's actors, and a lot of actors & actresses are not happy even when they are succsesful. The stress and all that goes with the job gets to a lot of them unfortunatly!
Hayden if you are interested in learning to be an Architect I say Go For It! Who knows you could become famous after all as an Architect! Frank Loyd Write sure did!


Those are both Great topics you chose for two for tuesday!!
Thank You!!

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