Saturday, November 19, 2005
Bombings Kill Nearly 50 Around Baghdad...

A man was seen crying as the coffin of his mother was carried away... She had been among the thirteen killed by a car bomb explosion at a market place just outside Baghdad...
That is nothing though - a suicide bomber made three times as many victims today during a Shiite funeral procession just north of Baghdad... That attack is estimated to have made thus thirty-six victims; and to have wounded approximatively fifty more.
There will never be an end to this.
Just as surely as there will never be an end to cupidity... stupidity (in certain particular individuals especially)... foolishness... various senseless hatreds... selfishness... and countless more regrettable human traits...
Just as surely too... as there will never be an end to evil.
That is - until Judgment Day.
Things will change RADICALLY then... completely, totally and permanently.
However... until that day... things will remain as rotten as they are.
So is humankind's lot.
We made our bed - we have to lie in it.
The Faithful have victory guaranteed to them though.
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All those who truly know God that lost their lives in the bombings, will now be with Him forever.
I do not understand those suicide bombers and those in their groups.
How can they think that killing themselves, and other as well as wounding even more people is the will of God?
Why do they think that God wants them to do that because they are not the same as them?
I know it isn't just their religion because many others are of the same religion and do not kill or wound others because of it.
I know it is the sick minds of the leaders that brainwashes those people into believing that they are doing God's work! Doing hate crimes & killing in God's name is perverse!
Yes they all will be Judged by God on Judgement Day! (not the T2 movie)lol On that day the dead will rise first and then we will meet him in the sky!
What a Glorious Day that will be!
The Glorious Appering of Jesus Christ! :D
Luce, thank you so much for posting this and showing us the Luminous side of things!
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
I do not understand those suicide bombers and those in their groups.
How can they think that killing themselves, and other as well as wounding even more people is the will of God?
Why do they think that God wants them to do that because they are not the same as them?
I know it isn't just their religion because many others are of the same religion and do not kill or wound others because of it.
I know it is the sick minds of the leaders that brainwashes those people into believing that they are doing God's work! Doing hate crimes & killing in God's name is perverse!
Yes they all will be Judged by God on Judgement Day! (not the T2 movie)lol On that day the dead will rise first and then we will meet him in the sky!
What a Glorious Day that will be!
The Glorious Appering of Jesus Christ! :D
Luce, thank you so much for posting this and showing us the Luminous side of things!
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
My duty it is, hmm, to give news a luminous spin...!
The Luminous side of things is indeed the Godly side - nothing to do with me or TLB...!
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The Luminous side of things is indeed the Godly side - nothing to do with me or TLB...!
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