Thursday, November 17, 2005
Travel LIGHT... truly luminous advice!

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears. - Glenn Clark
Glenn Clark... *the* Glenn Clark that I think said that? Maybe not... hmm? Let's check on that right now - shall we? After all...
Clarity is a great thing to have - and one does not need to work for Clarica to know that!
There is a Glenn Clark who received a diploma in Fine Arts (with distinction) from the Okanagan College in 1988, and his BFA from the University of Calgary, in 1991. After graduation, he moved to Penticton where he continues to run his studio and work at the Art Gallery of the South Okanagan. THAT is definitely NOT the Glenn Clark in question here... (he does terrific likenesses of hockey legends, mind you...! Many Canadiens in there... but all the great Bruins too! Oh... and one Golden Jet too!).
It definitely is not this Glenn Clark!
So then we are left to look towards... the one with the doctorate! The Dr. Glenn Clark who donated a collection of his work to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1952 and authored "The Third Front" (through the paths of faith, hope and love) - a book co-authored really by Glenn Clark, Starr Daily and Glenn Harding, (a hard cover, copyrighted in 1944, 232 pages long, and truly a very rare title to find to be authored by both Glenn Clark and Starr Daily). A true humanitarian, this Glenn Clark actually also helped Alcoholics Anonymous get started in Minnesota. (As a matter of fact, Clark and Starr are both popular writers with A.A. members.)
This Glenn Clark is the one!
And I thought the quote belonged to an obscure folk singer originally... *lol*!
Aye, indeed - clarity and comprehension are a must sometimes... And the wisdom in that most quotable of all quotes is undeniable! Blessings!
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What is so amazing about Glenn Clark (the third one - who was really the first one!) is his endorsing the belief that
"one's prayers could be just as scientifically infallible as the laws of physics and chemistry."
On top of that,
As one of the most widely published authors on the life of prayer in the 20th century and founder of the "Camps Farthest Out" movement, Glenn Clark has left an unforgettable mark on the spiritual life of our day. He has influenced all kinds of people -- the sick at heart, the discouraged, the unchurched, and those who were angry at the church. Through such books as The Soul's Sincere Desire, I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, and many others, Glenn Clark enriched the lives of millions.
Truly ironic I was led to blog about him today - after debating on a certain website about the merits of having faith with a non-religious / secular énergumène of a woman... Verily, this reeks of DIVINE PROVIDENCE! ;)
"one's prayers could be just as scientifically infallible as the laws of physics and chemistry."
On top of that,
As one of the most widely published authors on the life of prayer in the 20th century and founder of the "Camps Farthest Out" movement, Glenn Clark has left an unforgettable mark on the spiritual life of our day. He has influenced all kinds of people -- the sick at heart, the discouraged, the unchurched, and those who were angry at the church. Through such books as The Soul's Sincere Desire, I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, and many others, Glenn Clark enriched the lives of millions.
Truly ironic I was led to blog about him today - after debating on a certain website about the merits of having faith with a non-religious / secular énergumène of a woman... Verily, this reeks of DIVINE PROVIDENCE! ;)
That woman - known as "RzS" - was silenced by the following (anyway, I hope she remains silenced! *lol*).
The name of the group lends it self to interpretation - but just barely. The interrogation should be IS THERE A GOD? You just took out the first three words... No room for sarcasm here - and I am known for my inclination towards sarcastic humor in my writing... but dealing with a subject of this magnitude, it has not its place here.
For the poster who questioned my logic, I must retort the same thing - where is your logic in saying that God cannot control the devil... when you say that everything is two-sided, everything has its flip side? Be consistent with yourself and your theories!
The fact is - the devil is not "the flip side" of God - the devil is but a WANNABE! Hence his envy... of man's special rapport with God - of God's Stature. The devil is an Imitator. An Impersonator. The prince of lies! The Deceiver! He has obviously deceived you into thinking him to be much more than he really is...
The devil exists - hence God exists. Disprove the existence of the devil, you disprove the existence of God... maybe, in your mind you will. But to disprove the existence of the devil, you will have to explain how EVIL can be... And that it is all the doing of human minds... Since in humankind we are all brothers and sisters, I don't know about you, but me I do not want to have sadistic killers as brothers... who kill without remorse and have not a hint of a soul. I would rather have for brothers and sisters faillible SOULS - who have sinned because they were tempted and they were weak... but they all have (to various degrees though) a chance at redemption...
GOD allows the devil to exist to test US - the devil is not "out of HIS control" - the devil is but a wannabe and a PAWN...! GOD IS IN CONTROL - and life is but a test. Of endurance. The trials that we face test our mettle - any diamond has to be cut, right? How else would we display our worthiness than if we are faced by adversity... hence the existence of the Adversary!
Any clearer now, for your comprehension skills -or lack thereof- Rz S?
The S is for secular I believe... correct? You insist upon seeing "logic" in this debate... and you want spirituality by calling nature your mother. Where is the logic in that? Are you an animal or a human being? We are made in God's Image... we stand out from the animal kingdom!
And your feministic views fall flat - the devil is MALE in its attributes... GOD THE CREATOR is not a montage of the material you mention - He PRE-DATES it all - He pre-dates everything!
You say everything is "pure energy, intelligence force" - that seems an inarticulate argument to me... as well as an unsubstanciated one!
Finally... Rz S... your claim that choosing "what is appropriate for the situation" implies that you would choose evil at... a toss of a coin almost. That is simply intolerable - and plain wrong.
The name of the group lends it self to interpretation - but just barely. The interrogation should be IS THERE A GOD? You just took out the first three words... No room for sarcasm here - and I am known for my inclination towards sarcastic humor in my writing... but dealing with a subject of this magnitude, it has not its place here.
For the poster who questioned my logic, I must retort the same thing - where is your logic in saying that God cannot control the devil... when you say that everything is two-sided, everything has its flip side? Be consistent with yourself and your theories!
The fact is - the devil is not "the flip side" of God - the devil is but a WANNABE! Hence his envy... of man's special rapport with God - of God's Stature. The devil is an Imitator. An Impersonator. The prince of lies! The Deceiver! He has obviously deceived you into thinking him to be much more than he really is...
The devil exists - hence God exists. Disprove the existence of the devil, you disprove the existence of God... maybe, in your mind you will. But to disprove the existence of the devil, you will have to explain how EVIL can be... And that it is all the doing of human minds... Since in humankind we are all brothers and sisters, I don't know about you, but me I do not want to have sadistic killers as brothers... who kill without remorse and have not a hint of a soul. I would rather have for brothers and sisters faillible SOULS - who have sinned because they were tempted and they were weak... but they all have (to various degrees though) a chance at redemption...
GOD allows the devil to exist to test US - the devil is not "out of HIS control" - the devil is but a wannabe and a PAWN...! GOD IS IN CONTROL - and life is but a test. Of endurance. The trials that we face test our mettle - any diamond has to be cut, right? How else would we display our worthiness than if we are faced by adversity... hence the existence of the Adversary!
Any clearer now, for your comprehension skills -or lack thereof- Rz S?
The S is for secular I believe... correct? You insist upon seeing "logic" in this debate... and you want spirituality by calling nature your mother. Where is the logic in that? Are you an animal or a human being? We are made in God's Image... we stand out from the animal kingdom!
And your feministic views fall flat - the devil is MALE in its attributes... GOD THE CREATOR is not a montage of the material you mention - He PRE-DATES it all - He pre-dates everything!
You say everything is "pure energy, intelligence force" - that seems an inarticulate argument to me... as well as an unsubstanciated one!
Finally... Rz S... your claim that choosing "what is appropriate for the situation" implies that you would choose evil at... a toss of a coin almost. That is simply intolerable - and plain wrong.
Glenn Clark the one who wrote that quote sounds like he did God's work! God used him to help others.
I totally agree with what you said in that group. You word are most Luminously Elequent.
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
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I totally agree with what you said in that group. You word are most Luminously Elequent.
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
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