Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween - and Samhain! Celebrate the feast day of St. Wolfgang too now!

Halloween brings out the party animals in people - it also brings out the worst in people! (Party-animalism, if such is a word for it, would already be the worst in many conservatives' eyes though... but that is another story!). Look at the .twisted. evidence: in 1956, Britain & France felt the urge to BOMB Egypt in an effort to convince the Middle-Eastern country to simply reopen the Suez Canal (open sesame never worked anyway... still, the French, usually meek individuals, and the English -gentlemen as they are- could have just ASKED... maybe?). In 1963, the hellions/aliens connection I made in yesterday's TLB post seemed to find some corroboration as a disc-shaped UFO plummeted into Brazil's Peropava River - on All-Hallows' Eve! E.T.'s trick-or-treaters...? Hmm... Worst of the worst in human nature is the instinct to kill though - and in the Orwellian Year 1984, on this date, the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated - by two Sikh security guards of all people! Some guards... I wouldn't hire them.
In a far less dramatic way, All-Hallows' Eve 2001 proved (in some bizarre and disputable way) that animals are affected too by spooky nights such as this one - that year, in Anchorage, Alaska, a local biologist quipped the most astonishing conclusion any biologists could come to regarding... moose. 'Halloween is a scary time for moose,' he said, to explain why two trick-or-treaters suffered minor injuries when a bull moose appeared out of nowhere and ran them down. Hmm... what would be the moose's reaction to the Day of the Dead, a mere 48 hours later then...?!? That sure is scary...! Think of all the questionable individuals who are to be found among the dead...! More on that - in 48 hours!
Finally... today is the ideal day to have a scary story read to you or to have one to read - correct? You shall find one here. A horror tale that is about to celebrate an anniversary too - and a tale of true horror, for it is horror found in the least suspicious of places... and in a most ordinary form. No outlandish bloodsucker, misbegotten deformed creature or tormented apparition can be as effective in making your skin crawl and scare you witless as the monster you will find here.
You have been warned! *lol* And forewarned...
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I never knew that Houdini died on Halloween! Where have I been? lol
Hmmm Harry Houdini and Elvis! Well the both sure knew how to put on a Good Show!!
I wonder what possesed that Moose? That sure is odd!
Yes there are a LOT of questionable characters umong the dead. I sure wouldn't want them to start walking the earth on this All-Hallows-Eve! There is a cemetary not to far from where I live. Just on the other side of the woods really! *biting nails*
Yikes UFO's and aliens too! I think I met some of them one time? Well it might have only been a dream but sure seemed real to me! lol
I see you also have your Novel posted too! That reminds me tomorrow starts the beginning of Nanowrimo!!
I haven't signed up for this year so don't know if I will do it or not.
Good Luck to you in your writing for November!! I know you will be very very busy! I know when we did it last year it took up all our spare time!
God Bless You Luce (\ô/)
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Hmmm Harry Houdini and Elvis! Well the both sure knew how to put on a Good Show!!
I wonder what possesed that Moose? That sure is odd!
Yes there are a LOT of questionable characters umong the dead. I sure wouldn't want them to start walking the earth on this All-Hallows-Eve! There is a cemetary not to far from where I live. Just on the other side of the woods really! *biting nails*
Yikes UFO's and aliens too! I think I met some of them one time? Well it might have only been a dream but sure seemed real to me! lol
I see you also have your Novel posted too! That reminds me tomorrow starts the beginning of Nanowrimo!!
I haven't signed up for this year so don't know if I will do it or not.
Good Luck to you in your writing for November!! I know you will be very very busy! I know when we did it last year it took up all our spare time!
God Bless You Luce (\ô/)
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