Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Friday, December 02, 2005

God So Loved The World - That He Gave His One And Only Son - That Whosoever Believes In Him Will Not Perish But Shall Have Everlasting Life

Well - they took away this wonderful, truly luminous song and video - and I was so sure that I had it back on here for good (thanks to other web tools that proved to be as unreliable too... Suffice it to say, curse you,!)

As long as the luminous blog will endure though, I will add the appropriate music to it - GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD is back playing here - and it is back here for as long as the net will endure!!!
The same artist, Jaci Velasquez, is a click away still - below you'll find her other great song, "JESUS IS". Enjoy! :)

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Hey - there is a luminous idea!
(And I do have a lot of those too - trust me on that folks! *lol*)

How about a new tradition here on TLB - every Friday night henceforth... LUMINOUS FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS!

Sure beats the *hell* out of Friday Night Fights if you ask me! *lol*
(Although, if you look closely, near the end of our inaugural luminous video here, a fight almost breaks out...! But they were two girlie men, so they did not go through with it... *LOL* Yes - that is another story...!)

Place bets on what video I will select for the NEXT installment of... LUMINOUS FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS!

Hmm... on second thought... I like having two weeks worth of posts on the main page here... so...

there will be a LUMINOUS FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEO here!

Gives you more time to TRY and guess which one will be picked NEXT... by luminous me!
Yay, Friday Night Luminous Videos sounds like a Great idea!!

That video you chose is a great one! I love that song. It is so pretty.

I'll have to see about maybe finding one for HI if I can change the size of it!

Thanks for the Luminous Video!
I look forward to seeing another one next week! :)

God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
This video was clearly shot in New York... BEFORE 9/11.

Near the end of the song, we even get a glimpse of the twin towers, still standing... truly a video to preserve that we have here; for its message as well as historical value...

How to conciliate that message with what we know to have happened to those twin towers...?



God gives us everlasting life - if we believe. Those who died in the twin towers "will not perish" - such is God's Promise.

The monument that is now at "ground zero" - to commemorate the twin towers - does make the towers come back to "life", in a ghostly translucid way...

NOTHING ever dies - there is just energy dispersal, really...

If even the inanimate towers live on, in a way (the rubble still exists - the dust has only been taken away by the wind - and the shattered glass was probably recycled...?) - you better believe that the souls of the 9/11 victims do live on as well.

Christians - true believers in Christ - fear not death.

The message of this song is actually only ENHANCED by the phantom presence of the erstwhile WTC twin towers...
You are so right Luce!

Those who died on 9/11 at the two towers that were true Christians will live on in heaven! We will meet them someday when we go to heaven, or when Christ comes. :D

Thanks again for posting that video. It is a great video and a beautiful song.

Last night I went to bed with it in my head, and woke up singing that song when I woke up. :D

I need to find that song and download it so I can play it whenever I want to!

God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
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God Bless!

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