Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Saturday, November 26, 2005


If the few, the proud, the faithful regulars here, on the original TLB, have not noticed the proliferation of "brother blogs" for The Luminous Blog - then chances are no one has noticed! :(
Say it isn't so, "l.o.v.'s" - !!!
I point out to you, hence, that I await your comments (and even votes) on my OTHER luminous productions - namely the following (although there are yet MORE - in the works! Just wait and see - in the meantime, stop by the following; if only to enjoy the music on each! Internet Explorer allows for easy listening as well viewing the video that comes with it. Be informed that the media player is always to be found at the bottom of the page - thank you!).

Saint Or Sinner? Please VOTE!
Seek The Truth
Explore the possibility of the Good Life on The Luxurious Blog
Explore the Other Side of Life on The Lugubrious Blog
And expose, along with me, the nonsense around us on The Lunacy Blog!

All good things - but quite frankly, do not expect them all to be updated at the same frequency as TLB Original (Version 1.0...?) is!
I may change the music video on each, periodically... Alas, on that front, I cannot find the one video I really wanted - the one that has my vote as most hilarious ever, low-key levity though - always best that way! The Presidents of the United States' classic "Peaches" - I so wanted to have that one forevermore on one of my blogs! *Sigh* - Maybe one day, eh? (At least, you know what I want for Christmas, all - hint, hint! ;) *Blessings!*

Myspace Layouts :: Funny Videos :: Music Video Codes

Yes I have seen your other blogs. Good videos on them.

Sorry, but I don't know that song that you are wanting. Never heard of it.

Maybe someone *ELSE* can give you what you WANT for Christmas! Maybe you can Get it before then!!

Have A Good Day.
Call it the great
Luminous Expansion
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