Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Paper War: Environmentalists Take On Victoria's Secret for Mailing More Than 1 Million Catalogs a Day!

What is so funny about this is that the publication that published the article decrying such an outrageous waste of paper is none other than... Time magazine... To my knowledge, Time magazine wastes a whole lot of paper too - with a mag that is more and more obsolete as... well... as time goes by!
Subscriptions to this mag are shoved down people's throats, with "free gifts" and discounts - which are more attractive to the customer than the prospect of having the magazine itself to read every week!
A magazine, of course, whose contents can easily be found online for free!
A magazine that even lost its aura of "collectibility" - if it ever had one!
A magazine that has no distinct "voice", drive or edge of its own either...
But who needs to even thumb through Time magazine OR a Victoria's Secret catalogue nowadays - eh? It is strictly dentist waiting room reading material, if you ask me!
As Veronica Electronica aka Esther aka "Ma-donna" sings rather redundantly - "time goes by... so slowly"... But that is another story...
Hmm... the story of my life? (Time-Life... get it? Of course you do!)
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Hell Hath No Fury... as the secretive paper-wasting lingerie-wearing woman (preferably named Victoria?) *LOL*
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