Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

on conjugal bliss... today, of all days...

God Made Man For Woman - and vice-versa. Seems simple enough. Then why is it so complicated? (Warning: Church Lady bit coming up...) Could it be the devil rearing its unsightly hide into the picture again - ruining it for the match made... in paradise? After all, "It" sure did involve itself heavily into that first match made in the Garden of Eden, lo, long ago...

Couple is a c word (not an L word; not a G or Q word either...) - other "c words" include committment, compromise, connection, communication... hmm, and craziness! In other words, it is a juggling act.
Today is National Coming Out Day in the US - for some reason - oddly enough coinciding with... Columbus Day (?). Beyond seeing some wacko revisionist historian trying to "out" the queer (in the original sense of the word) so-called discoverer of the Americas (even though tons of people had discovered it before him) - I personally see no connection between the two "holidays" (term very loosely applied here). I will take the opportunity though to reaffirm myself -not so much come out- as a heterosexual holy man wannabe!
Despite the fact that so-called reverends have been known to preach - and take a spouse... I have not, sometimes to my dismay... other times I simply wonder why. The Billy Grahams and Benny Hinns of this world must be freer than I am I guess...
Personally, I cannot want anyone it seems - everytime I come close to spending my life with a woman who -somehow- fancies me... something happens that ruins it. I have seen this pattern develop all throughout my adult years... and, quite frankly, I see the Hand of God in this - He Wants me to be dedicated only to Him... I really think I should have been a man of the cloth of some kind - and I disappointed God in not becoming so. If I disappointed GOD HIMSELF... it is no wonder I disappointed so many ladies too over the years. Not quite sure how it happened though; especially the last time it did, since I was totally and fully willing to commit and in fact, for all intents and purposes, was already. I can only hope that no one cried too much over me.

Please - anyone who wants to pat me on the shoulder and say "now, now - don't be sad" - do so via e-mail; and respect my decision to keep TLB as impersonal (and as non-diary-like) as it can be. Verily, this post is as close as I will ever get to turn this outlet for my "wordsmithing" into a "diary"... Heaven preserve me from THAT...

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