Monday, December 19, 2005
In a reflective mood... still...!

Patof was like a Don Quixote without much of a cause (or a budget for that matter!) and Mr. Tranquille was his Sancho Panza with an attitude... Much more preferable, in my estimation, than the "Don Coyote & Sancho Panda" substitutes... and, in fact, the original duo itself... if you ask me! Embarking on a misguided quest for absolutely nothing is simply NOT an uplifting message in my book - nope! And Cervantes' sequel to the Man of La Mancha's "adventures" was even more of a downer... Don Quixote could have been better than Baron Munchausen - instead the latter's absurdism is made more real! And Quixote is ridiculed... when the truth is, child-like mentalities (especially ones that genuinely want to do some GOOD on this Earth) are the most pleasing to GOD... His confusing a windmill for a dragon is comical, of course - but it is his intent that should be underlined - and rewarded, not mocked by his own author!
What prompted this spontaneous review of Don Quixote - you ask? Check out the link... and make strategic use of the Babel Fish tool found right here on The Luminous Blog! It is the rather odd decision from the Biblioteca de Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Açores of hosting an exposition about "D. Quixote, herói criado pelo escritor espanhol Miguel Cervantes"... What is wrong with this picture? The "espanhol" part, I say... On the momentous occasion of the HOLIDAY SEASON, they should honor either CHRIST or a national hero... and the Açores belong to PORTUGAL... not SPAIN! (Sorry, Spaniards ~ NOT SORRY!) If it absolutely had to be a spaniard "icon" - let it be a saint then... or El Cid! Don Quixote, being as fictional as the Scarlet Pimpernel or the Saint are, he's simply an odd choice for too many reasons...
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Allow me, TLB faithful, to preserve for posterity the Portuguese promo for that "event"... herein!
Biblioteca de Ponta Delgada expõe "Os ilustradores de D. Quixote"
2005-12-16 16:42:33
Uma exposição intitulada "Os ilustradores de D. Quixote" está patente ao público, a partir de hoje e até 31 de Janeiro, na Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada, numa iniciativa da Presidência do Governo Regional.
A mostra, instalada no rés-do-chão da biblioteca, pode ser visitada, nos dias úteis, entre as nove e as 19 horas e, aos sábados, das 14 às 19 horas.
D. Quixote, herói criado pelo escritor espanhol Miguel Cervantes, constitui, ao longo de séculos, motivo de inspiração para numerosos artistas, designadamente, ilustradores com trabalhos reunidos na exposição na Biblioteca de Ponta Delgada.
A organização da mostra tem o apoio da Biblioteca Nacional.
That's right - they speak of the Biblioteca Nacional there... makes little sense to me! Unless they are planning to retro into being a part of Lusitania again...
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Biblioteca de Ponta Delgada expõe "Os ilustradores de D. Quixote"
2005-12-16 16:42:33
Uma exposição intitulada "Os ilustradores de D. Quixote" está patente ao público, a partir de hoje e até 31 de Janeiro, na Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada, numa iniciativa da Presidência do Governo Regional.
A mostra, instalada no rés-do-chão da biblioteca, pode ser visitada, nos dias úteis, entre as nove e as 19 horas e, aos sábados, das 14 às 19 horas.
D. Quixote, herói criado pelo escritor espanhol Miguel Cervantes, constitui, ao longo de séculos, motivo de inspiração para numerosos artistas, designadamente, ilustradores com trabalhos reunidos na exposição na Biblioteca de Ponta Delgada.
A organização da mostra tem o apoio da Biblioteca Nacional.
That's right - they speak of the Biblioteca Nacional there... makes little sense to me! Unless they are planning to retro into being a part of Lusitania again...
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