Friday, October 14, 2005

When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. ~ ~~ Arthur C. Clarke (b.1917) - thus, a distinguished elderly British science fiction writer has spoken... Close enough to a egghead himself! And he admitted this...! Why won't the rest of them ever do likewise now, hmm? Stubbornness is present right next to erudition as well, you know...
Science will discourage old withered beliefs - not because these are the stuff of archaic and unverifiable superstitious material but truly because science has not "experienced it" - and will never accept something they cannot quantify. Seeing is believing, as they say - and the most stubborn scientist of all would sing a different tune if he had experienced himself a divine apparition - or seen an angel - or a ghost. Proving the existence of these via scientific methods would become secondary very quickly - for the scientist who starts seeing things is either hallucinating (as he would theorize it to be the case - at first) or really, truly seeing something! For scientists are materialists - they do not think their eyes can deceive them, see? They are "free" from superstitious beliefs, their minds are not "clouded" by myth - hence, if they see something, if they experience it, it is truly "there". They might still explain it completely wrong though, but at least it will be certified as having "been" - at long last! It is up to the believer to get them to accept what "it truly was"...
If there is only the ghost of a chance to convince them...
It is the easiest thing to confound a disbeliever, verily - by using their own arguments and methods against them! They are using them against themselves in the first place; blinding themselves to the truth by adhering too strongly to a rigorous, excessively rigid approach that cuts them away from wonderment - and enlightenment.
An open mind is good.
An open heart, as Christ instructed, is better!
Labels: Abba, Ghost of a chance, taste-testing blog simulpost
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I post these things because they are part of the Truth - and the luminous blog promotes the Truth!
It simply should be part of everyone's regular intellectual luminous diet! ;)
More to come on this subject... lots more!
Thank You - for commenting!
It simply should be part of everyone's regular intellectual luminous diet! ;)
More to come on this subject... lots more!
Thank You - for commenting!
I have never actualy seen a ghost but I have felt one, or maybe more than one. Not sure if it was the same one or not.
I was in high school and alone in the house. It was in the day time, and there was no storm or anythig scary going on. I wasn't afraid of being alone so that it wasn't me thinking things that would scare me. lol
I felt a if I was being watched. I checked every room in the house and there was nothing there. Yet I still felt as if I was being watched. The hair on the back of my neck would stand up. I knew I wasn't alone. It didn't feel like it was evil. I wasn't really scared, just wondered who it was and where they came from and wha they were doing in my house.
I felt it's presense once after that when I was alone.
I did feel a ghost or spirit touch me once too, but never have told anyone. (who would believe me)!!
*looks around for the white coats to apper and take me away*
*Oh no, I see them coming for me!*
*hides behind the luminous one*
"shhhhh don't tell them where I am!" :D
May the Shwartz be with you!
No mean May the Force be with you! Hmmm that's not it either. Ah yes!!
God Bless You Luce (\ô/)
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I was in high school and alone in the house. It was in the day time, and there was no storm or anythig scary going on. I wasn't afraid of being alone so that it wasn't me thinking things that would scare me. lol
I felt a if I was being watched. I checked every room in the house and there was nothing there. Yet I still felt as if I was being watched. The hair on the back of my neck would stand up. I knew I wasn't alone. It didn't feel like it was evil. I wasn't really scared, just wondered who it was and where they came from and wha they were doing in my house.
I felt it's presense once after that when I was alone.
I did feel a ghost or spirit touch me once too, but never have told anyone. (who would believe me)!!
*looks around for the white coats to apper and take me away*
*Oh no, I see them coming for me!*
*hides behind the luminous one*
"shhhhh don't tell them where I am!" :D
May the Shwartz be with you!
No mean May the Force be with you! Hmmm that's not it either. Ah yes!!
God Bless You Luce (\ô/)
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