Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

the prisoners

Off the top of my head, I can think of a number of real jerks, low-life creeps that could be deemed "expendable" - truly! If any one of these types were "taken away" and never to be seen again, their immediate environment would actually IMPROVE with the "loss"!

However, these are not the ones who get elected for kidnapping and prolonged captivity. Not at all. No one wants to kidnap and much less KEEP a jerk! Instead, they will take away the good, the best, the angelic ones among us!
People like Ingrid Betancourt, Clara Rojas and Marc Beltra.
Or Céline Henry, who went to work in a foreign country, genuinely seeking to help develop Nepalese social conditions - and, once her contract expired, she vanished too and was never seen again. A blog has been set up about her mysterious disappearance too: see it here.

Those are the ideal targets - and the ones who will pay for the sins of their political systems.
Those who are willing to make a difference in this wretched world of ours.
Those who venture far away from their mass-consuming, mass-wasting countries to go where the surplus of food and goods is never sent - just for safe-keeping of the system!
The idealistic ones who will go to third world countries in order to HELP.
An idealist may not be a realist but it is the closest thing to an angel that we have here, "stranded on Earth" as I blogged recently enough...

Ingrid and Clara have been missing for over 4 years now!
Marc vanished in 2003; and Céline is missing since last September.
None of them may ever be seen again.
I have always wondered who exactly would notice if I disappeared too - aside from the obvious "usual suspects" that is... of course.
The jerks I alluded to earlier will be sticking around for a looooooong time to come though, I am sure...

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