Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

wednesday weirdness version 6.0

The Emperor's new clothes got all the buzz - but what happened to the Emperor's old clothes... hmm? By the same token, what happened to the Pope's things... belongings and lodgings both? Find out... in the comments section!
Also: Asian dolls and puppetry... and another bit of oddness from the, ah, usual suspects (one of them anyway...!). *lol*

Hey - slow week + computer problems = shortage of blog topics! Not my fault!

Japanese man gets jail time for 'kidnapping' dolls - May 23, 6:12 AM (ET)

TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese man has been sentenced to five-and-a-half years in jail for snatching mannequins used by a cake shop chain to tout its wares.

"Peko-chan," a round-eyed doll around the size of a six-year-old, has been used by Fujiya Co. Ltd. to sell sweets for five decades and her grinning countenance is a familiar sight in front of shops around Japan.

Recently, however, she has become a favorite of collectors, leading to a rash of "Peko-chan" snatchings.

Takeishi Shibuya, 31, was convicted of stealing 15 of the large dolls, valued at about 1.1 million yen ($10,170), a court official in Yamagata prefecture, northern Japan, said on Monday.

In several cases, Shibuya used pepper spray and spray paint to fend off store employees, leading prosecutors to demand a sentence of nine years in prison.

"But he has reflected on his crimes and feels bad about what he did, so the sentence was lighter as a result," the official said.

After a wave of "Peko-chan" disappearances last year, the company suggested chaining the dolls down, but customers complained that this would be cruel.
Pope's old apartment up for sale online - May 23, 11:58 AM (ET)

BERLIN (Reuters) - An apartment rented more than 40 years ago by the new Pope Benedict close to the German city of Bonn is up for sale on an Internet auction site just weeks after an online bidding frenzy for his six-year-old car.

Joseph Ratzinger, the German cardinal who became Pope last month, lived in the flat in a suburb of Bonn between 1959 and 1963, while teaching theology at the local university.

The apartment is one of six within a four-story block built in the 1950s and being sold by Bonn property dealer Christopher Blatzheim.

Since it first appeared on the Web site Friday, the building has drawn 13,424 hits, a spokeswoman for eBay said. Prospective buyers have a further 27 days to make private offers to the owner, as eBay rules forbid auctioning property.

"The seller had been thinking of offering the building through eBay for a long time. It was a coincidence that the Pope's Golf suddenly also became available -- but it proved his was a good idea," the spokeswoman said.

Last month an Internet casino company paid 21-year-old German Benjamin Halbe 188,938 euros ($238,900) for the gray Volkswagen Golf he had bought for 9,500 euros just three months before.


Yep... it is the NEW POPE's old place... not the previous Pope's...! Had you all fooled there... eh? *lol*
Indiana nixes transplant from death row inmate - May 23, 12:00 PM (ET)

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Indiana officials recommended on Friday that a man facing execution next week should not get clemency, a decision that could end his attempt to donate part of his liver to his sister.

Gregory Johnson, 40, had asked for clemency for legal reasons, or a delay in his May 25 execution date so the transplant could take place.

A spokeswoman for the Indiana Parole Board said the panel's four members voted unanimously to recommend that Johnson be denied clemency. There was no separate vote on a stay, she said.

The final decision on clemency or a stay will be up to Gov. Mitch Daniels who has given the go-ahead to two other executions in the state since taking office earlier this year.

Johnson was sentenced to death for killing an 82-year-old woman during a home break-in in 1985. His 48-year-old sister, Deborah Otis, has said she would like a partial liver transplant from her brother.

Her organ is afflicted with nonalcoholic cirrhosis, though she is not currently on a transplant waiting list because of a temporary medical complication.

During a hearing before the parole board, Johnson's lawyer said blood tests found his liver would be compatible with his sister.

Johnson contended the lethal injection of chemicals used for executions would poison the organ, making a post-execution transplant impossible. There was disagreement among medical experts on whether that would be the case.

If Johnson donates part of his liver, it could take up to two months for him to recover enough to return to death row.

Transplant requests from death row prisoners in the United States have occurred before, though they are unusual, according to Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center.

In 1995, a condemned Delaware man donated a kidney to his mother, and returned to death row. In Alabama, a prisoner awaiting execution won permission for an organ donation, but he was not a correct match, Dieter said.

In a Florida case, an inmate was denied a request to donate a kidney to his brother. The condemned man was later exonerated and released from jail, but his brother died waiting for a transplant, Dieter said.
That is crazy for Dolls to be stolen! And the price that each Doll is worth!! Man that is an Expensive advertising prop!!

I wonder what were those people that stole those Dolls (especially the one who got caught) going to do with the Dolls?

Wow, what people will buy on e-bay!! Maybe if it was still furnished with the NEW popes belongings and in museum condition, then I would think the apartment would be worth something!
He vacated the apartment 40 years ago, and many people have lived their since! Why would someone pay so much for an old apartment when it was before he became the Pope?
I guess other people value things differently. To me I don't see the value in it! He was a teacher during the time he lived there! He wasn't an important person like he is today to warrant that kind of money being spent on that apartment! Sheesh, that is just a foolish waste of money!

I hope that Johnson is allowed to donate his kidney to his sister! Yes it would put on hold his execution but it will not stop it! I might just save her life! I think that it should be allowed if it will save a life!

The Johnson kidney case reaffirms one point I have made here, on the luminous blog, over and over again... earthly justice is not justice at all!

DIVINE JUSTICE is different :)

God gives us a chance... until the very end of time even!
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