Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

as all-hallows' eve approaches...

... do you really think for one minute that that_ fabled night is the only night in which ghouls, goblins, ghosts, hellions (and aliens as well?) - leprechauns, trolls, banshees, witches (especially witches) - chupacabras, wraiths, vampires and werewolves get down and dirty? And the rest of the year, they avoid getting nasty like the plague...? What for? So that they can get Christmas presents from Santa (or is it... Satan?). Highly improbable... These wretched types are naughty 365 days a year - and TWICE ON SUNDAYS, if only out of spite for the Christian community! (I say that, but of course many of these creatures of the night might be harboring ill-feelings towards other faiths - or hoping for presents for Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, for all we know... eh?). However... All-Hallows Eve aka Halloween is an excellent excuse to forget that a great many of these critters might actually truly exist... by watching bad movies made about them, ironically enough! Hollywood and Halloween go together like... a pimp and, ah, "servicewoman" - likely... my luminous suggestions for "seasonal celluloid offerings" follow... in living color! As Mrs. Addams used to say... Happy Halloween!

And, also as all-hallows' eve approaches - I find myself sleeping during the day... and awake at night pondering philosophical questions rife with existential angst... oh my God - what does that mean?!? Surely nothing to be anxious about... hmm? Surely not any reason to go see a shrink...! Ha - those who know me well, know what my opinion is when shrinks are concerned! *lol*

verily some of those creatures could really exist!! So we better watch our backs this all-hallows-eve!!

I've always wondered about Santa!! Is it really Satan in disguies?

I never thought about the critters wanting a part of the other holidays or faiths.

Things that make you go Hmmmmmm???

Just make sure all animals are safe inside on Halloween!! I don't know about anywhere else but I know a lot of Animals go missing around Little Rock and other places on Halloween! :(

Happy Halloween Luce!

God Bless You Luce (\ô/)

I just have to add, that this post was really funny! I saw so many double meanings that I died laughing!! As you know! hehehe

Thanks for the Laugh!!
You are so good at making me laugh!!

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