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Friday, December 30, 2005

Luminous Friday Night Videos Presents: The New Year's Playlist! ~ And May God Bless Us All In 2006 ~ And Always!


Myspace Layouts :: Funny Videos :: Music Video Codes


The winner of the honor of headlining this luminous playlist to ring in the new year in style is... Husky Rescue!

A fine group with an unique sound and a very pleasant surprise and chance discovery that I made as well...!

You get a two for one deal on Husky Rescue too, l.o.v.'s - two songs / two videos in their very eclectic unique style (although the second one reminds me of Radiohead's Karma Police... sort of a female version of that! But I would not put the inept police on my blog, just to compare videos! *lol* Yeah, I know; they helped me out recently. Alas, they did not arrest anybody else that they should have! Oh, but I digress... Karma Police is to be found on the "L.B." playlist / post on the linked blog... which is the taste-testing blog! Draw comparisons there - will ya?)

On top of the two-for-one deal, 23 more tracks! Yes!

That way, if anyone of them goes dead, there will be plenty more still going!

The last playlist here, on TLB, had one track that never played for the entire two weeks that the playlist was on display on the main page here!!!


Thus - not taking any chances!
25 songs
25 videos
Lots of variety there as well...
And a new supplier - welcome "" everybody!

Let's see now if they are any better than!
Sheesh - already, as I type this, I notice that one track was omitted on the playlist - they jumped past Enya! How dare they...


Luckily, there are two Enya tracks! :)

Two songs also from a band that I want to attract your attention to at this time: Marjorie Fair. They are simply GREAT - the song "Empty Room" is stunning and the video is an allegory for the afterlife... when we change bicycles... watch it and you'll understand what I mean by that...!

Change bicycles - and "dance into the Light"!

Yes - the order of the songs sort of has meaning too - a little and a lot...! ;)

By the way - track #14 should read "Foo Fighters - D.O.A." and not "Fonzie"...! I gather there's a "Happy Days" fan at At least he is not a Mork & Mindy fan! *LOL*
Better still - he's not a Fozzy fan - the so-called band (nothing but noise-makers I say) of one execrable personnage... j'ai nommé Chris Jericho!

Ha - who is he trying to kid, Jericho... his father was a hockey player... he has been a pro-wrestler (hmm... almost made the typo "werestler" there - no allusion to lycanthropy, I'm sure but merely a subconscious wish that he never returns to the wrestling ring! *lol*) and now he has a band... when he has no business in any of these three fields!

Why do some obnoxious people crave the spotlight - and center stage at all costs?

But I am digressing again...

Enjoy the hidden gems to be found in this playlist - from the very first song, to the Mediaeval Babes, to the aforementioned Marjorie Fair's Empty Room and "Waves" also... to Beck's surprisingly upbeat "Epro" (even if a tad morbid)... to Great Big Sea's Sea Of No Cares... to the comedic material from bad boys Eminem and Limp Bizkit... truly, this playlist has something for everyone out there!

And... again.. Happy New Year!
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