Monday, December 12, 2005
The shadow of death...

Stanley "Tookie" Williams sure is "a deadman walking" through the valley of death - or he is set to be one soon. As I pointed out in the luminous blog's "brother blog" (linked here for thy convenience, faithful ones!) - clemency should be awarded to the repentant (and sincerely so) criminal... His deeds seem to show genuine repentance is present in his heart (which prompted a movie made about his life story to claim '"Redemption"' was his already - we shall see... on Judgment Day, not before!) and besides; the Governator does not want a repeat of the L.A. Riots... I know he likes sequels, or used to anyhow - but not this time, Ah-nold...
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I commented on your other blog about this subject.
Thanks for bringing this up. It is something that I know a lot of people are probably torn about. Feeling like he should pay for his crimes, yet that he did do good.
God Bleses You (\ô/)Luce!
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Thanks for bringing this up. It is something that I know a lot of people are probably torn about. Feeling like he should pay for his crimes, yet that he did do good.
God Bleses You (\ô/)Luce!
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