Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Time to kill this week-end? Online? Try this...

You have time to waste on a Saturday afternoon? And I know for a fact that some of you certainly do - the wet behind the ears, antagonistic without much of a good reason to be, teeny-weeny, eternal adolescents among you, that is! Well then - try this link today!

Beats frequenting the same old same old message boards where the mentality of the wolf pack permeates the premises... where they act like jackals really, lest it be vultures... where no one can handle the truth when it is served to them, at long last!

The link is about the MIND... a site without much in terms of sound, however it does bring out a new perception of things... It is a dimension all onto its own! Next stop: no, not the Twilight Zone! Fooled ya! ;)

If that doesn't work...
As I once had the tradition to do here, "Saturday sports" seems a given!
The week-end has always appeared to be the ideal time of the week to either watch or practice sports... and maybe get injured in the process and claim insurance money while collecting from sick leave as well... but that is another story!

And then there are those with a bad fever on these days... usually the same crowd as those mentioned above - the wet behind the ears, antagonistic without much of a good reason to be, teeny-weeny, eternal adolescents...!
I always think of the youngest, nerdiest one in Saturday Night Fever at times like these... You know which one... the one who falls off the bridge? That one, yes!
But enough about them!
Have a nice week-end - the rest of you! :)

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