Thursday, August 25, 2005
nostalgia always gets you when you least expect it

Remember The Muppet Show's curmudgeonly sarcastic two old cranks that sat in the balcony and criticized the whole blamed farce of a show the whole while through...? Well - those two old coots are BACK - and even if I am not an avid web-surfer, I caught on to their return to prominence within half-a-dozen episodes of their movie review show on! Not bad, even if I do say so myself... As a child, I never knew what to call these two but "the two old coots" really... NOW I learn that my favorite of the two is Waldorf... and the crankier one is Statler. Goodie. Their distant cousin from Quebec, Canada - Monsieur Tranquille - has a common name in comparison! Mr. Tranquille (the temptation was great to call him Mr. T...!) incidentally bears an uncanny resemblance to the Swedish Chef - whom he predates by a few years I believe. Tranquille is much more outspoken and articulate than the Chef is too... but that is another story, as Mustache would say (and they all have mustaches too - well, all except Statler... there is always an exception to every rule they say... he should have one though; it would add to his style... he cannot grow one so Muppet Studios staff should plaster one on him pronto... *lol* Okay - enough!).
We all need to laugh, sometimes... I sure do these days... So seeing these two back is great indeed.
Wish it was still 1977...
Statler & Waldorf From The Balcony
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I remember those guys. They are so funny. There was also a show called Crank Yankers. I didn't watch it much, but I remember it had some of the old muppet guys in it. I am not going to say anything else about it, because I remember so little about it that I would probably say something untrue by just confusing things in my mind.
I love the Jim Hensen Muppets. I grew up with them and had a record of the Muppet Movie songs. I would dance in my room and sing along to the songs when I was a kid.
I still like to dance to songs, but they are not the muppets. ;) lol
Thanks for reminding me of good times in my childhood! They are great memories and I hope to always remember them.
Have A Great Day (\ô/)
I love the Jim Hensen Muppets. I grew up with them and had a record of the Muppet Movie songs. I would dance in my room and sing along to the songs when I was a kid.
I still like to dance to songs, but they are not the muppets. ;) lol
Thanks for reminding me of good times in my childhood! They are great memories and I hope to always remember them.
Have A Great Day (\ô/)
Canadian songwriter Tom Cochrane said it best in one of his most memorable songs in my estimation (no, not Life Is A Highway...).
Boy Inside The Man
As, I am sure, the Girl Inside The Woman...
They are always alive... always there... no matter how old we get and how mature and wise we think we are... the child that we were remains.
And we are children in the Eyes of God.
Paul (I think it was Paul anyhow - no, not my nemesis here but the Evangelist of course) might have said that once we have grown, "we put away childish things" (I remember it being quoted ad verbatim by Burt Lancaster in the film classic Elmer Gantry - movies the like of which are simply not made anymore!). Alas, once again, things prove Paul "kinda wrong there"... Like his famous words "if God Is With Us - who can be against us?". The answer is... hordes and hordes of them! The hordes of hell alone are limitless... Paul! Great encouraging speech... but thy words do not reflect the sad reality! Ultimately, of course, no one will stand against us - when God Establishes His New Earth - hopefully part of which we will be!
Thus, likewise in his rebuttal of all childish things - we remain children, no matter what we do. Innocent childish pleasures are where we are at our BEST in the Eyes of the Lord - and did Christ not say "let the children come to me"... as well as call for us to be born anew? Nicodemus thought it meant to literally start life anew, as a newborn babe...
For all those reasons - and there are more surely - we should strive to remain the children that we really are... let the little boy or little girl inside thrive... and indulge that inner child with its little guilty pleasures. For they really are INNOCENT guilty pleasures - and that is the beautiful irony of it all...!
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Boy Inside The Man
As, I am sure, the Girl Inside The Woman...
They are always alive... always there... no matter how old we get and how mature and wise we think we are... the child that we were remains.
And we are children in the Eyes of God.
Paul (I think it was Paul anyhow - no, not my nemesis here but the Evangelist of course) might have said that once we have grown, "we put away childish things" (I remember it being quoted ad verbatim by Burt Lancaster in the film classic Elmer Gantry - movies the like of which are simply not made anymore!). Alas, once again, things prove Paul "kinda wrong there"... Like his famous words "if God Is With Us - who can be against us?". The answer is... hordes and hordes of them! The hordes of hell alone are limitless... Paul! Great encouraging speech... but thy words do not reflect the sad reality! Ultimately, of course, no one will stand against us - when God Establishes His New Earth - hopefully part of which we will be!
Thus, likewise in his rebuttal of all childish things - we remain children, no matter what we do. Innocent childish pleasures are where we are at our BEST in the Eyes of the Lord - and did Christ not say "let the children come to me"... as well as call for us to be born anew? Nicodemus thought it meant to literally start life anew, as a newborn babe...
For all those reasons - and there are more surely - we should strive to remain the children that we really are... let the little boy or little girl inside thrive... and indulge that inner child with its little guilty pleasures. For they really are INNOCENT guilty pleasures - and that is the beautiful irony of it all...!
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