Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Let's Hear It For The Ladies Today!

When men realize where the power lays!
Truly, it is fair that it is this way!
For without the ladies, life would not be gay!
(in the original sense of the word! Of course! There would be NO life at all even - who would have the baby? No - I do not mind being born in a matriachy - most days anyway! But that is another story...!)

So let's hear for the ladies today - and let's hear it far and wide!
They may still want us to hear them roar today though - maybe even moreso than usual!
They may not want to hear other things too - like that, no matter how emancipated they've become, they are so much more at home in the kitchen than us guys are!
They know what to do in there; we don't!
(Most of the Great Chefs are male though - what can I say; God Works in mysterious ways!)
Today, the ladies might not want to hear also that, in the world of publicity, a lady still sells anything and everything better than anybody else!

Sales pitches and curves go together like... a horse and carriage... love and marriage! That sort of thing!
Sue me - I'm old-fashioned!
Many Blessings! Especially if you're a lady!
Especially in the light that we've lost a very good one Monday...
Earth's loss ~ Heaven's gain!