Thursday, December 01, 2005
on blending in...

Blending in may mean to give in to that old survivalist logic - which I criticized recently - and which consists of joining the ranks of the opposition when we have exhausted all of our resources and effectively find no way to "come out on top"... It can prove to be an impossible task to do so at times, though - when the opposition simply will not have you on their side, no matter what you bring to the table. What to do then... hmm?
A common enemy is always good - Condoleeza Rice (of all people to quote...!) rephrased that age old wisdom when she uttered the following: "We need a common enemy to unite us." - and if SHE says it... it must be absolutely true! After all, she knows absolutely all about it... The USA, under her bosses' administration, has made more enemies worldwide than Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern combined in all their years behind their respective microphones. It is essential... vital even... to find common foes to fight now... a common "cause" - and, as it is, it is "terror" and the war that was declared on it, vying for its eradication... The war on pollution will be won decisively first, I think...
Losing themselves in a crowd is impossible for Dubya & crew - but it is still an option for the everyman trying to survive in the cold cruel world out there - in the "real world"... It is a fine art - and, verily, the only sensible thing to do for the greater majority. No real sense in fighting an uphill battle every single day for the rest of one's life when there is a much simpler solution - such as deflecting attention onto the poor unsuspecting sap next to you. Such is the ruthless law of the jungle in the climbing of any corporate ladder; and it sure is sickening, is it not? The pursuit of happiness is the sole excuse that makes any means to achieve it permissible... almost. Happiness is some kind of luxury most can ill-afford nowadays though - mere survival is good enough as it is... Winning by whatever means necessary - now that is just wrong.
Still... Such is the essence of the American Dream - correct? "So, then, to every man his chance -- to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining golden opportunity -- to every man his right to live, to work, to be himself, to become whatever his manhood and his vision can combine to make him -- this, seeker, is the promise of America." - -- Thomas Wolfe (wow - another fine relatively modern voice to inspire the "newstyle wisdom" of the good ol' USA - is he not?).
At least, in the animal kingdom, there is considerably less of that bitter aftertaste that comes with any cunning move "à la fox"... Legend has it that GOD never regretted creating all the varieties of animals - however, reputedly, He regretted creating Man. As they say, there is always a bit of truth to every myth... to every legend... always an iota of truth in there, at the very least...
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I would be remiss if I did not mention - here, at least - that today was World Aids Day...
The kind of day that can be... evry day of the year... but not like Christmas should be, quite evidently... for we long for Christmas Joy all year-round - we should have year-round vigilance not to contract any unnecessary illness...
"As World Aids Day is marked around the globe, virtually no part of the world has remained untouched by HIV. The virus has hit each region the world over in various degrees of gravity (as far as the public knows) according to the latest Aids epidemic update published jointly by the United Nations Programme on Aids (UNAids) and World Health Organization (WHO)."
Africa, typically the hardest hit region on the planet, holds 64% of the world's HIV cases...
In 2005, 2.4 million people died of aids in Sub-Saharan Africa alone...
New cases repertoriated were 3.2 million - overall, there are 25.8 million with HIV in that area of the world.
"More than 60% of all people with HIV live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite falls in adult HIV prevalence apparently under way in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe, there is little evidence of declining epidemics in this region as a whole. In fact, prevalence levels remain "exceptionally" high and might not yet have reached their peak in several countries.
There is also particular concern at the way the virus affects women in this region, who are disproportionately affected by HIV while remaining poorly informed."
Yes... information is key... to stay afloat... to survive... as to blend in as well.
The kind of day that can be... evry day of the year... but not like Christmas should be, quite evidently... for we long for Christmas Joy all year-round - we should have year-round vigilance not to contract any unnecessary illness...
"As World Aids Day is marked around the globe, virtually no part of the world has remained untouched by HIV. The virus has hit each region the world over in various degrees of gravity (as far as the public knows) according to the latest Aids epidemic update published jointly by the United Nations Programme on Aids (UNAids) and World Health Organization (WHO)."
Africa, typically the hardest hit region on the planet, holds 64% of the world's HIV cases...
In 2005, 2.4 million people died of aids in Sub-Saharan Africa alone...
New cases repertoriated were 3.2 million - overall, there are 25.8 million with HIV in that area of the world.
"More than 60% of all people with HIV live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite falls in adult HIV prevalence apparently under way in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe, there is little evidence of declining epidemics in this region as a whole. In fact, prevalence levels remain "exceptionally" high and might not yet have reached their peak in several countries.
There is also particular concern at the way the virus affects women in this region, who are disproportionately affected by HIV while remaining poorly informed."
Yes... information is key... to stay afloat... to survive... as to blend in as well.
In ASIA, 2005 REGIONAL FIGURES are as follows:
People with HIV: 8.3m
% of world's HIV cases: 20.6%
New cases: 1.1m
Aids deaths: 521,000
"Low national HIV infection levels in Asia mask the fact that, because of large populations, sizeable numbers of people are living with HIV. Serious Aids epidemics in the region are fuelled by risky behaviour, often involving more than one form, and often related to drug-use and unprotected sex
However, there are concerns that many of the prevention strategies do not take into account this combination of risk-taking, even in those countries where the spread of HIV has so far been contained. One positive among the generally worsening international situation has been a fall in HIV incidence among sex workers and their clients in Thailand and Cambodia."
"In North America and western Europe, the number of people living with HIV has continued to grow, although the number of Aids deaths remains comparatively low thanks to the wide availability of antiretroviral therapy.
Although sex between men and, in a minority of countries, injecting drug use remain important routes for HIV transmission, unprotected heterosexual intercourse is playing an increasingly significant role. There are concerns that in several countries prevention efforts are lagging behind this shifting pattern of HIV transmission."
Latin America, in rather sharp contrast, has it worse...
"Mainly because of their large populations, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia have seen the largest HIV epidemics in the region, with Brazil alone accounting for more than one third of the people living with HIV in Latin America.
The highest levels of HIV prevalence are found in the smaller countries of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. No single factor is fuelling the region's epidemics, but a combination of unsafe sex (between men, and men and women) plus injecting drug use are primarily to blame.
In nearly all Latin American countries, according to recent studies reported by UNAids and the WHO, the highest levels of HIV infection are found among men who have sex with men and the second-highest among female sex workers."
EASTERN EUROPE and Central Asia have seen the modern-day Black Plague... a more insidious version than the original...
"The epidemics in this region are continuing to grow - the numbers infected have increased almost twentyfold in less than a decade - affecting ever-larger parts of societies. Between 2003 and 2005 the number killed by Aids almost doubled.
The infected population is predominantly young, with increasing numbers of women being affected, many acquiring HIV from male partners who became infected when injecting drugs. The bulk of cases are in the Russian Federation - which has the biggest Aids epidemic in Europe - and Ukraine."
Numbers become obsolete as overwhelming after a while - suffice it to say, vigilance and the old adage "better be safe than sorry" take all their meaning here... and now...
People with HIV: 8.3m
% of world's HIV cases: 20.6%
New cases: 1.1m
Aids deaths: 521,000
"Low national HIV infection levels in Asia mask the fact that, because of large populations, sizeable numbers of people are living with HIV. Serious Aids epidemics in the region are fuelled by risky behaviour, often involving more than one form, and often related to drug-use and unprotected sex
However, there are concerns that many of the prevention strategies do not take into account this combination of risk-taking, even in those countries where the spread of HIV has so far been contained. One positive among the generally worsening international situation has been a fall in HIV incidence among sex workers and their clients in Thailand and Cambodia."
"In North America and western Europe, the number of people living with HIV has continued to grow, although the number of Aids deaths remains comparatively low thanks to the wide availability of antiretroviral therapy.
Although sex between men and, in a minority of countries, injecting drug use remain important routes for HIV transmission, unprotected heterosexual intercourse is playing an increasingly significant role. There are concerns that in several countries prevention efforts are lagging behind this shifting pattern of HIV transmission."
Latin America, in rather sharp contrast, has it worse...
"Mainly because of their large populations, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia have seen the largest HIV epidemics in the region, with Brazil alone accounting for more than one third of the people living with HIV in Latin America.
The highest levels of HIV prevalence are found in the smaller countries of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. No single factor is fuelling the region's epidemics, but a combination of unsafe sex (between men, and men and women) plus injecting drug use are primarily to blame.
In nearly all Latin American countries, according to recent studies reported by UNAids and the WHO, the highest levels of HIV infection are found among men who have sex with men and the second-highest among female sex workers."
EASTERN EUROPE and Central Asia have seen the modern-day Black Plague... a more insidious version than the original...
"The epidemics in this region are continuing to grow - the numbers infected have increased almost twentyfold in less than a decade - affecting ever-larger parts of societies. Between 2003 and 2005 the number killed by Aids almost doubled.
The infected population is predominantly young, with increasing numbers of women being affected, many acquiring HIV from male partners who became infected when injecting drugs. The bulk of cases are in the Russian Federation - which has the biggest Aids epidemic in Europe - and Ukraine."
Numbers become obsolete as overwhelming after a while - suffice it to say, vigilance and the old adage "better be safe than sorry" take all their meaning here... and now...
"Among Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands, only the two small island nations of Niue and Tokelau have not yet reported any HIV infections. Australia, with the oldest HIV epidemic in the region, saw declining infections between 1995 and 2000 but they have edged up again recently. Although spread primarily by sex between men, a rise in heterosexual infections has led to an increase in the number of women with HIV.
The number of HIV infections in New Zealand is much smaller than Australia's. The route of infection is similarly dominated by sex between men, with most infections picked up abroad. Incidences on other Pacific islands remains low, but continuing high levels of sexually transmitted disease have raised concerns that the conditions for an epidemic remain."
People with HIV: 510,000
% of world's HIV cases: 1.2%
New cases: 67,000
Aids deaths: 58,000
"Once known as a region with relatively low levels of HIV, its advance is continuing, although sometimes poor availability of information does disrupt efforts to build-up a comprehensive picture.
There is evidence of increasing infections in countries such as Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Somalia. The main route of transmission is unprotected sexual contact, although injecting drug use is becoming more significant and is the primary route in both Libya and Iran. The prevalence of HIV in all populations is low, except for Sudan where despite recently intensified prevention efforts, HIV knowledge remains generally poor."
People with HIV: 300,000
% of world's HIV cases: 0.7%
New cases: 30,000
Aids deaths: 24,000
"Aids is the leading cause of death among 15 to 44-year-olds in the Caribbean, although national HIV prevalence varies from as much as 3% in Haiti to less than 0.2% in Cuba. There are concerns about inadequate information gathering in the region, as well as the infrequent acknowledgement of the role played by sex between men, which is widely stigmatised. The main driver of the region's epidemics is, however, heterosexual intercourse, with commercial sex a prominent factor.
However, there is some optimism surrounding recent developments in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Barbados and Haiti, where HIV infection rates have declined in some areas. Changes in sexual behaviour are cited as one possible explanation."
No wonder the LATEST NEWS FEATURES released worldwide have included such alarm-sounding topics as:
"Fighting India's Aids apathy"
"DC's 'serious' HIV challenge"
"Russia wakes up to Aids epidemic"
"Japan's Aids time bomb"
"Number with HIV 'at highest yet'..." (no kidding)
"Brazil plans condom drive" (about time they do too)
and the understatement of the last three decades...
"Aids poses 'exceptional threat'..."
BBC Copyright 2005
The number of HIV infections in New Zealand is much smaller than Australia's. The route of infection is similarly dominated by sex between men, with most infections picked up abroad. Incidences on other Pacific islands remains low, but continuing high levels of sexually transmitted disease have raised concerns that the conditions for an epidemic remain."
People with HIV: 510,000
% of world's HIV cases: 1.2%
New cases: 67,000
Aids deaths: 58,000
"Once known as a region with relatively low levels of HIV, its advance is continuing, although sometimes poor availability of information does disrupt efforts to build-up a comprehensive picture.
There is evidence of increasing infections in countries such as Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Somalia. The main route of transmission is unprotected sexual contact, although injecting drug use is becoming more significant and is the primary route in both Libya and Iran. The prevalence of HIV in all populations is low, except for Sudan where despite recently intensified prevention efforts, HIV knowledge remains generally poor."
People with HIV: 300,000
% of world's HIV cases: 0.7%
New cases: 30,000
Aids deaths: 24,000
"Aids is the leading cause of death among 15 to 44-year-olds in the Caribbean, although national HIV prevalence varies from as much as 3% in Haiti to less than 0.2% in Cuba. There are concerns about inadequate information gathering in the region, as well as the infrequent acknowledgement of the role played by sex between men, which is widely stigmatised. The main driver of the region's epidemics is, however, heterosexual intercourse, with commercial sex a prominent factor.
However, there is some optimism surrounding recent developments in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Barbados and Haiti, where HIV infection rates have declined in some areas. Changes in sexual behaviour are cited as one possible explanation."
No wonder the LATEST NEWS FEATURES released worldwide have included such alarm-sounding topics as:
"Fighting India's Aids apathy"
"DC's 'serious' HIV challenge"
"Russia wakes up to Aids epidemic"
"Japan's Aids time bomb"
"Number with HIV 'at highest yet'..." (no kidding)
"Brazil plans condom drive" (about time they do too)
and the understatement of the last three decades...
"Aids poses 'exceptional threat'..."
BBC Copyright 2005
Wow... after eons gone by, Paul e-mailed a comment... (well, more like a sarcastic question, really...)
"God never regretted creating animals... but He regretted creating man... is that why we have aids and animals don't????"
Indubitably, Paul! ;)
"On blending in"... to sum it all up... Aids victims, just like cancer victims, still want to blend in - and they should too. They are ill - but illness should not be a social stygma.
However, the guy who has HIV and is careless about it - carrying on his social (and promiscuous) activities as if he knew not what he had... well... that guy (or gal, sure) should be hanged!
Flawed earthly justice has had to adapt to the times - make it prosecutable when someone tries to contaminate another person with his or her own HIV-infected blood... Such bizarre assaults have happened... in prisons most of the time...
Animals wouldn't do something so lame - see?
"God never regretted creating animals... but He regretted creating man... is that why we have aids and animals don't????"
Indubitably, Paul! ;)
"On blending in"... to sum it all up... Aids victims, just like cancer victims, still want to blend in - and they should too. They are ill - but illness should not be a social stygma.
However, the guy who has HIV and is careless about it - carrying on his social (and promiscuous) activities as if he knew not what he had... well... that guy (or gal, sure) should be hanged!
Flawed earthly justice has had to adapt to the times - make it prosecutable when someone tries to contaminate another person with his or her own HIV-infected blood... Such bizarre assaults have happened... in prisons most of the time...
Animals wouldn't do something so lame - see?
Unfotunately AIDS has been around my whole life. :(
When I was kid though people were not so open about talking about it.
Sex wasn't talked about openly either and since one way HIV = AIDS is contracted is through sex then it was hushed.
It has just gotten worse over the years. Poor little babies are even born with it sometimes if the Mother gets HIV. :( At lest those little babies will go to heaven for sure when they die from AIDS. Their little souls would go and be with God! (\ô/)
Actually Paul, Cats have a form of AIDS called FIV = Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. I am not sure what FIV is called once it is full blown, like it is called AIDS in humans after the HIV is full blown.
I had a cat that got FIV from defendiing his territory from another tom cat that came into our yard. :( They fought and the fluids were exchanged during the fight. Jethro got FIV from that. :(
We didn't allow him outside again so he wouldn't spread FIV to any other cats.
Animals also get Cancer, Arthritis, Epilepsy, and other things that humans get. God did not spare the animal kingdom from disease.
This is a sad topic, but one that is very much real over the whole world and needs to be talked about.
Thank You for posting these articles about the AIDS statistics all over the world. It really helps me understand how HIV - AIDS is affecting the rest of the world.
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
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When I was kid though people were not so open about talking about it.
Sex wasn't talked about openly either and since one way HIV = AIDS is contracted is through sex then it was hushed.
It has just gotten worse over the years. Poor little babies are even born with it sometimes if the Mother gets HIV. :( At lest those little babies will go to heaven for sure when they die from AIDS. Their little souls would go and be with God! (\ô/)
Actually Paul, Cats have a form of AIDS called FIV = Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. I am not sure what FIV is called once it is full blown, like it is called AIDS in humans after the HIV is full blown.
I had a cat that got FIV from defendiing his territory from another tom cat that came into our yard. :( They fought and the fluids were exchanged during the fight. Jethro got FIV from that. :(
We didn't allow him outside again so he wouldn't spread FIV to any other cats.
Animals also get Cancer, Arthritis, Epilepsy, and other things that humans get. God did not spare the animal kingdom from disease.
This is a sad topic, but one that is very much real over the whole world and needs to be talked about.
Thank You for posting these articles about the AIDS statistics all over the world. It really helps me understand how HIV - AIDS is affecting the rest of the world.
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
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