Tuesday, January 31, 2006
in memoriam

This girl was murdered while on the job, in Québec, Canada recently.
She had the night shift in a gas station, see...
Her funeral took place yesterday morning - and was televised.
The shocking details of her grisly murder were one factor that prompted the TVA network to give this girl nextdoor the same treatment they had given to home-made network spokesperson and star Marie-Soleil Tougas when she died prematurely in an aircraft accident, on the same year Lady Diana Spencer crossed over as well...
Mayhaps another factor was that this girl nextdoor's family is being let down, like so many others before, by an inadequate system of support for the families of crime victims in that part of Canada - incidentally where crime is flourishing in recent months...
There are three programs of indemnification in Quebec - the SAAQ would have paid her family the best... the catch though is that it would have indeminified her family with the whupping sum of 50,000$ only if she had been run over by the car of her murderer...
The CSST will pay her family only 7500$ - and that is because she was ON THE JOB at the time that she was brutally killed...
The third program (the IVAC - the latter three letters standing for "victimes d'actes criminels") would have only given her family a little 3000$ had she been a homebody - and this primarily due to her age... meaning it could have been LESS!
Can you believe this...
DISCRIMINATION regarding the way one's family DIED.
The most outlandish scenario is what would have been better taken care of - what were the odds that she would have been run over by a car behind her cash register?!?
This WAS a self-service gas station!
She was being exploited in a lousy job with lousy hours (obviously hazardous time of day) and lousy pay... and for THAT she is awarded some sort of "basic" fund for her FUNERAL COSTS... I am sure her family is grateful for that!
But, if she had been a TRULY NICE GIRL - who stays home in the family, does her homework, helps take care of a little sibling or niece or nephew... walks the dog at the most... does not take a job on the market away from someone who truly needs it (although that someone would have likely been stabbed to death in her place) - if she dies THEN... under THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES... SHE ISN'T WORTHY OF A DECENT FUNERAL?!? SHE GETS A MEASLY 3000$ FOR HER FUNERAL?!? (Actually only less than half of that is to be for funeral costs... but those are details...)
No wonder that the local association for crime victims (L'Association des Familles des Personnes Assassinées Ou Disparues) plans on protesting - AGAIN - this aberrant discrepancy between these three programs...
The former Minister of Justice in Québec, Marc Bellemarre was dug out of mothballs on this occasion (he whose own daughter made the news - but because she was a stripper despite being the daughter of a minister of Justice! Far from being the same kind of daughter the slain victim was... extremely far from even beginning to compare with her... Bellemarre is out of politics thanks to that too...)
Bellemarre, while with the Liberal Party campaign three years ago, promised that the uniformization of these compensations to the families of crime victims was coming soon... This still hasn't been done and the Liberal government is nearing the end of its mandate now...
Another mother of a slain victim was seen this week - the media remembered the case of a girl who was beaten to death in Montreal in 2001 - and, in her case, the IVAC decided on the measly sum of 600 dollars as sufficient indemnifaction. That victim's mother kept the cheque but never cashed it in - she views it as an insult and will not accept that, according to some bureaucrats, her daughter's life is WORTH ONLY 600 BUCKS.
How subjective the question of worth is - you see?
This must be the topic of the week now, on TLB Prime! Topics have this way of imposing themselves upon you... like characters impose their "will" on writers sometimes... just ask King, Rice or Crichton about that sometime!
The truth is, MILLIONS could not replace a departed loved one - especially when that loved one died a violent death that he or she had not deserved... met an ignominious end he or she had not had coming.
And the fact is, those who do have it coming seldom get it.
The three bastards who stabbed this gas station attendant until she expired in a pool of her own blood will likely live for years to come... "pay their debt to society"... and move on with their truly *worthless* lives (indeed, "worth" is the topic of the week...)
They had nothing better to do that night than to go rob some place... and they could not steal without killing?
To be fair, one of the three was apparently not implicated in the stabbing - but Sébastien Simon and Sergio Moniz (name rings a bell) WILL BURN IN HELL...
Brigitte Serre was only 17 years-old... SEVENTEEN YEARS-OLD!
She was worthier of the luxury of being alive than many among us... A GREAT MANY OF US... she didn't hurt anyone, she didn't belittle anyone - heck, she was in sales, wasn't she? She HAD to like everyone.
In her case though - the customers were neither RIGHT...
Nor worthy of a good service.
Labels: commemorative