Sunday, December 11, 2005
Statistics Sundays - Alarming Edition
Instead of just linking this on the sidebar, where it would get lost as a link among fifty other links (albeit luminous links...!) I might as well comment the major (as most alarming) figures here and leave the link at the top and the bottom of this post - the long-awaited return of Statistics Sundays (correct?).
It is still only one link among others even within this post though - as you shall soon see... read on!
*Every day, 2,300 children are reported missing in the United States.
*Statistics show that in 1990 there were over 650,000 missing persons reported to the FBI's National Crime Information Center.
*In 1994 there were 954,896 reports, an increase of over 43%. The FBI estimates that of all the entries, 85 to 90 percent of these are children.
*An estimated 18.6% of inmates serving time in State prisons in 1991 for violent crimes, or about 1,000 offenders nationwide, had been convicted of a crime against a victim under age 18.
*1 in 5 violent offenders serving time in a State prison reported having victimized a child.
*More than half the violent crimes committed against children involved victims age 12 or younger.
*7 in 10 offenders with child victims reported that they were imprisoned for a rape or sexual assault.
*Two-thirds of all prisoners convicted of rape or sexual assault had committed their crime against a child.
*All but 3% of offenders who committed violent crimes against children were male.
*Offenders who had victimized a child were on average 5 years older than the violent offenders who had committed their crimes against adults. Nearly 25% of child victimizers were age 40 or older, but about 10% of the inmates with adult victims fell in that age range.
*While nearly 70% of those serving time for violent crimes against children were white, whites accounted for 40% of those imprisoned for violent crimes against adults.
From children to teens now: In the next twenty-four hours, 1,439 Teens will attempt suicide.
*Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-to-24 years old, and the sixth leading cause of death for 5-to-14 year old.
*In the next twenty four hours, 15,006 Teens will use drugs for the first time.
(from Teen Help.)
*Every 4 minutes a youth is arrested for an alcohol related crime.
(From Crime Time by Safe Place.)
Sexual abuse was reported up to 80,000 times in 1995.
(From Facts for Families.)
*In the next twenty four hours, 3,506 Teens will run away.
(from Teen Help.)
*Every 2 hours a youth is murdered.(From Crime Time by Safe Place.)
*Comparing 1986 and 1992, rape by all age groups were up 7 percent overall nationwide, but rapes by juveniles 16 and under during the same period were up 14 percent. (from Violent Crimes by Pre-Teens Increasing.)
*-"While the crime rate for adults has decreased in recent years, the juvenile crime rate has grown alarmingly. The homicide rate among 18 to 24 years old increased 65% and the rate for 14 to 17 year-old increased 165%."
*In a recent Australian study of 1,500 gay and lesbian adolescents, 80% had not told their parents of their same sex attraction. Studies over the past 7 years have indicated that 25% to 40% of young lesbians and gays have attempted suicide.
(From "Here For Life" Youth Sexuality Project.)
*Every 7 minutes a youth is arrested for a drug crime.
(From Crime Time by Safe Place.)
I would be remiss if, after mentioning so many "teen items", I would not also tackle Teenage Smoking...
*Each day, nearly 4,800 adolescents (aged 11-17) smoke their first cigarette -it is estimated that at least 4.5 million U.S. adolescents are cigarette smokers
*Approximately 90 percent of smokers begin smoking before the age of 21
*In the US, 26.3 million men (27.6%) and 22.7 million women (22.1%) are smokers
-350,863 Americans have died prematurely this year from the effects of smoking.
Aye - tis a fine planet we live on...
It is still only one link among others even within this post though - as you shall soon see... read on!
*Every day, 2,300 children are reported missing in the United States.
*Statistics show that in 1990 there were over 650,000 missing persons reported to the FBI's National Crime Information Center.
*In 1994 there were 954,896 reports, an increase of over 43%. The FBI estimates that of all the entries, 85 to 90 percent of these are children.
*An estimated 18.6% of inmates serving time in State prisons in 1991 for violent crimes, or about 1,000 offenders nationwide, had been convicted of a crime against a victim under age 18.
*1 in 5 violent offenders serving time in a State prison reported having victimized a child.
*More than half the violent crimes committed against children involved victims age 12 or younger.
*7 in 10 offenders with child victims reported that they were imprisoned for a rape or sexual assault.
*Two-thirds of all prisoners convicted of rape or sexual assault had committed their crime against a child.
*All but 3% of offenders who committed violent crimes against children were male.
*Offenders who had victimized a child were on average 5 years older than the violent offenders who had committed their crimes against adults. Nearly 25% of child victimizers were age 40 or older, but about 10% of the inmates with adult victims fell in that age range.
*While nearly 70% of those serving time for violent crimes against children were white, whites accounted for 40% of those imprisoned for violent crimes against adults.
From children to teens now: In the next twenty-four hours, 1,439 Teens will attempt suicide.
*Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-to-24 years old, and the sixth leading cause of death for 5-to-14 year old.
*In the next twenty four hours, 15,006 Teens will use drugs for the first time.
(from Teen Help.)
*Every 4 minutes a youth is arrested for an alcohol related crime.
(From Crime Time by Safe Place.)
Sexual abuse was reported up to 80,000 times in 1995.
(From Facts for Families.)
*In the next twenty four hours, 3,506 Teens will run away.
(from Teen Help.)
*Every 2 hours a youth is murdered.(From Crime Time by Safe Place.)
*Comparing 1986 and 1992, rape by all age groups were up 7 percent overall nationwide, but rapes by juveniles 16 and under during the same period were up 14 percent. (from Violent Crimes by Pre-Teens Increasing.)
*-"While the crime rate for adults has decreased in recent years, the juvenile crime rate has grown alarmingly. The homicide rate among 18 to 24 years old increased 65% and the rate for 14 to 17 year-old increased 165%."
*In a recent Australian study of 1,500 gay and lesbian adolescents, 80% had not told their parents of their same sex attraction. Studies over the past 7 years have indicated that 25% to 40% of young lesbians and gays have attempted suicide.
(From "Here For Life" Youth Sexuality Project.)
*Every 7 minutes a youth is arrested for a drug crime.
(From Crime Time by Safe Place.)
I would be remiss if, after mentioning so many "teen items", I would not also tackle Teenage Smoking...
*Each day, nearly 4,800 adolescents (aged 11-17) smoke their first cigarette -it is estimated that at least 4.5 million U.S. adolescents are cigarette smokers
*Approximately 90 percent of smokers begin smoking before the age of 21
*In the US, 26.3 million men (27.6%) and 22.7 million women (22.1%) are smokers
-350,863 Americans have died prematurely this year from the effects of smoking.

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Wow, what a comeback of Statistics Sundays that is!
Sad but true, all of it!
A few weeks ago I saw two warning posters of sex offenders that were supposed to be in the area, when I was in a state/govornment building.
One of them was a convicted child molestor! The other was warned about but hadn't been caught yet and convicted.
One of the men reminded me just a tiny bit of one of my friends! I KNOW it wasn't him though. lol
The guy on the poster was older and is from a different part of the US! *whew*
Plus I know my friend would NEVER do that!
It is scary when sex offenders are let out of prison! They just go back to doing it again! Most times they are worse because they haven't been able to feed their sick fantasys!
Teen violence is so scary! The way some have brought guns to school and shot people with it! The way they get involved in gangs so they can feel a part of something, and then end up killing or being killed. *shakes head*
It shows what kinds of adults they will be when they are already so violent when they are teens!
May those teens come to know God and change their ways, before it is too late!
I know that smoking and doing drugs is a big peer presure thing for teens. I am just so glad that God made me smart enough (I think) and strong enough inside to make up my mind when I was very young that I NEVER would smoke or do drugs or drink! I never have started doing any of those things.
I wonder how many kids/teens say NO to drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol! Or at least to one or two of those 3!
Luce thanks for giving us all these statictics. They are good statictics to know, even though the topic isn't a happy one. It is something we should be informed about.
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
Sad but true, all of it!
A few weeks ago I saw two warning posters of sex offenders that were supposed to be in the area, when I was in a state/govornment building.
One of them was a convicted child molestor! The other was warned about but hadn't been caught yet and convicted.
One of the men reminded me just a tiny bit of one of my friends! I KNOW it wasn't him though. lol
The guy on the poster was older and is from a different part of the US! *whew*
Plus I know my friend would NEVER do that!
It is scary when sex offenders are let out of prison! They just go back to doing it again! Most times they are worse because they haven't been able to feed their sick fantasys!
Teen violence is so scary! The way some have brought guns to school and shot people with it! The way they get involved in gangs so they can feel a part of something, and then end up killing or being killed. *shakes head*
It shows what kinds of adults they will be when they are already so violent when they are teens!
May those teens come to know God and change their ways, before it is too late!
I know that smoking and doing drugs is a big peer presure thing for teens. I am just so glad that God made me smart enough (I think) and strong enough inside to make up my mind when I was very young that I NEVER would smoke or do drugs or drink! I never have started doing any of those things.
I wonder how many kids/teens say NO to drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol! Or at least to one or two of those 3!
Luce thanks for giving us all these statictics. They are good statictics to know, even though the topic isn't a happy one. It is something we should be informed about.
God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
As appalling as those statistics are now, they will unfortunately continue to increase in number and frequency! I have no idea of your beliefs as far as the bible is concerned, but it tells us that as it was in the time of Noah, so shall it be in the end times.
We are but beginning to see the tip of the iceberg! That is what we get for having free will, now we need to make the choice that will be of the most importance, and that is what do we do with the rest of our life?
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We are but beginning to see the tip of the iceberg! That is what we get for having free will, now we need to make the choice that will be of the most importance, and that is what do we do with the rest of our life?
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