Thursday, August 11, 2005
thursday thunder; lilith is not fair...

Before we go any further, let's assert a few things that may not be clear here - by "thursday thunder" I am not merely being redundant here...! (as, many of you may know that, alas, pretty much all of our days of the week owe their very name to Norse gods - the deities worshipped by the bright [northern] lights that came up with the names Groënland and Iceland... whoopsie-do. But that is another story, as ol' Mustache would say - Mustache, a delightful character in *Irma La Douce* brillantly played by Lou Jacobi in the movie version... now THAT TOO is another story...!). Thus, Thursday means thunder and vice-versa - since Thursday is a direct reference to the well-known god of thunder, Thor, he who is doomed to die fighting a huge monster of a serpent in pure Beowulf tradition - although Beowulf actually won HIS fight... another story - again (did the big serpent eat the thunder god up yet? Huh? Not Ragnarok time yet you say? Could have fooled me...!). Anyhow... the luminous blog's thursday thunder tradition sure is NOT about being redundant or whimsical - nor is it about Norse mythology for that matter! It is about, however, making some noise! Thunder evokes the wrath of God to me - not Thor or Zeus but the One True God mind you! Thus, I have taken upon me to make some noise here, either by decrying some absurdism out there - some injustice as well - or signaling the major faux pas and resulting sad predicaments of others... What do I risk - making more enemies? I have enough enemies to last me all of my life - and enemies of a lifetime they are too; I cannot make myself worse enemies than THAT! With all this knowledge now - you are forewarned readers - I mean it!
Case subject today will make me the heel of service right away - but that will change quickly, I think... For, even if I am blasting a lady today, she had it coming! No, not Lilith herself - close; Sarah McLachlan! The originator of the Lilith Fair series of concert tours and all-around witch with a B herself - if you know what I am screaming! I keep hearing her catchy beats on the radio wherever I go... and I wondered what was the title of the latest one. Such a haunting melody - again - such a haunting rendition - again - such a haunting aura about it... again! She knows how to package them, doesn't she? To my dismay, though, the title of said catchy and haunting song is simplistic beyond belief... for it is "stupid". The lyrics do not beat around the bush either, and here they are...
Stupid Lyrics (nothing meant by that now...! I cut and paste them as I see them!)
by Sarah McLachlan
Night lift up the shades let in the brilliant light of morning
But steady me now for I am weak and starving for mercy
Sleep has left me alone to carry the weight of unraveling where we went wrong
And all I can do to hang on, to keep me from falling into old familiar shoes
How stupid could I be
a simpleton could see
that you're no good for me
but you're the only one I see
Love has made me a fool set me on fire and watched as I floundered
unable to speak except to cry out and wait for your answer
and you come around in your time speaking of fabulous places create
an oasis that dries up as soon as youre gone
you leave me here burning in this desert without you
How stupid could I be
a simpleton could see
that you're no good for me
but you're the only one I see
Everything changes everything falls apart
I cant stand to feel myself losing control
In the deep of my weakness I know
How stupid could I be
a simpleton could see
that you're no good for me
but you're the only one I see
Hmm... is Miss McLachlan relating here a common story that happens to anyone... or something that happened to herself... OR... something that involved her but really happened to a FAN of hers. Seems to me like quite plausible that said "Stupid" song is at the very least vaguely based upon the true-life tragedy of the nameless fan who actually claimed to have inspired her before... before he committed suicide that is. "In 1994, Sarah is sued by a fanatical fan from Ottawa, Ontario, who claims that letters he wrote to her are the source of her hit, "Possession." The lawsuit never goes to trial, as the plaintiff commits suicide before the trial begins."
You see, this fan was in love with her - was deluded enough by his infatuation to believe that she cared about him and read the passionate letters he had written to her... And, quite obviously, he thought she shared his feelings and had immortalized them in a song - "their" song... All he wanted was contact with her - a kind word from her... which of course never came. He loved her - he wouldn't have hurt her, surely (especially not if half-a-dozen heavy chaperones in shades came along for the ride... eh? Miss McLachlan can carry around an "entourage" too - if tough guy rap artists do, surely she will as well! And it is not necessarily all the up-and-coming emerging talented girlies she gave a push to with her Lilith Fair either...! But I digress again...). This poor guy wound up KILLING HIMSELF over her... an act one could qualify of utterly... ah... stupid? Yes, I believe we could say that. See where I am going with this? Miss S.M. here may easily have finally made "sort-of-a-song" for her not-so-secret admirer - and what an homage to his memory it is too! OBVIOUSLY the chorus fits - "How stupid could I(this guy) be - a simpleton (he was to think she would love him) could see - that you're (she wasn't good for him, nope)no good for me - but you're the only one I see" (he was literally obsessed with her - evidently). A bit too much here, you will agree, to think that this song is not just a tiny bit inspired by the tragedy, now... hmm? She contributed to his self-destruction - and, to add insult to injury, she calls him stupid for all his troubles and tragic obsession... and makes additional revenue off of it! Wow. Sublime cruel irony, eh? At least, the knowledge that bootleg copies of her "Afterglow" CD are out there - thus making her exactly, if my math is good... zero, yes, ZERO profit! - makes me strangely happy... in a glowing kind of way!
That will not save the soul of the poor sap who killed himself though.
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Musical reviews describe Miss McLachlan's stuff aptly as follows:
"McLachlan's atmospheric Folk Pop is highlighted by her haunting, expressive voice, which can send shivers down your spine."
Hmm... the ghost of a desperate man that may be haunting you could realistically be sending shivers down your spine too... feel any of those, Sarah?
"McLachlan's atmospheric Folk Pop is highlighted by her haunting, expressive voice, which can send shivers down your spine."
Hmm... the ghost of a desperate man that may be haunting you could realistically be sending shivers down your spine too... feel any of those, Sarah?
Now, don't get me wrong - I am a fan. Vox... Building A Mystery... World On Fire, to name but three... great songs! I even BOUGHT her tapes and CD's.
But then... well... Sarah McLachlan lost a lot of clout in my eyes... first she chooses the unappealing "legend" of Lilith to name her all-woman concert tour - not a problem that Lilith chose to hung out with DEMONS and is a she-demon herself... no... "she is the first feminist" and that is all that counts for all those ladies who sang during the tour... Okaaaaaay...
Ladies... ladies... LADIES... she may have chosen not to serve ADAM and be under his dominion... she was HIS equal... BUT she chose to be the devil's you know what! Is that the poster-girl for feminism that you want?!?
"Lilith's true origins are obscure,
but both her sumerian and babylonian predecessors were also all demonic. Lilith may be many things today, including (to some) but not limited to a goddess, a role model, and a demoness, but originally she was purely
a demoness."
Very ill-advised choice there, Sarah dear - but I guess "Lilith Fair" sounded cooler (and more controversial - thus generating more publicity) than "the Joan of Ark Fair"... eh?
Second strike on you is the tragedy I just expounded upon (I can't find the guy's name anywhere - if anybody can... comment on it and add it - here!).
And the third strike - quite pathetic indeed - is that one of your songs inspired... Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton!!!
"McLachlan is linked to the 1998 Monica Lewinsky scandal surrounding former U.S. President Bill Clinton when her song, "Do What You Have To Do," is mentioned in Kenneth Starr's report as the subject of a letter from Lewinsky to Clinton."
(And this is related right after the tragic "Possession" case - under the title of "FUN FACTS". Fun... yes...
See for yourselves folks -
Again... letter-writing and Sarah's songs - producing something quite putrid in the end!
Pathetic... indubitably!
The mark of a great artist is when his art inspires mankind to better itself - not to do what Billy did or to commit suicide ultimately!
(Yes, I know, many other recording artists deserve this trashing...!).
I am sure you did not expect this sort of "open letter" now, S.M. - then again, I am not addressing it to you (although I am sure some of your people will stumble across it - eventually - and then they might contact my people who will then go to People's magazine and gather more people just for the sake of hanging with people - cause people like people; that is a well-known fact, is it not? Come on, people - holler if you hear me?!? *lol*).
Nope... I am no smitten fan! :)
Thank God!
But then... well... Sarah McLachlan lost a lot of clout in my eyes... first she chooses the unappealing "legend" of Lilith to name her all-woman concert tour - not a problem that Lilith chose to hung out with DEMONS and is a she-demon herself... no... "she is the first feminist" and that is all that counts for all those ladies who sang during the tour... Okaaaaaay...
Ladies... ladies... LADIES... she may have chosen not to serve ADAM and be under his dominion... she was HIS equal... BUT she chose to be the devil's you know what! Is that the poster-girl for feminism that you want?!?
"Lilith's true origins are obscure,
but both her sumerian and babylonian predecessors were also all demonic. Lilith may be many things today, including (to some) but not limited to a goddess, a role model, and a demoness, but originally she was purely
a demoness."
Very ill-advised choice there, Sarah dear - but I guess "Lilith Fair" sounded cooler (and more controversial - thus generating more publicity) than "the Joan of Ark Fair"... eh?
Second strike on you is the tragedy I just expounded upon (I can't find the guy's name anywhere - if anybody can... comment on it and add it - here!).
And the third strike - quite pathetic indeed - is that one of your songs inspired... Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton!!!
"McLachlan is linked to the 1998 Monica Lewinsky scandal surrounding former U.S. President Bill Clinton when her song, "Do What You Have To Do," is mentioned in Kenneth Starr's report as the subject of a letter from Lewinsky to Clinton."
(And this is related right after the tragic "Possession" case - under the title of "FUN FACTS". Fun... yes...
See for yourselves folks -
Again... letter-writing and Sarah's songs - producing something quite putrid in the end!
Pathetic... indubitably!
The mark of a great artist is when his art inspires mankind to better itself - not to do what Billy did or to commit suicide ultimately!
(Yes, I know, many other recording artists deserve this trashing...!).
I am sure you did not expect this sort of "open letter" now, S.M. - then again, I am not addressing it to you (although I am sure some of your people will stumble across it - eventually - and then they might contact my people who will then go to People's magazine and gather more people just for the sake of hanging with people - cause people like people; that is a well-known fact, is it not? Come on, people - holler if you hear me?!? *lol*).
Nope... I am no smitten fan! :)
Thank God!
When I first read the blog title and saw the name Lilith in it, it made me think about the Legend of Lilith.
Before I even read the comments section I went and searched for a
web page about Lilith. I thought the name in the blog title
was refering to another Lilith, but wanted to show the L.O.V.'s that might not know about the Lilith of Legend, who she is.
Then later when I read the comments I realized that the Lilith in the blog title WAS the Lilith of Legend! ;) I guess next time I better read it all first!
So here is a web site I found
that tells about her. I don't believe in the legend! It is JUST a legend, not fact.
The Story of Lilith:
The Alphabet of Ben Sira, or
Alpha Betha of Ben Sira, or
Alphabetum Siracidis, or
Sepher Ben Sira),
If you look at the page above and would like to know more about Lilith just click on the button on the bottom of the page called ( Return To Lilith Page ).
This site also talks more about Lilith, but it also talks about Eve. It has other links to things about Eve also if you are interested.
Eve And The Identity Of Women
I didn't reallize at first that the blog post was about Sarah McLachlan and the reference to Lilith being the name of her concert tour.
I am not a fan of Sarah McLachlan's. I can't even recall any of her songs. So I didn't connect Lilith with Sarah McLachlan until I read the comments section.
Please Sarah McLachlan don't use legendary demons or the mother of demons in your music, or anything to do with you!
No wonder her songs do not inspire others to be luminous in any way! She has used the legendary mother of demons as her heroine!? How wrong is that!! It sounds like the darkness that surrounds the origin of the name of her tour, has led to someone killing themselves over her!
I do not understand why he thought he was in love with her? He hadn't even gotten a corraspondance from her let alone met her! He didn't know her, just knew of her.
Nobody is worth killing yourself over them! Nobody at all!! Not even a True Love that might have broken your heart! It was NOT right of her to use his letters to try and make money off of a song.
If the song had been written as more of a memorial, then that might have been a different story.
What you wrote for your blog post today was very interesting!
I liked how you explained what Thursday Thunder meant. I got into the story you started telling about Thor and Beowulf. Then you just stopped and left us hangin'! What happens next? You have got to finish the story some time soon! ;) I WANNA read it as told by Luminous Luciano! ;)
I am NOT a fan of Sarah McLachlan, but I am a FAN of "The Luminous Blog"! ;)
Have A Great Night (\ô/)
Before I even read the comments section I went and searched for a
web page about Lilith. I thought the name in the blog title
was refering to another Lilith, but wanted to show the L.O.V.'s that might not know about the Lilith of Legend, who she is.
Then later when I read the comments I realized that the Lilith in the blog title WAS the Lilith of Legend! ;) I guess next time I better read it all first!
So here is a web site I found
that tells about her. I don't believe in the legend! It is JUST a legend, not fact.
The Story of Lilith:
The Alphabet of Ben Sira, or
Alpha Betha of Ben Sira, or
Alphabetum Siracidis, or
Sepher Ben Sira),
If you look at the page above and would like to know more about Lilith just click on the button on the bottom of the page called ( Return To Lilith Page ).
This site also talks more about Lilith, but it also talks about Eve. It has other links to things about Eve also if you are interested.
Eve And The Identity Of Women
I didn't reallize at first that the blog post was about Sarah McLachlan and the reference to Lilith being the name of her concert tour.
I am not a fan of Sarah McLachlan's. I can't even recall any of her songs. So I didn't connect Lilith with Sarah McLachlan until I read the comments section.
Please Sarah McLachlan don't use legendary demons or the mother of demons in your music, or anything to do with you!
No wonder her songs do not inspire others to be luminous in any way! She has used the legendary mother of demons as her heroine!? How wrong is that!! It sounds like the darkness that surrounds the origin of the name of her tour, has led to someone killing themselves over her!
I do not understand why he thought he was in love with her? He hadn't even gotten a corraspondance from her let alone met her! He didn't know her, just knew of her.
Nobody is worth killing yourself over them! Nobody at all!! Not even a True Love that might have broken your heart! It was NOT right of her to use his letters to try and make money off of a song.
If the song had been written as more of a memorial, then that might have been a different story.
What you wrote for your blog post today was very interesting!
I liked how you explained what Thursday Thunder meant. I got into the story you started telling about Thor and Beowulf. Then you just stopped and left us hangin'! What happens next? You have got to finish the story some time soon! ;) I WANNA read it as told by Luminous Luciano! ;)
I am NOT a fan of Sarah McLachlan, but I am a FAN of "The Luminous Blog"! ;)
Have A Great Night (\ô/)
They should have sung an old song from my favorite band, GENESIS, at that silly Lilith Fair thing...
Ha Ha Ha
I'm a riot
Lyrics follow...
just a second...
Ha Ha Ha
I'm a riot
Lyrics follow...
just a second...
He stands by a middle-aged woman, with a very pale skin who is quietly talking to herself. he discovers she is blind and asking for a guide.
what’s the use of a guide if you got nowhere to
Uot; asks rael. I’ve got somewhere to go, she replies if you take me through the noise, I’ll show you. I’m a creature of the caves and I follow the way the breezes blow.
He leads her across the room and they leave the crowd, who dismiss their departure as certain to fail.
The chamber was in confusion - all the voices shouting loud.
I could only just hear, a voice quite near say, please help me
Through the crowd
’said if I helped her thru’ she could help me too, but I could
See that she was wholly blind.
But from her pale face and her pale skin, a moonlight shined.
Lilywhite lilith,
She gonna take you thru’ the tunnel of night
Lilywhite lilith,
She gonna lead you right.
When through the door, the woman leads rael down the tunnel. the light of the chamber soon fades and despite her confident step rael often stumbles in the darkness. ***(RAEL???)***
After a long walk they arrive in what rael judges to be a big round cave, and she speaks a second time asking him to sit down. it feels like a cold stone throne.
Rael, sit here. they will come for you soon. don’t be afraid. and failing to explain any more she walks off. he faces his fear once again.
When I’d led her through the people, the angry noise began to grow.
She said let me feel the way the breezes blow, and I’ll show
You where to go.
So I followed her into a big round cave, she said they’re
Coming for you, now don’t be afraid.
Then she sat me down on a cold stone throne, carved in jade.
Lilywhite lilith,
She gonna take you thru’ the tunnel of night.
Lilywhite lilith,
She gonna lead you right.
A tunnel is lit up to the left of him, and he begins to shake. as it grows brighter, he hears a non-metallic whirring sound. the light is getting painfully bright, reflecting as white off the wa
Ntil his vision is lost in a sort of snow blindness.
She leaves me in my darkness,
I have to face, face my fear,
And the darkness closes in on me,
I can hear a whirring sound growing near.
I can see the corner of the tunnel,
Lit up by whatever’s coming here.
Two golden globes float into the room
And a blaze of white light fills the air.
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He stands by a middle-aged woman, with a very pale skin who is quietly talking to herself. he discovers she is blind and asking for a guide.
what’s the use of a guide if you got nowhere to
Uot; asks rael. I’ve got somewhere to go, she replies if you take me through the noise, I’ll show you. I’m a creature of the caves and I follow the way the breezes blow.
He leads her across the room and they leave the crowd, who dismiss their departure as certain to fail.
The chamber was in confusion - all the voices shouting loud.
I could only just hear, a voice quite near say, please help me
Through the crowd
’said if I helped her thru’ she could help me too, but I could
See that she was wholly blind.
But from her pale face and her pale skin, a moonlight shined.
Lilywhite lilith,
She gonna take you thru’ the tunnel of night
Lilywhite lilith,
She gonna lead you right.
When through the door, the woman leads rael down the tunnel. the light of the chamber soon fades and despite her confident step rael often stumbles in the darkness. ***(RAEL???)***
After a long walk they arrive in what rael judges to be a big round cave, and she speaks a second time asking him to sit down. it feels like a cold stone throne.
Rael, sit here. they will come for you soon. don’t be afraid. and failing to explain any more she walks off. he faces his fear once again.
When I’d led her through the people, the angry noise began to grow.
She said let me feel the way the breezes blow, and I’ll show
You where to go.
So I followed her into a big round cave, she said they’re
Coming for you, now don’t be afraid.
Then she sat me down on a cold stone throne, carved in jade.
Lilywhite lilith,
She gonna take you thru’ the tunnel of night.
Lilywhite lilith,
She gonna lead you right.
A tunnel is lit up to the left of him, and he begins to shake. as it grows brighter, he hears a non-metallic whirring sound. the light is getting painfully bright, reflecting as white off the wa
Ntil his vision is lost in a sort of snow blindness.
She leaves me in my darkness,
I have to face, face my fear,
And the darkness closes in on me,
I can hear a whirring sound growing near.
I can see the corner of the tunnel,
Lit up by whatever’s coming here.
Two golden globes float into the room
And a blaze of white light fills the air.
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