Monday, November 28, 2005
Terror alert level: Bert

I recently saw on another blog (thanks to the magic of that BlogXplosion thingie - found somewhere on my sidebar... and the credits gathering process that is required to garner any attention / traffic through it! Indeed, it is another story entirely...!) that there were many who were glad to see the war on terror being fought abroad - on foreign soil - instead of in the heartland of America... Heaven forbid indeed that any further damage be ever inflicted upon the landscape of the land of the Free... and the home of the Brave...
I suppose it also makes sense that this "war on terror" is fought where the true cause for it is to be found - those oil reserves there, that are always coming up in any discussion on "the rebuilding of Iraq" (hey - they have had a bad man at their helm - but it needed no rebuilding up until so many bombs started exploding there... 2000+ U.S. troops casualties and countless local civilian casualties later, the rebuilding process is being hampered quite seriously by the regular appearance of the suicide-bomber "du jour"... but I digress...
I'll always remember the redneck on CNN, a day after 9/11... Some Joe Citizen who was picked at random by the TV reporter just to get "real feedback" from the everyman... and his words were "this is America - this sort of thing doesn't happen in America". Americans - North Americans that is - have been living in a bubble, which was burst open on 9/11 but quickly patched up and set up again - by the diversive tactic of the war to depose Saddam Hussein (much more than the security measures undertaken - inventive evil factions could always find a way to get some nasty deed done - if they had the effectives... and the guts.) All the terrorist wanna-bes have flocked to Iraq... maybe they are thinking of being in Iran as well, expecting the U.S. to be foolhardy enough to attack IT next... Europe is closer to their "terrorist training camps" also... so they will be there as well. But North America is by no means "hallowed ground" where no terrorist shall tread... we are just out of the way and too vast a territory to cover! Too cold to operate on too, these days... *brrrrrrr*! We can get ours too - we are NOTHING SPECIAL - personally, I don't think that God holds us in very high esteem at all... Israel is the Apple of God's Eye - we know that. Israel - not America! There should be no "special protection" for us - at all! If it is never to be as spectacular as 9/11 was - we can fall victim to a number of different attacks still... Bacteriological, Chemical or the run-of-the-mill suicide-bomber in our midst... no reason at all why it is not bound to happen in the most unlikely of places... Even the lousy subway system I have made use of so many times in the last 20 years - the Montréal subway - was found to be considered for an attack - soon! A recently apprehended terrorist was found to have in his possession several blueprints of the subway system... they KNOW where to hit it as to make the MAXIMUM number of victims - and the most impact. The war on terror is a never-ending affair...
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I fear that I must agree with the person who said "better to take it (the war) to them, than to allow them to bring it here!"
I for one don't give a fiddlers flip for the oil( Its' use as a motor fuil is soon comming to an end!)I feel ggenuine remorce for those that have died over there, both American and Iraqi!
You must admit, that the greater number of colateral damage is being done bu seuaside bombers, and the ones they are killing are the very ones they say they are fighting for!
Do not let their retoric fool you, they could care less for the furtherance of Islam!These "Islamist" are in this for power, TThe power that they lost when Sadam fell, nothing more!
FYI. The greatest consumers of Iraqi Oil have been historicaly Europians, and the Russians!
I for one don't give a fiddlers flip for the oil( Its' use as a motor fuil is soon comming to an end!)I feel ggenuine remorce for those that have died over there, both American and Iraqi!
You must admit, that the greater number of colateral damage is being done bu seuaside bombers, and the ones they are killing are the very ones they say they are fighting for!
Do not let their retoric fool you, they could care less for the furtherance of Islam!These "Islamist" are in this for power, TThe power that they lost when Sadam fell, nothing more!
FYI. The greatest consumers of Iraqi Oil have been historicaly Europians, and the Russians!
The USA sure has been in a bubble of self delusional security for a very very long time. We as a nation have thought that it could never happen to us. We (the average american) never dreamed that we would be attacked by terrorists!
Unfortunately we do have some of our own home grown terrorists who have sucsseeded in taking many lives. Like the FBI building in Oklahoma.
Never forget that we as a nation are not invulnerable! We do NOT have enough security to keep out all terrorists, no matter how much money we spend on homeland security!
This is a good post. It is something that we need to hear!
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
Unfortunately we do have some of our own home grown terrorists who have sucsseeded in taking many lives. Like the FBI building in Oklahoma.
Never forget that we as a nation are not invulnerable! We do NOT have enough security to keep out all terrorists, no matter how much money we spend on homeland security!
This is a good post. It is something that we need to hear!
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
Of course, Thomas, the thirst for power is at the heart of the matter...
As for the oil going to Europeans - it makes tons of sense to export it to the closer continent. But I do not think Dubya, in true humanitarian that he is, is not happy about this. We all know how much he cares for Tony Blair and his countrymen...
It might be "better" to take it to their backyard - for now. But this will not last indefinitely. Maybe God is displeased with us for doing so too... hmm? Hurricane season was pretty harsh on the U.S. this year...
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As for the oil going to Europeans - it makes tons of sense to export it to the closer continent. But I do not think Dubya, in true humanitarian that he is, is not happy about this. We all know how much he cares for Tony Blair and his countrymen...
It might be "better" to take it to their backyard - for now. But this will not last indefinitely. Maybe God is displeased with us for doing so too... hmm? Hurricane season was pretty harsh on the U.S. this year...
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