Saturday, December 10, 2005
Saturday Sports on TLB

On this date, in the wild world of sports (in ascending order - because, the further into the past we go, the more value it has!)
December 10, 1995 1st meeting of NBA expansion teams, Raptors beat Grizzlies 93-81 (see what I mean? The Raptors suck dinosaur eggs - and the Grizzlies have skipped their original town of birth a looooooong time ago... and suck just as bad!)
December 10, 1995 Kelly Robbins and Tammie Green win LPGA Diner's Club Golf Matches (hmm... where is the feat in that? Unless they skipped dinner to do so... I don't see much of an exploit here?!?)
December 10, 1995 Michael Slater scores 219 vs. Sri Lanka at the WACA (The WACA... I see... what is this? Cricket again?!?)
December 10, 1995 Muralitharan takes 2-224 in Australian innings of 5-617 (I guess that answers it...)
December 10, 1995 Ricky Ponting makes 96 on Test Cricket debut (Aust vs. Sri Lanka, WACA) Hmm... who in blue blazes is a cricket fan - aside from Charles, William and Harry?
December 10, 1995 Worst snowstorm in Buffalo history, 37.9" in 24 hours (Starting Dec 9 at 7 PM, breaks previous record of 25.3" in 1982) - Okay, what is this doing here? Well - my purpose is two-fold! I want to formulate the wish that we never see so much snow again (not even Buffalo deserves this!) And... I must confirm to all who live in "snowless territories" that YES - SNOW REMOVAL IS QUITE THE TAXING "SPORT"... all by itself as in itself!
December 10, 1994 60th Heisman Trophy Award: Rashaan Salaam, Colorado (RB) Hmm... so Rashaan here is beyond suspicion for any Al Qaida ties - because of the Heisman Iceman factor? But Cat Stevens wasn't...? Okaaaaay...
December 10, 1992 NHL awards franchises to Miami and Anaheim (for 1994-95) And, today, ten years later... we all wonder WHY!
December 10, 1992 New York Yankees sign free agent pitcher Jimmy Key (and he promptly proved to be the "key" to absolutely NOTHING!)
December 10, 1992 Orlando Magic scores 14 3-pointers (2 shy of record) (I say when magic is used, it isn't a valid exploit! At least the Boston Celtics records are all earned the good old-fashioned way! Yay! And those nasty rumors that they had help from some leprechaun are totally and completely unfounded - ok?)
December 10, 1991 Howard Spira sentenced to 2 years in prison for trying to extort money from Yankees owner George Steinbrenner (a dangerous sport to try and take away money from money-grubbing George...
December 10, 1988 Washington Capitals 1st NHL scoreless tie, vs Montreal Canadiens (also known as the most boring hockey game EVER - no wonder Montreal was involved...)
December 10, 1986 Atlanta Hawk Dominique Wilkins scores 57 points vs Chicago Bulls (he never scored that many either against or FOR Boston!)
December 10, 1983 58th Australian Womens Tennis: M Navratilova beats K Jordan (62 76) Hmm... the question is... who is K. Jordan? I am sure any lesbian who knows how to handle a tennis racket could have taken her...
December 10, 1983 Last NFL game at Shea Stadium; Steelers beat New York Jets 34-7 (Thus, the Jets go out of Shea with a whimper, a whine... and no other "W" of any kind! HA - the Jets can never beat the Patriots even when the Pats are at their very worse!)
December 10, 1982 Heavyweight Mike Doakes KOs Mike Weaver in 1:03 in Las Vegas (I predicted that too - before the fight, I remember saying the prophetic words "Mike is going to win this one!" *lol*)
December 10, 1978 67th Davis Cup: USA beats Great Britain in Rancho Mirage (4-1) (the USA have had Britain's number since 1776 - just one of those things in the wild, and often weird world of sports!)
December 10, 1978 Islanders ends 15 game undefeated streak (12-0-3) to Canadiens (hey - after fifteen big ones, the guys were understandably tired...! In 1978 the Big Bad Bruins were indeed big and bad... and the Broadstreet Bullies -aka the Philadelphia Flyers- were indeed bullies... and toothless, but that is another story... *lol*)
December 10, 1975 Terry Funk beats Jack Brisco in Miami Beach, to become NWA champ (Ric Flair hadn't begun his title collecting yet - they had to have SOMEBODY win the belt in the meantime... right?)
December 10, 1970 North American Soccer League awards New York and Toronto franchises (Toronto, as usual, fizzles fast - but New York rallies to its cause all the top international soccer players money can buy! European football I should say, since I know better than to call it "soccer"... sucka! *lol* At the height of blaxploitation flicks in the USA, they bring in black superstar Pélé to headline an all-star line-up that still manages to disappoint - just like the Yankees, Rangers, Islanders, Jets, Giants, Mets... all do all the time! They had to be all-stars though - the team was named the New York Cosmos...!)
December 10, 1968 Joe Frazier beats Oscar Bonavena in 15 rounds for the heavyweight boxing title (not all Oscars are worth the same - Bonavena was no De La Hoya...)
December 10, 1961 Houston Oiler Billy Cannon gains record 373 yards against Titans (Cronus was not pleased - Thia was seen flirting with Billy during half-time...)
December 10, 1958 University of Pittsburgh agrees to buy Forbes Field from the Pirates (har-har - what a deal for the old sea dogs... eh?)
December 10, 1954 Philadelphia Phillies purchase Connie Mack Stadium (yeah - it was the stadium purchasing boom in the fifties - in Pennsylvania anyway! Stadiums were cheap - land was cheap - everything was cheap! Ahh - now those were the days!)
December 10, 1939 Green Bay Packers win NFL championship, beat New York Giants 27-0 (couldn't have happened to a nicer town - New York deserves the trouncing! ;)
December 10, 1938 26th CFL Grey Cup: Toronto Argonauts defeats Winnipeg Blue Bombers, 30-7 (the real-life Winnie The Pooh, who did reside in Winnipeg and was female, was spared the result...)
December 10, 1935 A's sell Jimmie Foxx to the Red Sox for $150,000 (they sold the Babe, but bought the Fox(x) - it all evens out I suppose...)
December 10, 1935 White Sox sell Al Simmons to the Tigers for $75,000 (isn't that kind of cheap - even for those days?)
December 10, 1934 NFL adopts player waiver rule; applies after 6th game of season (trash collection can be done at anytime during the season though - just ask Terrell Owens this year...)
December 10, 1929 Bradman scores 225 in 2nd inn of Test Cricket trial after 124 in 1st (if that was merely a test - what will the actual thing be like...?!? Maybe not much after all - since "Bradman" here is not even illustrious enough to have his first name remembered here...!)
December 10, 1924 Aggreement reached on permanent rotation of World Series with each league, getting games 1, 2, 6, 7 in alternating years (I am not sure the Red Sox were happy about that in 1986... but they didn't mind it at all in 2004... Red Sox won! :)
December 10, 1922 Pete Henry makes longest known NFL drop-kicked field goal, 45 yards (it is official - I have inexorably contaminated by pro-wrestling! I keep seeing a wrestling type of dropkick when I try to visualize in my mind's eye a "drop-kicked field goal". Sheesh! To my defense, a great number of former football players have become pro-wrestlers as well in the decades since 1922...)
December 10, 1919 NL votes to ban the spitball's use by all new pitchers (yeah - ban that! Yuck - the "spitball" - that is disgusting! Bet you the Black Sox used that one...)
December 10, 1919 NY, Boston, and Chicago, oppose American League resolution accusing Ban Johnson of overstepping his duties... (my - of course! The big-spending clubs to the rescue of... "Ban"! Why, they couldn't let them just... ban Ban (!) now, could they?) *lol*
I'd say this was a typo and that the real name there was to be Ben Johnson... but then I would make other funnies, more aggravating this time, with the modern-day Ben Johnson in mind... so... let's just quit while we're ahead here - shall we?
No predictions on the week-end's match-ups - I am not following anything anymore! I couldn't give a flying gig who wins, who loses and who chokes this week-end! Or the one after that... Or the one after that... Or... the one after that...!
If you care to check out the veracity of these historical facts - be my guest and click on the link at the bottom of this post...!