Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's Officially The Year Of The Dog - Here's Something For All The Underdogs Out There...!


Aye - an asterisk could have been added to it though... and even I forgot to do so!

"What other people deem important" - HA! What other people? That is the question indeed! If it is the kind of people who have turned this planet into the... ah... sad place it is now (not a "mudball" - in and by itself, the planet is a wonderful place ~ the gem of God's Creation ~ mother earth, gaea ~ the one place where life was created! Special place indeed... however, we have seen it grow contaminated and go from bad to worse due to the presence here of the pernicious creatures called "entrepreneurial humanoids of the industrial age" - those devils who have run roughshod over mother earth's ecosystem and plan to continue to do so - all in the not-so mighty name of... profit! But that is another story... another sad story... yeah)

Thus, what THESE kind of people deem important is certainly NOT important one iota.

"Only (we) know what is best for (us)..." is a statement that applies only for the more spiritual of us - the ones among us who have achieved a fine balance between the material world around them, the soul, the mind, the spirit, the body - all fine tuned to the truth of themselves and the Greater Truth of God.

For, there is ONE who does know what's best for us... GOD.

But no one else on this earth knows... but ourselves.

Again, however, I pity the wayward feeble teeny one who "thinks he knows best" - and is totally and completely clueless.

That was goes out especially for one Kae Nash... who, despite the effeminate name, is allegedly male... or a tomboy... I don't really give a damn!

"He/she" called Kae has not the guts to even try to post here if not anonymously... alas for "it", no anonymous comments are allowed here!

That is true also for others of his ilk - the cyber bratpackers without any clue, cause or conscience.

Life will teach them all such a terrible, horrid lesson...

It will not be a pretty sight.
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