Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Friday, July 29, 2005

dubya - lord and master of time as well...

It was to be expected... soon after crowning himself king of the oil reserves and practically self-proclaimed leader of the free world, our man Dubya had to look towards something far more intangible to swoop down upon and assert his uncontested mastery of... The war on terror is thus logically followed up on by the manipulation of time itself - wow; what could come next? Anything more abstract than this double "t" connection? Dubya - rightful owner of the air we breathe! Tax that, George! Dubya - waging war soon on heckling (he is often enough the target, so...) and righteous anger (when aimed at him especially)... Yes - I can see it now... The madness of THIS King George knows no bounds... He is the modern master of Jingoism though - I'll give him that much! ;)
The US wants to extend daylight time. How do you feel?

It's ridiculous!
It's a great idea
It could be good in some situations
Who cares?

Results: 34% say that it is ridiculous... but 29% think it is a great idea! Must be the people who elected him...

My vote is: It's ridiculous!

We don't need more daylight savings time! It is confusing enough as it is! Leave time alone Dubya! The Lord God our Father is the one who is really in charge of time! So let him be the one to decide when the sun comes up!

Sheesh, are you trying to play God too, as well as leader of the free world? You better start looking for another job, for your time will be up soon enough! Not soon enough for most!

E-mailed comment... from the notorious one...

"ya dont like dubya, eh - but he is doing better than our own prime minister, isnt he"

Funny, Paul, that YOU would be criticizing your namesake - Paul Martin! *lol*

Indeed, it is true though - Martin is legalizing gay marriage... Dubya is leaving that up to each state governor to decide!
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