Thursday, November 03, 2005
Don't cry for Dubya, Argentina...

Dubya is in Argentina today - so are thousands of demonstrators protesting his visit there, the families of American soldiers killed in Iraq... and a horde of diarrhea-stricken policemen who were assigned to form a fortified security ring around the top hotels for the 34-nation summit in Mar del Plata - the hotels, of course, where Bush and several more world leaders will be staying... The policemen had bad lasagna a day ago at their favorite place for such dishes, apparently - no conspiracy required here, hence! (Although "the preferred eating grounds for the 700-strong police squad patrolling the city was closed by city inspectors following the incident." Hmm...). Over all, security for the summit is astounding enough, with 7,000 police and military personnel comprising it - terrorists need not even try!
A common goal of reducing poverty is on Dubya's agenda on this outing truly "down south"... "Bush says nations can band together to create jobs through free trade" however Dubya faces stiff and stern resistance from other nations in the Americas - namely Argentina, Brazil and Panama. (I love it that Brasil -the Portuguese spelling has an "s" not a "z"- keeps on rolling with its resolute anti-American stance... or plain old distrust of the good old USA! Still, in other areas, they are as Americanized as Canada and plenty more all over the globe... The last nail in THAT coffin was when I discovered that Brazilians went with the all-american appellation "Smurfs"... over the accepted Portuguese translation of "Schtroumpfs"... "Estrumpfes"...! Gee... I mean, how much more subservient to American culture can you get than THAT?!? But that is another story indeed... I am digressing yet again... shame on me!).
Back to the main story thus... and that is all about a Western Hemisphere trade agreement - the thing that Dubya & crew have dreamed of but have never gotten realized. And it likely will not get realized either - with protesters in the thousands and opposers such as leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez awaiting Dubya in the seaside resort of Mar del Plata, Argentina, for the summit that begins Friday. Ominous words were issued by the leftist as a matter of fact - words that leave no doubt to his anti-Dubya sentiment... "Chavez has indicated he plans to lead a "final burial" of Bush's plan for a giant free trade area that would include all countries in the Western Hemisphere except Cuba." (Always "except Cuba" in there - the USA and I do have that in common - we forgive (well, the USA allegedly do) but we never forget! And so, the embargo is still ON... The ghost of Che Guevara wouldn't have it any other way either...). One has to scoff though at "Bush's plans to eradicate poverty" - which are right up there with his war on Terror, I am sure... What else could Dubya tackle now, in terms of "abstract opponents", hmm? Famine? Pestilence? Death? Dubya, Rumsfeld, Condoleeza and Cheney against the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! Steel cage match - I'd pay to see that! However, a special guest-referee is needed here - to spice things up! But who could it be... Kofi Annan is too... anemic! Osama Bin Laden?!? We know whose side he would take upon his entering the cage... Same would go for Tony Blair if he was chosen (twice more so in fact!). Maybe a non-political entity -in the International sense- is required here... and I elect Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin! *lol*
But enough with the wrestling analogy/spoof... these are serious matters here to point out... poverty is a serious issue. So is what is happening still in Iraq - and across the Middle-East. The above picture, if it encourages one American soldier stationed in Iraq - well it will be mission accomplished for this luminous blogger, at least! The troops there have passed the mark of 2000 in their casualties - if I was among the families of the dead soldiers, especially since we just came off the Day of the Dead celebrations and all... I would remind Dubya of my discontent... remind him that he is not the only one who "allegedly forgives" - but never forgets! Chavez is probably the one who invited them over in the first place though - and to do just that! The famed Argentine soccer legend Diego Maradona will also join the U.S. soldiers' families in the protest rally... Goodie!
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You did it again!! You made me laugh. You probably didn't think I could from this, but well when I'm like this I see humor in everything. :D
LOL diarrhea-stricken policemen! lol What are they going to do, stink the criminals to death!
I guess they ate too many donuts. Oh I see it was the Lasagna instead. ROFLOL
oh no, the smurfs again! *screams* *Aaaahh*
Now I have smurfs singing in my head again! I'm doooomed! Dooomed I tell ya.
*cry* I can't get the bluemin' smurfs out of my head!
*spins around and around and falls down*
Oh no, here they come. I just knew they would catch up to me eventually. You might not see much of me for a while. I think the white coats finally found me! *biting nails* *cry*
Countess has gone totally bonkers!
God Bless you (\ô/)
You did it again!! You made me laugh. You probably didn't think I could from this, but well when I'm like this I see humor in everything. :D
LOL diarrhea-stricken policemen! lol What are they going to do, stink the criminals to death!
I guess they ate too many donuts. Oh I see it was the Lasagna instead. ROFLOL
oh no, the smurfs again! *screams* *Aaaahh*
Now I have smurfs singing in my head again! I'm doooomed! Dooomed I tell ya.
*cry* I can't get the bluemin' smurfs out of my head!
*spins around and around and falls down*
Oh no, here they come. I just knew they would catch up to me eventually. You might not see much of me for a while. I think the white coats finally found me! *biting nails* *cry*
Countess has gone totally bonkers!
God Bless you (\ô/)
On a more serious note.
I don't voice my opinions about Bush even if I don't agree with him. It isn't because I am afraid of getting in trouble. My reason is below.
Romans 13:1-2
1. Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
Bush isn't in authority over you, so whenever you voice your opinions about Bush, you are not going against God. That is my thinking at least.
It is those who live in the US that Bush is in authority over them, who bash him and voice their dislike of him, that are going against God instaling him as the present authority in the USA.
We in the USA need to respect the man who is put in authority by God, instead of going against him.
We also need to pray for all our leaders!
God Bless You Luce (\ô/)
On a more serious note.
I don't voice my opinions about Bush even if I don't agree with him. It isn't because I am afraid of getting in trouble. My reason is below.
Romans 13:1-2
1. Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
Bush isn't in authority over you, so whenever you voice your opinions about Bush, you are not going against God. That is my thinking at least.
It is those who live in the US that Bush is in authority over them, who bash him and voice their dislike of him, that are going against God instaling him as the present authority in the USA.
We in the USA need to respect the man who is put in authority by God, instead of going against him.
We also need to pray for all our leaders!
God Bless You Luce (\ô/)
Hmm... where's my disconcerted (as disconcerting?) high-browed skeptical smiley when I need it...
I am afraid so many "in authority" right here on good old "mother Earth" are so because of other factors too... GOD allowed it all to transpire, surely - but the actual elements that motored tyrants (or twits like Dubya) to power were either
a) man's folly (or ineptitude at counting ballots)
b) the devil!
Let's not forget that the fallen angel-in-chief fell... to earth! And that this is, for the time being, his playground. According to legend, he stole Lilith from Adam... then led Eve to sin too. He caused humanity's fall from grace - and has not stopped toying with us, using our predisposed inclination to err in a myriad ways...
I guess I am just not authoritarian in any way whatsoever... *lol*
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I am afraid so many "in authority" right here on good old "mother Earth" are so because of other factors too... GOD allowed it all to transpire, surely - but the actual elements that motored tyrants (or twits like Dubya) to power were either
a) man's folly (or ineptitude at counting ballots)
b) the devil!
Let's not forget that the fallen angel-in-chief fell... to earth! And that this is, for the time being, his playground. According to legend, he stole Lilith from Adam... then led Eve to sin too. He caused humanity's fall from grace - and has not stopped toying with us, using our predisposed inclination to err in a myriad ways...
I guess I am just not authoritarian in any way whatsoever... *lol*
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