Monday, November 07, 2005
And for this, my 400th TLB post, Luminous Luciano tackles Lunatic Lucian - in a dream match-up of literatis!
It always struck me as synchronicity to the Nth degree that I was so very prone to write and verse poetic as sarcastic, as if by right - in the 20th Century - from the first day in little school, very nearly; when a certain Syrian by the name of Lucian had done the exact same thing in the 2nd Century of our era! We both have had the additional trait in common that we are not "widespread/mainstream" flavors of the moment... Both of us writing the way we wanted to write, independently of what is deemed "saleable" or "popular" in our respective times. Both of us... challenged the "status quo" quite a lot!
Apparently, my namesake Lucian made fun of near-namesake
Lucius - with this title right here! More on the latter (?) below!
Lucian is even deemed to be the FIRST SCIENCE FICTION WRITER - EVER! ""Lucian, Syrian by birth but Greek by culture, wrote his "True Story" parodying the weird tales told by Greeks from the Odyssey onwards. He was born about 120 AD, trained as a lawyer, but spent most of his life as a travelling lecturer, before he settled down in Athens to some more serious philosophy. Many of his books (he wrote over 80) weren't at all serious (being sarcastic in tone, they were not DEEMED SERIOUS... no.). "A True Story" anticipates Jules Verne, George Lucas and, especially, Douglas Adams."" I knew the similarities had to end at some point... First major divergent point is the abominable fact that he trained himself to be a lawyer... Yikes! I abhor pettifoggers! He did mock the beliefs of the Greeks, true, but he was also sarcastic about the beliefs of that budding new "cult" called... the Christians! Especially about the latter religion's lack of fear in the face of DEATH... Thus, quite evidently, even an intelligent man such as Lucian of Samasota could not fathom nor comprehend everything... heck, no one can!
The last drop is most probably the sad fact that he was more a harbinger of one profoundly atheistic (as well as irreverent, sure; no one is aaaaall bad, see?) and celebrated whimsical author - namely Douglas Adams - than he is a forerunner of... well... me, his namesake! Similarities with Jules Verne and even George Lucas I relish - but with Adams? Ugh! Wrong one to "connect" with if you ask me - I wish it had been, instead, Charles Addams! And, in some way, Lucian does have a little bit of Addams prefiguration too, somewhere in his massive body of work there... No time to look for it now - but you may find it yet... here. Or here. Or even here. Or, most especially here! (OK - make it here!)
This last link gives a good round-up of the titles that Lucian proudly produced over his lifespan - titles such as The Disinherited, Phalaris I & II, Demosthenes, Patriotism (!), The Fly (!), Swans and Amber, Dipsas, The Hall, Nigrinus, The Portrait-study, Defence of The Portrait-study, A Trial in the Court of Vowels, Hesiod, The Vision (!), Pantomime, Anacharsis, Toxaris, Slander, The Way To Write History (!) (Πως δεί ιστορίαν συγγράφειν), Hermotimus, The Parasite, A Feast of Lapithae, Dialogues of the Hetaerae, Dialogues of the Dead (!), Dialogues of the Gods (Θεών Διάλογοι ), Dialogues of the Sea-Gods (!), Menippus, Icaromenippus, Zeus cross-examined, The Cynic, Of Sacrifice, Saturnalia, A True History ( Ἀληθῆ διηγήματα ), A Voyage to the Lower World (!), Charon, Timon, Prometheus on Caucasus, Zeus Tragoedus, The Gods in Council, The Ship, The Life of Peregrine (!),The Runaways (!!), The double Indictment, The Sale of Creeds, The Fisher, Herodotus, Zeuxis, Harmonides, The Scythian , A literary Prometheus, The Book-fancier, The Purist purized, Lexiphanes, The Rhetorician's Vade-mecum, Demonax, a biography (?!?), Alexander The Oracle-Monger (Ἀλέξανδρος ἢ Ψευδομάντις), Mourning, Dionysus, Heracles, Apology for 'The dependent Scholar, A Slip of the Tongue, Peri Tes Syries Theoy, (De Dea Syria / Concerning the Syrian Goddess)., Dream ( Somnium Περὶ τοῦ ἐνυπνίου ), On Dancing (Περί Ορχήσεως )

I knew not about Lucian (and much less about other "namesakes" of mine such as Lucian Freud or Lucius Annaeus Seneca) - when I first began to have the same interests in literature, satire and these subjects Lucian (of the 2nd Century A.D.) tackled so well and so often...
Heck, I did not even know about Lucien Piccard until recently - and the only famous Luciano I've always known is Pavarotti! Now, of course, I have discovered the Jamaican one - yeah, man!
Hmm... maybe I should have saved all this for the 500th post instead, hmm...? *lol*
Unless I decide to tackle my Brazilian namesake then - there is a model down in Brazil who bears my name... He doesn't stand a chance against me! *lol*
The Lucian/Luciano analogies are far more interesting to me though - far better also than the apparent similarities between myself and author Christian Mistral, whose name is great but whose writing - according to his own "people" - is "phoqué". Okaaaay... with fans like these, you don't need critics! *LOL* (And yes; if you want to know more about Mistral, you are going to have to google him up - AND learn French too! I am NOT linking him up to TLB! *LOL*). Oh, no... Come to think of it now, a druggie recently asked me if I was exactly that... "phoqué". Hmm... To him, non-addicts must seem very strange, I am sure... He also thought me to be a true-blue, full-blooded Italiano - since he is, evidently, his name being Fabrizio... Well, Luciano is a most popular name that is to be found now in Portugal, Spain, Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and so on! Italy has lost its exclusivity on the name! And the sons of Italia who bear the name have lost their monopoly... And originality in the process, I guess... Too bad, Guido!
They still have their Fabrizios to fall back on...
But enough about ME, the Satirist... And enough about him, the druggie! His wretched kind and I will never get along nor see eye to eye; I am profoundly convinced of so much!
I would have rather rubbed shoulders with the Syrian Satyr there; we had so much more in common, after all! Maybe when time travel becomes possible - *LOL*.
Blessings - to the rest of you - namesakes or not!
Labels: Luciano, Lucius, Luminous, Luminous Connections, music, Namesakes
Wrong call - wrong Paul!
Not the same one as the translator - at all!
Wow - it rhymes, almost as poetry here!
But it isn't, really - so there!
And from Paul, the commenter
there will be no reply at all!
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Congratulations on reaching your 400th post!! Woooo Hoooo!!
I think it is so cool that you have so many name sakes and know stuff about them. The only namesake I have is the Emerald Isle of my ancestors! Now anyone who reads this and knows what that means can figure out my real name. lol
I wonder if Lucian the Syrian becoming a lawyer is in his own way being a truth seeker? Seeking the truth about who is guilty or innocent? I know that you are a truth seeker, so maybe in a way he was too?
I checked out the link to Lucian Freud. I saw on that page a link to one of his paintings. It was a painting of a naked old man, (back view). Why would someone want to paint that, unless it was an art project he had to do?
I also looked at the link to Lucius Annaeus Seneca. This fact is kind of cool. Although Nero was a cruel man. :(
Lucius Annaeus Seneca was educated in Rome and became famous not only as a playwright, but as an orator and philosopher as well. He served as tutor to the young Nero, and when the boy became Emperor in 54 AD, he retained Seneca as his advisor.
I also looked at Luciano Pavarotti's web site. Wow what a professional job was done on that web site too! It said this in his Bio.
Luciano Pavarotti is the most popular classical artist in the history of the recording industry.
He is doing a Farewell tour right now. He has done two concerts already and has two more to do. One on Nov 8th in Brisbane, Australa. Then another on Nov 12th Auckland, New Zealand.
Thank you for sharing all this interesting information about your namesakes and the similarities they have with you.
Keep on Blogging! You will reach 500 posts in no time I'm sure. You Rock!!
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
Congratulations on reaching your 400th post!! Woooo Hoooo!!
I think it is so cool that you have so many name sakes and know stuff about them. The only namesake I have is the Emerald Isle of my ancestors! Now anyone who reads this and knows what that means can figure out my real name. lol
I wonder if Lucian the Syrian becoming a lawyer is in his own way being a truth seeker? Seeking the truth about who is guilty or innocent? I know that you are a truth seeker, so maybe in a way he was too?
I checked out the link to Lucian Freud. I saw on that page a link to one of his paintings. It was a painting of a naked old man, (back view). Why would someone want to paint that, unless it was an art project he had to do?
I also looked at the link to Lucius Annaeus Seneca. This fact is kind of cool. Although Nero was a cruel man. :(
Lucius Annaeus Seneca was educated in Rome and became famous not only as a playwright, but as an orator and philosopher as well. He served as tutor to the young Nero, and when the boy became Emperor in 54 AD, he retained Seneca as his advisor.
I also looked at Luciano Pavarotti's web site. Wow what a professional job was done on that web site too! It said this in his Bio.
Luciano Pavarotti is the most popular classical artist in the history of the recording industry.
He is doing a Farewell tour right now. He has done two concerts already and has two more to do. One on Nov 8th in Brisbane, Australa. Then another on Nov 12th Auckland, New Zealand.
Thank you for sharing all this interesting information about your namesakes and the similarities they have with you.
Keep on Blogging! You will reach 500 posts in no time I'm sure. You Rock!!
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
Thank You Countess! :)
Hmm... lawyers are truth-seekers? That could be a good spin on it... I am sure they will appreciate it! *lol*
Lucian Freud painted the truth that he saw - art should reflect reality, I do believe.
My namesakes and I seem to be artistes first and foremost - the truth-seeking comes in second for the majority of us - but not for me! In the not-so immortal words of Green Day - I want to be the Minority! *lol* (In this particular optic - yes!).
Hey - you forgot Lucien Piccard!
Hmm... lawyers are truth-seekers? That could be a good spin on it... I am sure they will appreciate it! *lol*
Lucian Freud painted the truth that he saw - art should reflect reality, I do believe.
My namesakes and I seem to be artistes first and foremost - the truth-seeking comes in second for the majority of us - but not for me! In the not-so immortal words of Green Day - I want to be the Minority! *lol* (In this particular optic - yes!).
Hey - you forgot Lucien Piccard!
Ok so shoot me. I probably watch too much Law and Order!! lol On there the Lawyers are like detectives finding the truth (evidence) about what really happened in a case in order to prosecute the criminals.
The only Lawyer I have ever dealt with has helped me greatly to win my own case! So I don't see them as the bloodthirsty vampires that most people see them as. I know there are lots out there who just do it to scam people and only for the money. Those I don't concider true lawyers anyway. They are parsites! They are a thorn in the side to the true lawyers that just want to help put away true criminals, and see justice done.
Someone has to do it or we would have no kind of justice at all, and might be back to hanging and beheading people in the town square if the law had not been astablished and lawyers appointed to prosecute the criminals.
I know that our (USA) justice system is pretty screwed up, but it is what we have. It is better than nothing. It is better than being put to death publicly like people were in the old west, with just being accused and no trial! Ok I will stop there.
I didn't forget Lucien Piccard, but I guess I didn't look close enough at the link that you gave. I didn't see his name there. I just looked again an see that he is a watch maker. I couldn't ever wear a watch like he makes. I would surely be robbed! lol Beautiful jewelry, watches, etc... has no place with someone like me. lol I would have NO place to even wear a watch like that. He must be rich! lol Now those Lawyers, they can afford them and wear them with their fancy suits etc... lol
I think YOU are the best out of all your namesakes! ((HUGE HUG))
Your love for God and your big heart, the way you help others, your patience, kindness make you so much more than any of the others. God has given you a very strong spirit. You are the strongest person I know!
Keep on Blogging!! I love it! :D
God Bless You (\ô/)Luce!
Ok so shoot me. I probably watch too much Law and Order!! lol On there the Lawyers are like detectives finding the truth (evidence) about what really happened in a case in order to prosecute the criminals.
The only Lawyer I have ever dealt with has helped me greatly to win my own case! So I don't see them as the bloodthirsty vampires that most people see them as. I know there are lots out there who just do it to scam people and only for the money. Those I don't concider true lawyers anyway. They are parsites! They are a thorn in the side to the true lawyers that just want to help put away true criminals, and see justice done.
Someone has to do it or we would have no kind of justice at all, and might be back to hanging and beheading people in the town square if the law had not been astablished and lawyers appointed to prosecute the criminals.
I know that our (USA) justice system is pretty screwed up, but it is what we have. It is better than nothing. It is better than being put to death publicly like people were in the old west, with just being accused and no trial! Ok I will stop there.
I didn't forget Lucien Piccard, but I guess I didn't look close enough at the link that you gave. I didn't see his name there. I just looked again an see that he is a watch maker. I couldn't ever wear a watch like he makes. I would surely be robbed! lol Beautiful jewelry, watches, etc... has no place with someone like me. lol I would have NO place to even wear a watch like that. He must be rich! lol Now those Lawyers, they can afford them and wear them with their fancy suits etc... lol
I think YOU are the best out of all your namesakes! ((HUGE HUG))
Your love for God and your big heart, the way you help others, your patience, kindness make you so much more than any of the others. God has given you a very strong spirit. You are the strongest person I know!
Keep on Blogging!! I love it! :D
God Bless You (\ô/)Luce!
Okay... I purposefully forgot one very Lucky Luciano *lol*
Though we are both courteous gentlemen... and we both had curly hair it seems too! *lol*
I DO NOT want to find out anything more that we might have in common, he and I... ok?
Though we are both courteous gentlemen... and we both had curly hair it seems too! *lol*
I DO NOT want to find out anything more that we might have in common, he and I... ok?
Now some Lucianos I SHOULD NOT HAVE OMITTED...
Luciano Di Crescenzo
"Luciano Bello"
San Luciano
Now you will have need of BABEL FISH for that last one... check out the useful tool for it on the main page of... The Luminous Blog!
Luciano Di Crescenzo
"Luciano Bello"
San Luciano
Now you will have need of BABEL FISH for that last one... check out the useful tool for it on the main page of... The Luminous Blog!
A Google search will unearth a lot of my namesakes... not always good finds though... *lol*
And I thought Lucky Luciano was bad...
One of the first hits on a search was a site that bears my name... for this other Luciano's handpicked centerfolds!
He has good taste, but that is beyond the point... *lol*
Also... I found a rather smug Luciano in Luciano Bruno... of Brazil
Must be the Bruno part that made him so... *LOL*
Also found... a murdered Luciano!
Hope it's not prophetic now...!
A Cartoony one in Luciano Gatto
And one who offers free homepages?
My racing car driver namesake...
Luciano Burti
And... one would be remiss without mentioning my reggae master namesake Luciano
Lest I am tempted to call him... Mulato Luciano! Hey - it's cute... and it rhymes! ;)
Hope I did not give you all -or myself- a Luciano indigestation now! *LOL*
And I thought Lucky Luciano was bad...
One of the first hits on a search was a site that bears my name... for this other Luciano's handpicked centerfolds!
He has good taste, but that is beyond the point... *lol*
Also... I found a rather smug Luciano in Luciano Bruno... of Brazil
Must be the Bruno part that made him so... *LOL*
Also found... a murdered Luciano!
Hope it's not prophetic now...!
A Cartoony one in Luciano Gatto
And one who offers free homepages?
My racing car driver namesake...
Luciano Burti
And... one would be remiss without mentioning my reggae master namesake Luciano
Lest I am tempted to call him... Mulato Luciano! Hey - it's cute... and it rhymes! ;)
Hope I did not give you all -or myself- a Luciano indigestation now! *LOL*
I looked at the new links to more of your name sakes that you added.
Nope, I do not have Luciano indigestation! hehehe
I think it is all very interesteting!!
I still think you are the BEST!!
In my book, nobody can compare to you. hmmmm I think there is a song kind of like that. lol Not quite sure since I am so sleepy.
I should have been in bed an hour ago! *YAWN* Ok Ok, I'm going now.
I just need to post this, then I'll go on standby!
Good Night & God Bless You (\ô/)
((Sleepy HUGS))
Nope, I do not have Luciano indigestation! hehehe
I think it is all very interesteting!!
I still think you are the BEST!!
In my book, nobody can compare to you. hmmmm I think there is a song kind of like that. lol Not quite sure since I am so sleepy.
I should have been in bed an hour ago! *YAWN* Ok Ok, I'm going now.
I just need to post this, then I'll go on standby!
Good Night & God Bless You (\ô/)
((Sleepy HUGS))
Wrong call - wrong Paul!
Not the same one as the translator - at all!
Wow - it rhymes, almost as poetry here!
But it isn't, really - so there!
And from Paul, the commenter
there will be no reply at all!
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