Thursday, March 09, 2006
After yesterday's festivities - what better than PANIC DAY?

Panic Day, (March 9th): Bored with being calm? Does Peace of Mind leave you cold? Is peer group pressure causing you to conform to a rigid state of blissful tranquility? Take Heart! Its time to come completely off your hinges! This is YOUR day to celebrate with total frenzy, utter hysteria and, of course, bone-jarring PANIC! So take a deep breath, say "AAAAAAAAAARGH!" and have yourself a truly wonderful Panic Day!
Aye - panicking is good for the ol' blood pressure, I'm sure...
I would equate "total frenzy" with throwing a tantrum, perhaps...
However, panicking -whether it gets to be bone-jarring or not- is something else entirely.
Panic stems from fear which itself stems from an inability to face the unknown.
They say that we have only to fear fear itself...
Hence, does it mean that we can only panic in the face of panic itself?
That would explain mass hysteria, I guess, however that sort of phenomenon translates itself into uncontrolled rage -rioting- and that would be closer to frenzy and tantrums again...
Panicking peeps never struck me as fearsome one bit - they did however look terrified and so they were running scared. Their stampeding all in the same direction is what can make a crowd-full of them "dangerous" in any way...
Whatever the true essence of "panic" really is - today one and all are encouraged to allow it to overwhelm reason and composure both (and, perhaps, civilism and plain ol' good manners too!) and cry that primal scream... hopefully somewhere where nobody can hear you!
Enjoy yourselves... I guess!