Tuesday, February 07, 2006
more protests to be expected...
Most men are individuals no longer so far as their business, its activities, or its moralities are concerned. They are not units but fractions. - Charles Dickens (1812-1870).
Ah - my dear fellow insightful linguist! Just as with me, with the long, complicated phrases difficult to grasp in the first reading...!
Although my true inspiration remains Lucian, Greek scribe of the 2nd Century!
Tis as it should be, indeed. :)
As Dickens put it though, too many individuals are no more than the mouthpieces of their trade... mere "fractions" of it hence... such as, oh, I don't know... the defenders and champions of the liberty of the press?
Onwards to press with anything that might offend, stir up controversy... it pays dividends! Oops - sometimes it does NOT pay dividends - at all.
Note also that, ironically, The Champions and The Defenders have largely been unsuccessful titles for both TV series as comic-bookies... but that is another story.
Alas, the violent protests in the Arab world have continued - and have turned deadly.
The situation is grave.
However, as with my own personal dramas, during which trials I credit my sense of humor -and GOD, chiefly- for having preserved my sanity through it all...
I dare suggest some levity at this time to better "swallow" THIS particular bitter pill (especially if your loved ones are endangered in all of those embassies targeted...)
I offer, quite humbly, my own caricature at this time...
I rather doubt that such an outrage would incite the TLB Prime fans -the few, the proud, the l.o.v.'s- to turn aggressive and, say... torch down Blogger headquarters in... uh... wherever they may be actually!

Yes... tis me, standing ready to go on the next crusade! Fighting fire with fire! That's the way to go - right? Not - I know. Remember - this is just a bit of levity!
Courtesy of South Park too - on the link here provided! Knock yourselves out doing similar depictions of yourselves, your family members and friends... heck, it truly can get amusing when you do a South Parkian version of your boss, or your neighbors... or anyone that you sort of despise... but that is another story.
I am mighty proud of mine - the "fighting fire with fire" bit is allegorically represented (not so subtly though, I admit) by my carrying the scimitar, the traditional arabian sword... on one hand. And in the other, a true firey weapon - a light-saber! Goes with the luminous, you know... So does the cross motif. The great thing about these South Park toons is that they can evoke any kind of resemblance - without giving it all. Great generic quality - but also a dead-on similitude. Here, the luciano likeness is striking - it tells of my passing resemblance with Bill Murray, Oliver Platt, Philippe Noiret and Leo McKern quite well too - without being able to emphasize what traits it might be that I share with each stalwart though (hint: most of it is in the eyes - but that is not all, far from it!). Gee... I'd never thought I'd be praising the merits of the art in South Park on this blog (maybe on the lunacy blog but not on this one, no!). Is it that apparent that this is sort of a "fill-in" post, published only because I am tired of commenting this sad "controversial cartoon affair" already...?
Ah - my dear fellow insightful linguist! Just as with me, with the long, complicated phrases difficult to grasp in the first reading...!
Although my true inspiration remains Lucian, Greek scribe of the 2nd Century!
Tis as it should be, indeed. :)
As Dickens put it though, too many individuals are no more than the mouthpieces of their trade... mere "fractions" of it hence... such as, oh, I don't know... the defenders and champions of the liberty of the press?
Onwards to press with anything that might offend, stir up controversy... it pays dividends! Oops - sometimes it does NOT pay dividends - at all.
Note also that, ironically, The Champions and The Defenders have largely been unsuccessful titles for both TV series as comic-bookies... but that is another story.
Alas, the violent protests in the Arab world have continued - and have turned deadly.
The situation is grave.
However, as with my own personal dramas, during which trials I credit my sense of humor -and GOD, chiefly- for having preserved my sanity through it all...
I dare suggest some levity at this time to better "swallow" THIS particular bitter pill (especially if your loved ones are endangered in all of those embassies targeted...)
I offer, quite humbly, my own caricature at this time...
I rather doubt that such an outrage would incite the TLB Prime fans -the few, the proud, the l.o.v.'s- to turn aggressive and, say... torch down Blogger headquarters in... uh... wherever they may be actually!

Yes... tis me, standing ready to go on the next crusade! Fighting fire with fire! That's the way to go - right? Not - I know. Remember - this is just a bit of levity!
Courtesy of South Park too - on the link here provided! Knock yourselves out doing similar depictions of yourselves, your family members and friends... heck, it truly can get amusing when you do a South Parkian version of your boss, or your neighbors... or anyone that you sort of despise... but that is another story.
I am mighty proud of mine - the "fighting fire with fire" bit is allegorically represented (not so subtly though, I admit) by my carrying the scimitar, the traditional arabian sword... on one hand. And in the other, a true firey weapon - a light-saber! Goes with the luminous, you know... So does the cross motif. The great thing about these South Park toons is that they can evoke any kind of resemblance - without giving it all. Great generic quality - but also a dead-on similitude. Here, the luciano likeness is striking - it tells of my passing resemblance with Bill Murray, Oliver Platt, Philippe Noiret and Leo McKern quite well too - without being able to emphasize what traits it might be that I share with each stalwart though (hint: most of it is in the eyes - but that is not all, far from it!). Gee... I'd never thought I'd be praising the merits of the art in South Park on this blog (maybe on the lunacy blog but not on this one, no!). Is it that apparent that this is sort of a "fill-in" post, published only because I am tired of commenting this sad "controversial cartoon affair" already...?