Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Luminous Friday Night Videos!

The new TLB tradition - and a long time coming it was too!
Fear not, though, faithful TLB regulars - it is here to stay!
After consideration, I've decided to do it this way... the democratic luminous way!
Aye - though I once posted the luminous words "my blog; my way" right here on TLB (*lol*) I will not be accused of having this be a dictatorial blog! (Although, for the record, this would be a *luminous dictature* - and thus not so bad! *lol* Hey - if Dubya dreams of being a "fair dictator" in real life - I could be one here too - no?!? Yes... that is another story... let's move on...!)
Thus, my idea is to call upon you to VOTE for the video you want to see (and nostly listen to) for the next two weeks right here on The Luminous Blog... That's right folks! I will post a link to a *luminous selection* of top notch candidates - and I will post the video that tallies up the most votes right here next week! The week after that, another list of candidates... and so on!
In case of a tie, I will be the deciding vote, of course! ... :)
I promise also not to put together a list of ludicrous candidates with only ONE truly... ah... luminous choice hence (!) as to goad the vote in the direction that I want it to take! I am striving to be *luminous* after all - not *insidious*! *LOL*

The choices are thus:
That's right folks - the Battle of the Phils! *LOL*
Listen carefully to each on the link below - and choose wisely! ;)
Choose wisely for it is the tune that you will be hearing here for the next two weeks - starting next Friday! *lol*

In the meantime - enjoy the video below!

Myspace Layouts for Myspace :: Music Video Codes

Not influencing the vote - am I? *LOL*

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Oh Luce,

I'm soooo sorry that I didn't vote here last night!!

Here is my vote now.

PHIL MANZANERA "A MILLION REASONS WHY" This song I hadn't heard before. I like this video & song.

PHIL VASSAR "THIS IS GOD" comes in a very close second!! Probably only because I have heard it quite a bit recently. Or else it probably would be first.

I look forward to seeing what video wins! :D

God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
Of course...

I like Phil too... Collins that is.

I barely knew Vassar - and had never heard of Manzanera before unearthing his video at that videocodezone site...

I was sure Manzanera would not collect a single vote, in fact...! Thanks to the countess, he did - hurray for the aristocracy that takes to the underdog...! ;)

Mailed-in votes from non-bloggers were as follows:
one more for Phil (of course... but which one? *lol*) Collins...

And one -finally- for Phil Vassar!

I am still awaiting more votes... don't make MINE be the deciding one... folks!


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